Black Lives Matter turns its back on child victims

The news is filled with stories of black children dying or exposed to violence in Democrat-run cities.  Actor Terry Crews, a rare principled individual in Hollywood, is refusing to back down from saying that all lives matter, a belief that inevitably demands that blacks address violence in their communities.

Faced with Crews's moral stance, CNN's Don Lemon announced that Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with black violence or dead black children.  It was an illuminating admission, to say the least.

The news, lately, is heartbreaking.  The mobs are gone, and so are the police.  Without police, violence in black communities is soaring, and children die.  Here are just a few of the stories.

On Sunday, a man was fatally shot in the Bronx as he walked across the street, holding his six-year-old daughter by the hand.  In the video, we see the terrified child, whose father has just been executed in front of her, run away.  Be warned that while you won't see bloody details in the video, it's a brutal snuff film:



On Saturday night in Atlanta, Black Lives Matters "protesters" killed an eight-year-old girl when her mother drove into a Black Lives Matter encampment.  Her parents understand that black lives didn’t matter to these psychopaths.

Also on Saturday, an 11-year-old boy was killed by a stray bullet when five adult men started firing their guns.  His grandfather, the founder of D.C.'s Guardian Angels chapter, also understands that, to the psychopaths firing wildly on city streets, black lives don't matter:

Terry Crews, unusually for someone in Hollywood, will not apologize for saying all lives matter:

Crews later appeared on dead-eyed Don Lemon's CNN program.  He made what was, to Lemon, a horrifying statement: if Black Lives Matter is to mean something, it must address black-on-black crime.

Crews is concerned that the BLM movement cannot be criticized.  He sees a "dangerous self-righteousness" that makes the movement "almost supremacist," say that "their black lives mattered a lot more than mine."

Lemon black-splains to Crews that any civil rights change is always viewed as extremism.  Crews, however, properly responds that if black civil rights movements don't have a non-racial component that improves society for all, people just end up moving from "one oppressor to the next."  King; Mandela; and, eventually, Malcolm X all understood this.

Then Crews reaches the nub of his argument, which is that black-on-black violence is killing children — and the Black Lives Matter movement has said nothing.  A perplexed Lemon asks what that has to do with equality.  Lemon says the gun culture and poverty are different from equality.  To him, it's apples and oranges.

Crews responds with the unforgivable truth: "Black people need to hold other black people accountable."  Blacks, he says, have to have their own version of the MeToo movement.  He reminds Lemon that good people are held hostage by the predators in black communities who then have the temerity to claim that black lives matter.

And it's at this moment that Don Lemon states the truth, which is that Black Lives Matter is a purely political movement that has nothing to do with black lives mattering:

The Black Lives Matter movement was started because there was talking about police brutality. If you want an All Black Lives Matter movement that talks about gun violence in communities, including black communities, then start that movement with that name. But that's not what Black Lives Matter is about.

Dead-eyed Don doesn't realize that "All Black Lives Matter" and "Black Lives Matter" mean essentially the same thing.  He tries an analogy: Crews, he says, is like someone claiming a group named "Cancer Matters" should also care about HIV.  What Lemon doesn't grasp is that cancer is not HIV, but black lives are black lives.

Terry Crews deserves a medal for his willingness to die on the hill of equality for all and, more importantly, the hill of personal responsibility.  No matter what whites have done, are doing, or will do, until blacks take responsibility for the violence that plagues the underclass, people, including innocent children, will continue to die

Image: Twitter screen grab.



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