American Thinker Blog
July 31, 2020
After a big buildup, left-wing media hack Joy Reid is bombing in the ratingsJuly 31, 2020
Details emerging about fatal shooting of BLM ‘protester’ in Austin, TX are stunningJuly 31, 2020
Trump had an intelligent goal when he tweeted about delaying the electionJuly 31, 2020
About those 'peaceful protests'...July 31, 2020
Teachers' unions are upping their demands before they'll agree to teachJuly 31, 2020
The great Herman Cain, R.I.P.July 31, 2020
Beware of Lyndon Baines Joe BidenJuly 31, 2020
Lockdown exposes the chasm between the left and rightJuly 31, 2020
Who are the quacks spreading misinformation about COVID-19?July 31, 2020
The left's new truths in the Age of WokenessJuly 31, 2020
Obama turned John Lewis's funeral into a sleazy political eventJuly 31, 2020
Donald Trump's clarityJuly 31, 2020
It's hard to feel sorry for IllinoisJuly 31, 2020
'Washington Football Team' is a great name. The former Redskins should keep it.July 31, 2020
Leftist dogmaJuly 30, 2020
Trader Joe's wises up, reverses course, tells the leftist political-correctness mob 'no'July 30, 2020
Are Democrats beginning to worry that the riots are hurting them?July 30, 2020
A few thoughts about AG Barr at the HouseJuly 30, 2020
It appears that most journalists, Jerry Nadler and other Democrats need a lesson on the difference between the truth and mythsJuly 30, 2020
The Washington Post slanders a sheriff who opposes Black Lives MatterJuly 30, 2020
COVID-19 capital flight strengthens Trump administration's foreign policy handJuly 30, 2020
Government should force Google, Twitter, Facebook to allow free speechJuly 30, 2020
As California education declines, one district doubles down on virtue-signalingJuly 30, 2020
China is all in for shutting down the US economy over COVIDJuly 30, 2020
China muscling in on business domain namesJuly 30, 2020
Pelosi endorses OmarJuly 30, 2020
America's constitutional bedrockJuly 30, 2020
BLM's popularity is a politically motivated mythJuly 30, 2020
'Systemic racism' charges cover up a multitude of liberal sinsJuly 30, 2020
Democrats on the brink of canceling suburbiaJuly 29, 2020
The cringe-worthy, appalling behavior of the Judiciary Committee DemocratsJuly 29, 2020
Jim Jordan laid out the best-ever explanation of the seditious plot to spy on Trump's campaign and take down his presidencyJuly 29, 2020
Foreign influence in our elections is bad, unless done by illegal aliensJuly 29, 2020
Cops pull out: Democrats in need of convention protection can now call a hippieJuly 29, 2020
Big Tech grows even more aggressive: Censors Don Trump, Jr. for widely shared HCQ video tweetJuly 29, 2020
That reprehensible Democrat gnome, Rep. Nadler, tried to humiliate AG BarrJuly 29, 2020
Only lies, combined with cultural and historic ignorance, can justify Portland's riotsJuly 29, 2020
Social media giants want China to have a say in American health careJuly 29, 2020
A non-black VP candidate Joe Biden might pickJuly 29, 2020
Olivia de Havilland, Hollywood patriotJuly 29, 2020
Tie police hands, and you will see lots of citizens with AR-15sJuly 29, 2020
Vermont vs. free speechJuly 29, 2020
Looking to when there will be nobody to speak for meJuly 29, 2020
Before too long, the woke will eat their ownJuly 29, 2020
Where the Civil Rights movement went wrongJuly 28, 2020
Biden viewed as 'a puppet' and 'not making any sense' to Michigan swing voters in Axios focus groupJuly 28, 2020
Dems starting to panic that voters will blame them for riotsJuly 28, 2020
HCQ censorship, cubed: Social media giants shut down doctors testifying from experience that hydroxychloroquine worksJuly 28, 2020
Only the Times could make victims out of rich people fleeing New YorkJuly 28, 2020
Jerry Nadler’s bizarre denial reveals the media’s cover-upJuly 28, 2020
Cancel culture attacks John Kass, the Chicago Tribune’s top columnistJuly 28, 2020
California pastor challenges governor: 'Christ is Lord over Caesar'July 28, 2020
How much should we punish people for hateful thoughts?July 28, 2020
How Biden plans to destroy the suburbsJuly 28, 2020
Was Wuhan Covid-19 a Chinese plot?July 28, 2020
Assessing COVID, 'from both sides of my mouth'July 28, 2020
No vaccine but lots of creative solutions in Latin AmericaJuly 28, 2020
COVID-19 contradictions must be resolvedJuly 28, 2020
Equal accountability needed for Chinese firms listed on U.S. exchangesJuly 28, 2020
Racial grievance mongers with the least to be aggrieved aboutJuly 27, 2020
Pelosi hold stimulus checks hostage to left-wing ambulance-chaser lobbyJuly 27, 2020
Democratic candidate from Illinois can't stop 'laughing every single time' to loop of violent attack on police officerJuly 27, 2020
Video of the day: Teen opens his first paycheck, is stunned to see taxes deductedJuly 27, 2020
Mike Rowe explains that reality is going to win with the Wuhan virusJuly 27, 2020
Bill de Blasio casually quotes the guiding wisdom of...Karl Marx, chapter and verseJuly 27, 2020
Don't be upset that the Ronald Reagan Foundation dissed President TrumpJuly 27, 2020
Banning comments to protect the fake news media monopolyJuly 27, 2020
Stop teasing Paul Gallant, who went from dissing Trump to wanting a gunJuly 27, 2020
Why is there such a focus on the COVID positivity rate versus testing and treating the most vulnerable?July 27, 2020
Newsweek and CNN accuse Trump of attacking 'protesters'July 27, 2020
San Francisco encourages the return of gay sex clubs to help the economyJuly 27, 2020
Black sleep matters?July 27, 2020
Fake actor attends fake protestJuly 27, 2020
John Newton — from slave-trader to abolitionistJuly 27, 2020
Our corrupt judicial systemJuly 27, 2020
'Washington' is the next stepJuly 26, 2020
Something’s rotten at the Supreme CourtJuly 26, 2020
The distraught and desperate Democrats are flailingJuly 26, 2020
Blacks starting to get just a little sick of the lefty white camera-hogging act going on in PortlandJuly 26, 2020
Have the teachers unions cut their own throats? Homeschooling interest surges amid COVID shutdownsJuly 26, 2020
God bless you, Lloyd Marcus — you will be missed!July 26, 2020
Is Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez telling the truth about that nasty encounter with Rep. Ted Yoho?July 26, 2020
Help for those struggling to understand the immensity of the Russia hoaxJuly 26, 2020
Are leftists targeting black conservatives?July 26, 2020
A sports 'kneeling' story that won't make the news because it doesn't fit the agendaJuly 26, 2020
Minneapolis to cut police budget and employ civilian safety patrolsJuly 26, 2020
Treating early saves lives: A tale of three COVID patientsJuly 26, 2020
COVID hysteria yields new travel restrictions in MassachusettsJuly 26, 2020
Dr. Fauci's curveballJuly 26, 2020
The left wants a new definition of what it means to be humanJuly 26, 2020
Do Italian-Americans get a vote on removing Columbus?July 25, 2020
The 'Unhyphenated American' is goneJuly 25, 2020
Trump's troll trap for Biden's brain test is working against other leftistsJuly 25, 2020
Rep. Gohmert goes full Alinsky to make Democrats play by their own rulesJuly 25, 2020
Democrats sink to rock bottom with BidenJuly 25, 2020
Another company stands up to the cancel culture mobJuly 25, 2020
Dr. Fauci's exposed, mask-free face at a baseball game angers peopleJuly 25, 2020
'Go woke, go broke' comes to A&EJuly 25, 2020
Trump taking China on as he shouldJuly 25, 2020
A mask confrontation in FloridaJuly 25, 2020
Remember when we argued about pine tar?July 25, 2020
Christopher Columbus statue removed, but shootings and murders continue in ChicagoJuly 25, 2020
DOJ preparing to coddle huge music licensing monopoliesJuly 25, 2020
Yale epidemiologist says hydroxychloroquine could save up to 100,000 livesJuly 25, 2020
On BLM, Antifa, Democrats mean the opposite of what they sayJuly 24, 2020
Chicago's mayor caves to the mob, taking out the city's Columbus statuesJuly 24, 2020
The deep state smear machine's racist memeJuly 24, 2020
No country for old conservatives?July 24, 2020
Democrats continue to lay the groundwork for Resistance II: The Civil WarJuly 24, 2020
Interest in Q surges in wake of Twitter banJuly 24, 2020
What Trump Can Learn From Hurricane KatrinaJuly 24, 2020
The Biden campaign: disease, depression, and racial discordJuly 24, 2020
A disturbance in the American ecosystemJuly 24, 2020
The Times’s series about failed public schools may be on to somethingJuly 24, 2020
About 'Black' and 'white'...July 24, 2020
Nancy Pelosi's vile use of 'Stormtroopers'July 24, 2020
Democrat cities are reaping what they sowedJuly 24, 2020
The Catholic Bishops need to get louder about statuesJuly 24, 2020
Painting 'BLM' on the street is a childish game, even when the mayor does itJuly 24, 2020
Europeans increasingly see China replacing the US as the world’s dominant powerJuly 23, 2020
He's back: Trump gains on Biden to near tie in new Rasmussen pollJuly 23, 2020
Trump's smart take about Ghislaine Maxwell breeds conspiracy theoriesJuly 23, 2020
Michelle Malkin demands Denver cops' accountability for not protecting pro-police rally from violent attacks by BLM/Antifa/Marxist mobJuly 23, 2020
Someone is trying to kill conservative crusader Steve StockmanJuly 23, 2020
Trump's press conference hit it out of the parkJuly 23, 2020
Kamala Harris planting negative stories to knock out her potential rivals?July 23, 2020
Two famous leftist icons are heading for history's trash heapJuly 23, 2020
A black Kansas City woman defies the 'defund the police' narrativeJuly 23, 2020
Presidential polls look as fake as the Russian collusion narrativeJuly 23, 2020
Bari Weiss isn't the only one being bulliedJuly 23, 2020
COVID-19 is having an unexpected consequence down in ColombiaJuly 23, 2020
Are the cities emptying out?July 23, 2020
How Trump can win over soccer moms in 2020July 23, 2020
Leftists fighting racism with racismJuly 23, 2020
Cancel culture hits Planned ParenthoodJuly 23, 2020
How to see through bad coronavirus statisticsJuly 22, 2020
Black Lives Matter reveals a generation of damaged straight, white womenJuly 22, 2020
Ludicrous sexual harassment claims made against Tucker CarlsonJuly 22, 2020
Left-wing lawyers shake down Qualcomm, Facebook, and Oracle to appoint black board membersJuly 22, 2020
Google blacklists American Thinker and reverses it after its blacklisting of conservative sites is exposedJuly 22, 2020
Trump gets serious about halting political power wielded by illegals with executive order on congressional representationJuly 22, 2020
Checking newspapers' tortured explanations for capitalizing 'black'July 22, 2020
A viral video should force woke leftists to face the truth about themselvesJuly 22, 2020
Dem eulogies for a long-term member of Congress who was called its ‘conscience’ … then and nowJuly 22, 2020
Twitter purges QAnon presence on its platformJuly 22, 2020
Sending in the Chicago!July 22, 2020
Daniel Silva's latest book, The OrderJuly 22, 2020
Don't bail out the Post OfficeJuly 22, 2020
I guess that Brian Stelter doesn't get PortlandJuly 22, 2020
Allen West overcomes a motorcycle accident to become Texas GOP chairJuly 22, 2020
It's time to 'choose life' by reopening America's schoolsJuly 21, 2020
Trump baits a trap for BidenJuly 21, 2020
Denver disgrace deepens as Michelle Malkin calls out perps and enablers of attack on Sunday’s aborted pro-police rallyJuly 21, 2020
Tucker Carlson denounces The New York Times for threatening his family's safety and Times respondsJuly 21, 2020
Red Bull gores cancel cultureJuly 21, 2020
Free Beverlyn Beatty!July 21, 2020
What the coronavirus numbers are telling usJuly 21, 2020
COVID-19 cases overstated by one hundred percent because of indiscriminate testingJuly 21, 2020
Soros-owned DA in St. Louis files felony charges against the McCloskeysJuly 21, 2020
Watching Apollo 11 and wondering if our family was watching it in CubaJuly 21, 2020
The return of the angry white voterJuly 21, 2020
Memo to Congress: everyone benefits from health care price transparencyJuly 21, 2020
Democratic party endorses 2019 anti-Semite of the yearJuly 21, 2020
It's official: House speaker Nancy Pelosi endorses anti-JewishnessJuly 21, 2020
What Made Asia’s Largest Slum a Success Model for Treating COVID-19?July 21, 2020
How leftist radicals can show America they're seriousJuly 20, 2020
Michelle Malkin beaten by BLM thugs and prevented from speaking at Denver pro-police rallyJuly 20, 2020
A clever way to get the Black Lives Matter paintings off the streetJuly 20, 2020
Chris Wallace, the Brian Stelter of Fox News, interviews President TrumpJuly 20, 2020
What did Comey know, and when did he know it?July 20, 2020
Drop tests for blacks, say college coachesJuly 20, 2020
My wife's great Starbucks dilemmaJuly 20, 2020
Kanye's endgameJuly 20, 2020
COVID-19 data accuracy would be unacceptable in the business worldJuly 20, 2020
Justice Thomas once again excelsJuly 20, 2020
There's an increasing push to separate language from biological sexJuly 20, 2020
#RenameTheStatesJuly 20, 2020
Erasing AmericaJuly 20, 2020
The mob in Portland is not doing a Fidel on its intentionsJuly 20, 2020
'Adulting' is harder when children are in chargeJuly 20, 2020
The truth about America's coronavirus response effectivenessJuly 20, 2020
While Iranians protest, some Americans are coming around to the call for regime changeJuly 19, 2020
Democrats get ready for a Wellstone funeral for John LewisJuly 19, 2020
The left is laying the groundwork to challenge Trump’s electionJuly 19, 2020
Civil War 2.0 going hot in Portland, OregonJuly 19, 2020
Deferred disease disaster dawning on DemocratsJuly 19, 2020
NFL to play the black national anthem?July 19, 2020
Coronavirus good news for a changeJuly 19, 2020
Nancy Pelosi calls federal law enforcement officers ‘stormtroopers’July 19, 2020
Blacks are losing control over Black Lives MatterJuly 19, 2020
Which states do best in preparing college students for the labor force?July 19, 2020
Now the 49ers are in the crosshairsJuly 19, 2020
Your light skin is now your yellow starJuly 19, 2020
That other Minneapolis police deathJuly 19, 2020
Mixing with Steely DanJuly 19, 2020
Win and live. Lose and die.July 19, 2020
Turkey becoming IslamistJuly 18, 2020
Huge Illinois utility paying $200 million to settle bribery case implicating the real boss of Illinois politics, House Speaker Michael MadiganJuly 18, 2020
Channeling Candy Crowley: Chris Wallace uses his interview with President Trump to argue with the man -- and gets his facts wrongJuly 18, 2020
Garbage- and graffiti-strewn Portland upchucks at offered federal helpJuly 18, 2020
Another day and another story about a toxic leftist workplaceJuly 18, 2020
Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s cancer is backJuly 18, 2020
Coach Popovich is calling who a coward?July 18, 2020
BLM's corporate extortionJuly 18, 2020
Rallying voters in battleground states for TrumpJuly 18, 2020
Magazine Maoists successfully push writer Andrew Sullivan out of his jobJuly 18, 2020
Democrats are back to politicizing the Wuhan virusJuly 18, 2020
Trump reforms Clean Water ActJuly 18, 2020
Black Lives Matter's war on the nuclear familyJuly 18, 2020
Who posts ‘Hate Has No Home Here’ signs outside their homes?July 18, 2020
Media bias and bullying go well beyond Baris WeissJuly 17, 2020
Regarding the Wuhan virus, if you think you're being lied to, you're rightJuly 17, 2020
Kayleigh McEnany is so effective that the MSM is now lying by deceptively editing her commentsJuly 17, 2020
Witch Hunt: City of Columbus considers screening out police applicants with tainted SPLC hate-group listJuly 17, 2020
Cultural Revolution comes for sleepy professor with insufficient wokester zealJuly 17, 2020
A black police officer tells a startling truth about the racial protestsJuly 17, 2020
Is Michelle Obama Biden’s trump card?July 17, 2020
For America to function, Americans must have a healthy fear of policeJuly 17, 2020
George Will seems to have missed the corruption of the regime of Obama/BidenJuly 17, 2020
An online anthropology publication highlights the left's racial obsessionsJuly 17, 2020
Huge one-day sales for the venomous book Trump's niece wrote about himJuly 17, 2020
Do the media really care what Dr. Fauci has to say?July 17, 2020
Nick Cannon's anti-white rantJuly 17, 2020
If we are going to cancel art-honoring racists, it's time to get Margaret Sanger’s bust out of the National Portrait GalleryJuly 17, 2020
Can Trump pull off a win in November?July 17, 2020
The mindset of the Gulag comes to HollywoodJuly 16, 2020
New police shooting in Michigan teaches leftists some hard lessonsJuly 16, 2020
New York Times denizens respond to Bari Weiss resignation over bullying — with more bullyingJuly 16, 2020
Some numbers from TexasJuly 16, 2020
Students defending cancel culture raise alarmsJuly 16, 2020
Biden's mass amnesty would destroy the Republican PartyJuly 16, 2020
The National Museum of African-American History promotes racist claptrapJuly 16, 2020
The media's bid to elect Biden is worse than anything Russia ever didJuly 16, 2020
Civil Rights attorney Leo Terrell is being ostracized for supporting TrumpJuly 16, 2020
Taxpayer dollars go to the Treasury Department for racist anti-white trainingJuly 16, 2020
Vermont transfers wealth from taxpayers to state employeesJuly 16, 2020
Leftists frame abortion as a triumph over misogynistic racismJuly 16, 2020
Joe Biden's energy policy leaves lots to be desiredJuly 16, 2020
Riot reparationsJuly 16, 2020
How property-owners harmed by the riots could sue the negligent governments that allowed the damageJuly 15, 2020
Angela Davis confirms all that conservatives have been saying about BidenJuly 15, 2020
Does Trump have a secret well of unreported support?July 15, 2020
The prosecutor targeting Garrett Rolfe may have committed a serious crimeJuly 15, 2020
Fact-check flunk: A dishonest media bid to pin 'racism' on to TrumpJuly 15, 2020
We're all white supremacists nowJuly 15, 2020
The mask and the Mark of the BeastJuly 15, 2020
Maybe the media should do their job and fact-check people like Fauci instead of just repeating what they are toldJuly 15, 2020
Another soft leftist leaves the New York publishing sceneJuly 15, 2020
The Los Angeles teacher union issues its ransom demand noteJuly 15, 2020
Good news: Burger King just solved the climate change problemJuly 15, 2020
Systemic racism is an excuse to fundamentally change our countryJuly 15, 2020
Where have all the lone wolves gone?July 15, 2020
COVID ratting on your neighbors made EZJuly 15, 2020
First Redskins, and now RangersJuly 15, 2020
Conservative Campaign Committee's mini-tour for GOP candidates and Trump's re-electionJuly 14, 2020
MSNBC host dumbfounded as his panel of pediatricians unanimously support schools reopeningJuly 14, 2020
Watching a BLM riot develop in real timeJuly 14, 2020
Gavin Newsom gives Californians a glimpse of their futureJuly 14, 2020
COVID spikes might be the result of bad testsJuly 14, 2020
NY Times editor and columnist Bari Weiss resigns and blasts paperJuly 14, 2020
Under China's thumb: So you can buy a KillCops t-shirt from the NBA but not a FreeHongKong oneJuly 14, 2020
Getting a handle on ‘white supremacy’July 14, 2020
Democrats’ West Bank rhetoric rings hollowJuly 14, 2020
Why I ignore the pollsJuly 14, 2020
When it comes to racism and anti-Semitism, the left and right are differentJuly 14, 2020
Wuhan virus lockdowns: Minority women hardest hit (of course)July 14, 2020
How BLM supports cop-killersJuly 14, 2020
Stimulate job growth, not the printing press, in next COVID relief packageJuly 14, 2020
The left should talk about Chicago rather than changing team namesJuly 14, 2020
Cancel culture coming for Broadway's most famous hits?July 14, 2020
What Columbus wroughtJuly 13, 2020
Straight from Soros: Are you ready for government-owned banks?July 13, 2020
No more pandemic panic, pleaseJuly 13, 2020
Did saying 'all lives matter' to a group of blacks get a mother of a young child shot and killed?July 13, 2020
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other leftists gaslight America about the sudden crime surgeJuly 13, 2020
Trump policies drive boom recoveryJuly 13, 2020
Recall Mayor Jenny Durkan — and then de BlasioJuly 13, 2020
The Sinatra questionJuly 13, 2020
#BuycottGoyaJuly 13, 2020
Hollywood is falling victim to its relentless virtue-signalingJuly 13, 2020
Did a dying Wuhan virus victim really say he thought the virus was a hoax?July 13, 2020
USA Today beclowns itself with a Nazi analogyJuly 13, 2020
Famed martial artist says New York City is trying to kill peopleJuly 13, 2020
Conservatives: Start putting your money where your mouth is to fight cancel cultureJuly 13, 2020
The woke white woman: America's latest casualty in the culture warsJuly 13, 2020
Resenting your own teamJuly 12, 2020
LA teachers union holds school openings hostage to its call to end charter schoolsJuly 12, 2020
President Trump tells Minnesota's cynical leftists, 'hell, no'July 12, 2020
In a withering video, black NYPD cop demonstrates the value of those new 'use of force' rulesJuly 12, 2020
Ghislaine Maxwell’s secrets, if revealed, will be incendiaryJuly 12, 2020
A suspicious fire at Mission San Gabriel and a curiously incurious press, parroting the left's liesJuly 12, 2020
The federal government – amazingly – does not reward bad behaviorJuly 12, 2020
Hagia Sophia: An Islamic gauntlet has been thrown downJuly 12, 2020
As Iran’s economy crumbles under sanctions, an internal power struggle rocks the governmentJuly 12, 2020
Will Alabama Republicans make the same mistake twice?July 12, 2020
California wants a federal bailoutJuly 12, 2020
Amazon bans a book critical of PM Justin Trudeau’s China tiesJuly 12, 2020
Liberals howling over Roger Stone's commuted sentence should remember the Obama yearsJuly 12, 2020
How can Trump get the better of the bad polls of late?July 12, 2020
What the Black Lives Matter movement really isJuly 12, 2020
List of crimes, 2040July 12, 2020
We burned disco records, not neighborhoods, back in 1979July 11, 2020
Trump’s commutation of Stone’s sentence horrifies the leftJuly 11, 2020
What characterizes the left? ChildishnessJuly 11, 2020
The racism and sexism at America’s woke institutionsJuly 11, 2020
It’s unclear if the polls about Trump currently mean anythingJuly 11, 2020
The Electoral College and equalityJuly 11, 2020
A tale of two investigationsJuly 11, 2020
Anti-Trump Neil Young vs. black Pro-Trump Lloyd MarcusJuly 11, 2020
The left now goes after Goya FoodsJuly 11, 2020
DeSean Jackson and Rock Bottom for the NFLJuly 11, 2020
Even the super-woke leftist behind Hamilton is no longer woke enoughJuly 11, 2020
Can Trumpism survive?July 11, 2020
Reclaiming your life: Get that TV out of your homeJuly 11, 2020
The fearful road to the new normalJuly 11, 2020
A musician’s guide to the universeJuly 11, 2020
Reagan said 'Make America Great Again'July 10, 2020
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seeks to 'cancel' Goya, America's top Latino-owned food companyJuly 10, 2020
Why is the US Army calling its commander in chief's campaign slogan 'white supremacist'?July 10, 2020
Nightmare in New YorkJuly 10, 2020
Flynn judge files a ridiculous request with the Court of AppealsJuly 10, 2020
Virginia circling the Green New DrainJuly 10, 2020
Big city police forces being denuded of working copsJuly 10, 2020
A Phoenix tragedy is a reminder of America's true spiritJuly 10, 2020
Puppet Biden promises a command and control economyJuly 10, 2020
The academic 'marketplace of ideas' is deadJuly 10, 2020
LO needs Trump 'mucho mucho'July 10, 2020
Kanye West, please do not run for presidentJuly 10, 2020
The SPLC and transgenderJuly 10, 2020
Freedom is gone in the age of cell phone surveillance by good citizensJuly 10, 2020
Beating Trump will not go well for DemocratsJuly 10, 2020
What anti-Trump merchandise says about the 2020 electionJuly 9, 2020
A senile old man being led by the hand by Bernie SandersJuly 9, 2020
A turn in the polls for President Trump?July 9, 2020
Kanye West pulverizes the DemocratsJuly 9, 2020
The sack of PortlandJuly 9, 2020
Tucker Carlson rips the mask off the Democrat partyJuly 9, 2020
Thank you, Don LemonJuly 9, 2020
Driving on America’s highways is like driving in a Third World countryJuly 9, 2020
Oregon politician’s hate crime hoax blows up in his faceJuly 9, 2020
Don Lemon’s devastating admissionJuly 9, 2020
Leftists find it hard to commit to a letter vaguely supporting free speechJuly 9, 2020
The Constitution authorizes a strong missile defenseJuly 9, 2020
Now that Democrats are the party of dumb, it is time for Republicans to identify as the party of smartJuly 9, 2020
'Why troops?' asks the mayor of AtlantaJuly 9, 2020
GOP Left the Door Open for BLMJuly 8, 2020
New head of news at NBC-Universal openly promises to discriminate against CaucasiansJuly 8, 2020
Ungrateful Omar seeks 'dismantling' of US political and economic systemJuly 8, 2020
A turning tide? Public is not opening its pocketbooks to Democrats in the statehouse racesJuly 8, 2020
What Rush Limbaugh got wrong about wokeness in pro sportsJuly 8, 2020
A Maoist cultural revolution comes for Seattle's white employeesJuly 8, 2020
As one college almost goes full Marxist, another is a voice for human decencyJuly 8, 2020
Trump's bitter niece writes a screedJuly 8, 2020
Black Lives Matter turns its back on child victimsJuly 8, 2020
A time for choosingJuly 8, 2020
De Blasio's cop crackdown will make bodies pile upJuly 8, 2020
Black Lives Matter vs. the US flag at the Vermont CapitolJuly 8, 2020
The grass is greener in red statesJuly 8, 2020
Boiling problems in western Virginia could lose Republicans a winnable stateJuly 8, 2020
The real BLMJuly 8, 2020
Did Ringo Starr win the biggest lottery ever?July 7, 2020
Meghan's Prince Harry wants you to apologize for the sins of his ancestorsJuly 7, 2020
So what can Ghislaine Maxwell tell prosecutors about the parties with all those Silicon Valley barons?July 7, 2020
Kayleigh kicks buttJuly 7, 2020
There's a civil war happening between minorities and woke whitesJuly 7, 2020
Only an academic could be this stupidJuly 7, 2020
Trump resets the electionJuly 7, 2020
Without fanfare, Trump cuts Chinese nationals from American collegesJuly 7, 2020
When it is okay to be 'dark and divisive'July 7, 2020
Not dying is bad for headlinesJuly 7, 2020
Take a knee against divisivenessJuly 7, 2020
Stay on message, Mr. PresidentJuly 7, 2020
'Ain't it good to be alive and be in Tennessee?'July 7, 2020
China floods threaten collapse of world's largest damJuly 7, 2020
How very rich baseball players can give up their salaries for a seasonJuly 7, 2020
We should be celebrating recent COVID dataJuly 6, 2020
As the crisis deepens, Q says rise or dieJuly 6, 2020
Tammy Duckworth campaigns for vice presidentJuly 6, 2020
Pocket-lining Joe is now Mr. 'Strategic Empathy' on China, according to NYTJuly 6, 2020
Murderous roadblock protestsJuly 6, 2020
An associate college professor shows everything wrong with anti-racism studiesJuly 6, 2020
Disney streaming Hamilton? Save your moneyJuly 6, 2020
Black Lives Matter protests claim two more lives over the weekendJuly 6, 2020
Cancel culture comes for a witty police officerJuly 6, 2020
Confessions of a COVID-induced temporary OCD victimJuly 6, 2020
Are they going to rename the Braves-Indians World Series titles too?July 6, 2020
The original black American patriotsJuly 6, 2020
Trump's July 4th birthday gift to AmericaJuly 6, 2020
Dismantling the cancel cultureJuly 6, 2020
An obituary for the USA?July 6, 2020
Two Minutes Hate for LincolnJuly 6, 2020
Who are we?July 5, 2020
After calling for no fireworks for California's 4th of July, Gavin Newsom was in for a surpriseJuly 5, 2020
Ten reasons why Trump’s ‘National Garden of American Heroes’ is such a brilliant moveJuly 5, 2020
Walking Lincoln's RoadJuly 5, 2020
Defund the universitiesJuly 5, 2020
With the Wuhan virus, Gavin Newsom discovers the perils of crying ‘Wolf’July 5, 2020
Evidence is in: Hydroxychloroquine works!July 5, 2020
Losing a friend to politicsJuly 5, 2020
President Kanye?July 5, 2020
Leftists had a very peculiar way of celebrating America’s Independence DayJuly 5, 2020
Swalwell makes a new stink about Nazis, and Grenell clears the airJuly 5, 2020
Black Lives Matter is racist against blacksJuly 5, 2020
Cancel culture liberals need to leave John 'The Duke' Wayne alone!July 5, 2020
Are white liberals losing black Americans?July 5, 2020
Dems need another seasonal virus to sink Trump's re-electionJuly 5, 2020
Hey, kid, you wanna buy a guitar?July 4, 2020
Trump's finest speech — and a press that beclowns itself in boiling hateJuly 4, 2020
Ghislaine Maxwell's pending suicideJuly 4, 2020
Saddled with Biden, the DNC must rely on bait and switch to winJuly 4, 2020
It's Michelle Obama and always has beenJuly 4, 2020
Where have all the commie ba**ards gone, long time passing?July 4, 2020
Flawed Greatness: The American story is the human storyJuly 4, 2020
The New York Times is worried about Gen Z, Millennials, and abortionJuly 4, 2020
Biden's Sister Souljah moment that wasn'tJuly 4, 2020
Groveling, sniveling revolutionaries?July 4, 2020
What does protesting the past get us?July 4, 2020
The Fourth and our FoundersJuly 4, 2020
Biden keeps head above troubled watersJuly 4, 2020
Support police and military for Independence Day!July 4, 2020
A July 4th story that gets better every yearJuly 4, 2020
Coolidge on the 4thJuly 3, 2020
California's Gavin Newsom orders wineries shut, keeps his own open (updated)July 3, 2020
A romp through the hideaway havens of Ghislaine Maxwell from our dependable free pressJuly 3, 2020
Schadenfreude: Rachel Maddow editionJuly 3, 2020
What you wouldn't know from reading the news: There's a soaring economic recovery roaring inJuly 3, 2020
So long, sports — nice knowin’ yaJuly 3, 2020
Americans are on a gun-buying bingeJuly 3, 2020
Have we reached the point at which self-defense is a crime?July 3, 2020
Neither Black Lives Matter nor Democrat pols care about black livesJuly 3, 2020
Americans have a clear choice in November: Patriotism or perilJuly 3, 2020
Anti-Defamation League elevates anti-Semite and hurts AmericaJuly 3, 2020
It's Guaidó, not MaduroJuly 3, 2020
Modern-day stoningJuly 3, 2020
Russia is just a smokescreen for Democrats' shameful double standard on ChinaJuly 3, 2020
Are we stuck with worrying about the coronavirus forever?July 3, 2020
Abolishing common senseJuly 3, 2020
The coronavirus collides with bread and circusesJuly 2, 2020
Joe Biden delays VP pick again: A secret civil war among Democrats?July 2, 2020
Ed Henry is fired from Fox NewsJuly 2, 2020
California's balanced budget looks like Orange County's before going bankruptJuly 2, 2020
It's time for atheists and progs with Darwin bumper stickers to get rid of their white supremacist dog whistlesJuly 2, 2020
Who's gonna pay?July 2, 2020
Senior living facilities: All the vote fraud we cannot seeJuly 2, 2020
The current crisis demands a new campaign slogan for President TrumpJuly 2, 2020
Supreme Court just made abortions even more dangerous for womenJuly 2, 2020
Public displays of podophiliaJuly 2, 2020
Beclownings: Cuomo, with the worst record on COVID, lectures on the coronavirus — as the press cheersJuly 2, 2020
The personal attack of the pianoJuly 2, 2020
How hyperindividualism leads to authoritarianismJuly 2, 2020
Joe Biden's accomplishmentsJuly 2, 2020
The masked re-opening of K–12 schools in 2020July 1, 2020
Tucker Carlson, now officially the king of cable news, delivers historic challenge to GOPJuly 1, 2020
Black civil rights attorney Leo Terrell announces his support for the re-election of Donald TrumpJuly 1, 2020
The left eating its own: It's now blacks vs radicals in 'shattered' NYC riven by $1 billion in police cutsJuly 1, 2020
Under oath, officials admit to harvesting organs from babies born alive with 'beating hearts'July 1, 2020
How Polish media coverage shows the American media's incredible bias against conservativesJuly 1, 2020
Big assassination attempt in Mexico CityJuly 1, 2020
Flowers for Teddy RJuly 1, 2020
No American babies, no greatnessJuly 1, 2020
The ups and downs of musicJuly 1, 2020
Are the Chinese buying Pope Francis's silence?July 1, 2020
Fauci guns for relevance again, predicts 100K COVID cases a dayJuly 1, 2020
How to fight using viral jujitsuJuly 1, 2020
Nobody's life matters to Black Lives MatterJuly 1, 2020
Is it too late for Trump to keep his promises?July 1, 2020
NASA is moving too fast with SpaceX's reusable rockets
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