Democratic party endorses 2019 anti-Semite of the year

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's endorsement of 2019 Anti-Semite of the Year Ilhan Omar, a dubious honor for which Omar defeated the Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan along with white supremacist Richard Spencer, means the Democratic Party can no longer argue that Omar and her fellow "Squad" members (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley) are outliers who do not represent the party as a whole. We can use this wedge issue to force the entire Democratic Party in an untenable position that is likely to cost it millions of votes in November. Readers can help by sharing this information on social media and in other venues.

Ilhan Omar has a problem with Jews, as shown by:

  1. “It’s all about the Benjamins [$100 bills]" with which "the Jews" buy influence.
  2. "Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and let them see the evil doings of Israel."
  3. Indirect (non-material) support for Hamas and other terrorists through the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement. It is illegal to give, for example, a million dollars to Hamas but it is legal to cause a million dollars in economic harm to Israel though BDS.
  4. Omar has gone further by comparing a boycott of Israel to a boycott of the Nazis, when BDS is actually today's counterpart of boycotting the UK to give aid and comfort to the Nazis.

Ilhan Omar is such a proficient anti-Semite that former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and Daily Stormer writer Eric Striker were willing to overlook her less-than-Aryan skin color to endorse her as follows: "Dr Duke & Eric Striker: By Defiance to Z.O.G. Ilhan Omar is NOW the most important Member of the US Congress!" This is a direct quote from David Duke's own website, which I am not going to link here. ZOG is of course the so-called Zionist Occupied Government. Eric Striker is "…the pseudonym of a writer for the white supremacist Daily Stormer," a website so repulsive that no mainstream Internet service provider will host it. This has not stopped Bernie Sanders from endorsing Ilhan Omar either.

Demand that the Democrats Repudiate Ilhan Omar

It's not like Ilhan Omar is the only Democratic candidate in her district; progressive Democrat Antone Melton-Meaux is challenging her in the primary. Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders could have helped get rid of Omar the way the Republicans got rid of Steve King (R-IA) who said he didn't see what was offensive about  white nationalism and white supremacism; they endorsed the 2019 Anti-Semite of the Year instead. We should therefore use social media, letters to the editor, and talk radio to demand that one of the following happen:

  1. Speaker Pelosi, as head of the Democratic Party, must repudiate immediately her endorsement of Omar.
  2. Should Pelosi refuse to do this, the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives needs to remove her as Speaker.
  3. Joe Biden must refuse Ilhan Omar's endorsement the same way Republicans have refused to accept the support of white supremacists.

It doesn't matter whether the Democrats even pay attention to us. All that needs to happen is that the issue be publicized as widely as possible to compel the entire party to (1) alienate its entire left wing by disowning Omar or (2) alienate its centrist middle-class base by not disowning her. If the blue-collar workers who helped elect Trump in 2016 turn out to support him again in 2020, or are at least sufficiently disgusted with their party to not show up at all, we will have a Republican landslide at the polls.

Civis Americanus is the pen name of a contributor who remembers the lessons of history and wants to ensure that our country never needs to learn those lessons again the hard way. He or she is remaining anonymous due to the likely prospect of being subjected to "cancel culture" for exposing the Big Lie behind Black Lives Matter.

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