Spot the racist: Dick Durbin caught in a 'tell'

Perhaps taking his cue from an NBC host, Senator Dick Durbin used a racist "dog whistle" expression so patently vile that he has been forced to apologize.

Last week, NBC host Craig Melvin asked a black senator if he was being used as a token.  Via The Right Scoop:

UGH: NBC hosts asks Sen. Tim Scott if the GOP is using him as a "token"

NBC host Craig Melvin had the nerve to ask Senator Tim Scott if the GOP was using him as a "token" on the issue on police reforms, as if it were a legitimate criticism:  

Then yesterday Senator Durbin used the same dog whistle "token" term to describe the results of Tim Scott's work and apologized.

That reminded me of 2005, when Durbin compared our military at Gitmo to the Nazis, the GULAG, and Pol Pot with absolutely zero evidence that it was true.  Then the next day he cried and apologized.  He clearly was trying to engender hate and division and was attacking Bush at the time. 

Durbin Apologizes for Nazi, Gulag, Pol Pot Remarks

Most of the media and other Democrats say how divisive and abrasive Trump is as they claim they are for unity.  These same people have called Trump and his supporters racists, bigots, sexists, xenophobes, homophobes, and every other name in the book for five years.  Most of the name-calling exists because he is trying to enforce the immigration laws Congress passed which is what his oath and the Constitution require.

Most of the media and other Democrats have played the race, class, and sex cards at least since 1980 with Reagan because their leftist policies are so destructive and not popular.  Trump just happens to be the current victim of their attacks.

It is Joe Biden and others who continue to lie about what Trump said in Charlottesville to gin up racial hate and division.

It is the media who targeted white Christian boys by calling them racists for wearing MAGA hats.  The media knew that it was a black hate group who were the racists.

It is the media and other Democrats who continue to spread the lie "Hands up, don't shoot" about Ferguson, Missouri to gin up racial hate and violence against cops. 

It is the media and others who continue to use the racist term "white privilege" to specifically disparage one race and gin up racial hate and division. 

Who are the racists?  The party that has destroyed the big cities they have run for decades?  The party that intentionally keeps minorities poor and dependent on government? The party that intentionally has policies that breaks up families and keeps them in poverty? The party that doesn't support giving minorities freedom of choice on schools? The party that supports abortion on demand, which kills black and brown babies at a much higher percentage than their population?  The politicians like Biden who believe they are entitled to black votes no matter what they have done or said?

Or is it Trump and Republicans whose policies seek to have people of every race and creed and both sexes participate in the wonders of a capitalist system?  The answer and choice of whom to vote for are easy.

I would challenge any journalist, entertainer, professor, or other Democrat to list any Democrat policy the last fifty years that supports giving people more opportunities to move up the economic ladder in the private sector.  I can't think of any.  Instead, everything they support moves the economic system toward the very powerful government becoming more powerful and pushing a continued greater share of the population, especially minorities, into being dependent on government.

History has been littered with collapsed economies because the government and politicians have become too greedy and powerful — not because of capitalism or the private sector having too much freedom.  

Isn't it time that supposed journalists did their jobs to ask questions and report the truth instead of just repeating talking points?  They have essentially been campaign volunteers for Democrats for decades.  That makes their reporting almost worthless to the American people.

Photo credit: YouTube screen grab.

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