What a difference a day makes

Saturday was a great day.  With friends and family, we celebrated my wife's birthday.  It was a delight to be among loved ones after ten weeks of isolation.

On Sunday, my wife and I were standing in line at a local gun shop to buy our first gun.  What a difference a day makes.

I never have been anti-gun.  Dad owned a British Enfield; my brother and I tagged along when he went shooting.  I had also kept a Browning Superposed for many years for a friend who lost his way.  It was a pleasure to return his father's gun to him.

I just was never motivated to buy one.  Saturday supplied that motivation.  Waking up Sunday, we learned that the "George Floyd Protests" had come to Scottsdale.  Not content with burning and looting downtown areas, the riot organizers took their show on the road.  Social media alerts went out for a meet-up at Fashion Square.

It read: "Caution!  Cover-Up, wear masks, gloves, Dark clothing, bring water/Milk,."

The milk was not for celebratory post-riot cookies.

Suspicious pallets of bricks have been showing up in riot areas.  The attorney general of Minnesota confirmed that people are crossing state lines to participate.  Members of Biden's campaign staff are bailing out "protesters."

Local Scottsdale police also read social media invitations.  Preparations were made to shut down Fashion Square, a typical upscale shopping mall, one I try to avoid.  My wife, not so much.

Nearby is the "Entertainment District," where clubs and bars cater to a young crowd.  Touristy "Old Town" is not far away.

Let's be clear on the choice made by the local authorities: protection of the citizenry and private property is their responsibility, one that was abdicated.  Knowing the schedule of the riots, the police ordered a closure and evacuation.  Yet they allowed access to the rioters?

No, not all "protesters" are rioters, and not all rioters are protesters.

Would it not be logical to prevent the entry of people matching the profile of the invited "riot-testers"?

We need to ask: why are authorities more concerned with allowing "riot-testers" to run their course rather than preventing destruction?

Allow me to be clear on several points:

George Floyd's death was an inexcusable murder.  The accused ex-cop needs to be punished.

Second, the honestly outraged need to express their outrage in a legal manner.

Last, those organizing these riots need to be prosecuted.

What strikes me as curious is the timing.  Who decided to escalate this incident?  Believe me: it takes a lot to organize a spontaneous riot.

Later, Arizona governor Doug Ducey took action by telling all of us to sit down, shut up, and stay home.

Similar curfews are popping up in Los Angeles and Long Beach, California.

Prior to his order, my wife and I found ourselves standing, 12 deep in 108-degree heat, at a local gun store.  We had decided to buy a little piece of Second Amendment protection.  When we left, the line was thirty deep.

We are faced today with organized anarchy — an oxymoron if I ever heard one.

The ending of these riots will not come with the incarceration of brick-throwers or those carting off armloads of Valentino dresses.  It will end when we prosecute the organizers and financers.

This may not happen if Trump is re-elected.  But if he loses, then those rioting today will be celebrating.   

All of us need to decide which side we are on.  Should we accept a police force that tells us to go home so the rioters won't hurt us?  The time has come to make decisions.  Sunday, I made mine.

My wife and I departed the gun shop, after the background check was completed, with a Glock 19 and two boxes of ammo.

I suggest getting a piece of Second Amendment protection while you still can.

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