Only 128 days before you have to rebuild

Recently, we've all enjoyed scenes of "peaceful demonstrators" burning and looting businesses all across the fruited plains of America.  Young, ill educated punks throwing bricks or Molotov cocktails through store windows all seem to have the same rhetorical response: it's all covered by insurance, anyway, ain't it?

No, it's not in many cases, showing that these violent thugs know about as much about insurance policies as they know about particle physics or American history.  And even if damage from riots were covered, getting reimbursed by insurance companies is as easy as extracting wisdom teeth with long, divergent roots.  There's also the little matter of finding contractors, ordering materials, and dealing with the psychological scars of seeing your life's work reduced to smoldering ruins.  And getting all this done during a pandemic where the rules, especially in Democrat-run locales, change hourly.

Add to that, this is the worst possible time to rebuild anything.  Why?

As a thought experiment, let's stipulate that the average damaged CVS, Target, or Wendy's can easily reopen its stores in 128 days or less.  As the paint's still drying and the caulk's still setting, what can those businesses then expect?

That's right: Armageddon!

In 128 days, when Donald Trump easily beats poor, senile Joe Biden, or whomever the Democrats replace the rapidly declining swamp rat with, that brand-new window glass is gonna get broken again.  Everyone who didn't grab a large-screen TV during the George Floyd — or George Kirby, according to the rapidly declining Nancy Pelosi — riots will surely grab one this time.  Those looting CVS will have had ample time to bone up on pharmacology and will make sure to steal some muscle relaxants to balance out their Adderall and amphetamines.  A nice Louis Vuitton handbag is certainly a must to help carry all that loot.

The odds of major rioting after Trump's re-election approach 100%.  The very same businesses, churches, and police stations that were recently razed will all be plundered again, those and others that escaped the first wave of rampant lawlessness.  

But won't the police and National Guard protect all these institutions, you ask?  Ha, ha, that's a knee-slapper, there!  Any officer of the law with half a brain and any sense of self-preservation will call in sick or take vacation days around Election Day. And the cops that will be present at these riots will simply do what they were instructed to do in June: stand back and watch the mayhem.

In summary, now is an excellent time to get the hell out of Democrat-run cities and buy stock in Amazon.

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