Prosecute actions, not thoughtcrimes
In George Orwell's frightening novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, thoughtcrimes Are a person's thoughts that contradict or generally do not agree with the approved ideology. The ability to assess a person's thoughts and mete out punishment for thoughts and not actions obviously poses, in most instances, an impossible task.
In 1998, a black man, James Byrd, was beaten by white men and then dragged to his death behind a pickup truck in Texas. This event was used extensively in emotionally charged television ads in the year 2000 presidential campaign by the Democrats to allege that George W. Bush was a racist because he was governor at the time and did not support hate (thought) crime legislation. In true Texas fashion, the two main actors in this murder were quickly tried and executed for their actions. Since they were executed, the rationale, thoughts, or reasoning for their murdering Mr. Byrd were inconsequential, as is appropriate. They were executed for what they did, not what they thought. There would be no point in executing them twice, once for murder and again for a hate (thought) crime. Dead is dead.
It is juvenile to believe that all people are good, that they will act morally or legally. There are bad people who will do bad things and situations where even good people can end up involved in a bad outcome. Bad people are not confined to any race, color, creed, or job title. There are bad people who are doctors, politicians, airplane pilots, mechanics, housewives, black, white, Hispanic, ad infinitum.
In the most recent example, George Floyd died following his arrest by the Minneapolis police. It would be difficult to find any reasonable person who is not outraged at the lack of humanity demonstrated by the policeman who knelt on Floyd's neck for an extended period of time, even though Mr. Floyd was already in custody and handcuffed. That police officer's actions, not thoughts, are unacceptable and should be punished as appropriate through our legal system.
Emotional reporting by the media and allegations by many others serve to divide us by claiming that our entire country (apparently except those making the claim) is racist.
- George Floyd was arrested by the Minneapolis police and died (apparently) as a result of that arrest because he was black.
- Trayvon Martin was shot while fighting with the country's first white Hispanic because he was black.
- Eric Garner died following his arrest by the New York police because he was black.
- Michael Brown was killed by a policeman in St. Louis as a part of an altercation with that police officer because Brown was black.
- Ahmaud Arbery was followed and killed by a father and son while fighting over a gun because he was black.
No other rationale or situational consideration allowed, simply because he was black.
Assigning racial motivation to any of these instances is assessing thoughtcrime. Nobody can determine any of the involved person's motives that may have contributed or did contribute to these persons' deaths. It is only the actions that can be known and punishable. This can't always end with "you got one of ours, we get one of yours," regardless of the facts. Actions and not thoughts need to be the measuring stick for our social compact to work. There is no legitimate rationale for thoughtcrime and punishment. This is not 1984.
The notion that Mr. Floyd was purposefully killed by the policeman because he is colored must not translate into illegal actions, looting the local stores, building fires, assaulting people, and destroying property. To allege that the illegal looting and rioting actions are appropriate is the worst form of racism, alleging that because of their color, these people are incapable of controlling their behavior. The actions of rioting and looting must be aggressively shut down to maintain an orderly society. Anarchy cannot be an appropriate answer.
Regardless of the mainstream media instigators and Democrat agitators who wish to use these occasional tragic events to their political advantage, the vast majority of Americans are not racist. The history of America includes hundreds of thousands of dead white people in the Civil War, decades of white-led civil rights struggles, altering the foundation of America's constitution and laws facilitated by white people, billions and probably trillions of white people's dollars poured into non-white communities. Based on these facts, if we are as racist as the race-hustlers would like us to believe, we are not very good at our moral depravity.
In America, we established in our founding documents and celebrate inalienable rights for all men, endowed by our creator, not arbitrarily assigned rights based on race. We inhabitants of America don't wake up thinking about how to stick it to other Americans based on color.
It is our hope that all citizens would be Americans, non-hyphenated citizens. Our preferred organization is the National Association for the Advancement of American People (NAAAP). We encourage all American citizens to join our group and become active members. The group benefits are the best in the world, and we celebrate and embrace our open-to-all citizens' organization and exceptional nature.