American Thinker Blog
June 30, 2020
Obama admits it: Riots and protests are 'tailor-made' for electing Joe BidenJune 30, 2020
How to silence your Democrat friends and relativesJune 30, 2020
Official Dem Twitter account claims Trump's Independence Day celebration at Mt. Rushmore 'glorifying white supremacy'June 30, 2020
Cops go Galt in the wake of the current chaosJune 30, 2020
Did Obama give a tell about Flynn investigation in his last press conference?June 30, 2020
Some signs of a backlash brewingJune 30, 2020
Will the left hit bottom?June 30, 2020
There is no scientific data that show masks save lives, so why vote for Biden who would dictate that we all wear them?June 30, 2020
Fox yanks programming for bigot Louis FarrakhanJune 30, 2020
Trump saves jobs for Americans with visa restrictions that anger globalistsJune 30, 2020
Electric guitars and tough decisionsJune 30, 2020
COVID hysteria is harming childrenJune 30, 2020
Muslim Congress: America is Israel's puppet, Jewish State will be annihilated after 20 yearsJune 30, 2020
Shear madness in the time of COVIDJune 30, 2020
Russian bounties and the perils of anonymous news sourcingJune 30, 2020
Americans need common sense to save the Constitution and the nationJune 29, 2020
Shutting down CHOP: Seattle's leftist mayor now up to her keister in alligatorsJune 29, 2020
Flynn targeted for destruction because he wanted to investigate Brennan's 'off the books' billions of dollars at CIA?June 29, 2020
Another Deep State hoax blown out of the water: Trump never briefed about Russian bounties —HerridgeJune 29, 2020
Why is Fox offering a platform to racist Jew-hater Louis Farrakhan?June 29, 2020
DA charges violent protesters in Oklahoma City with 'terrorism,' 'rioting,' and 'assault'June 29, 2020
Joe Biden: There's no fool like an old foolJune 29, 2020
Karen Bass may be bad news for Joe BidenJune 29, 2020
How the man who eradicated smallpox would have handled coronavirusJune 29, 2020
Only 128 days before you have to rebuildJune 29, 2020
When you want to scare the public into submission, just assign deaths to a disease without proofJune 29, 2020
Reimagine thisJune 29, 2020
Turkey's gun-running into Libya more evidence to support reconsidering its membership in NATOJune 29, 2020
Bizarro World, coming to a neighborhood near you!June 29, 2020
Iran loses big against the International Atomic Energy AgencyJune 28, 2020
CNN picked the wrong person to interview about police and BLMJune 28, 2020
Smackdown: Richard Grenell puts rabid leftist Ted Lieu in his place over new Russia hoax canardJune 28, 2020
Judicial Watch uncovers emails showing Ben Rhodes and aides joking about Benghazi liesJune 28, 2020
All that bar-hopping and spring-breaking: Press ignores protests as source of new wave of COVID-19June 28, 2020
Princeton caves to the mob, erases the name of Woodrow Wilson from its graduate school of public affairsJune 28, 2020
It turns out that putting homeless people in luxury hotels in San Francisco isn’t such a good ideaJune 28, 2020
Minneapolis City Council members who voted to abolish police are now getting private security protection paid for by taxpayersJune 28, 2020
The Washington Post makes a laughingstock of itselfJune 28, 2020
White leftists continue to think they know better than black peopleJune 28, 2020
Democrats can't even get George Floyd’s name rightJune 28, 2020
The grifters behind ‘defund the police’ don’t believe their own shtickJune 28, 2020
The riots are about the suffocating lack of opportunity in the Welfare StateJune 28, 2020
My parents were so impressed with US highwaysJune 28, 2020
What Trump should call the rioting miscreants destroying our countryJune 28, 2020
Why are so many current Democrat policies rooted in racism?June 27, 2020
Black people stand to defend the Lincoln Emanicipation statueJune 27, 2020
Pathetic: Greta Thunberg, Meghan Markle trying to get in on the BLM actJune 27, 2020
Flynn never pled guiltyJune 27, 2020
Sen. Tim Scott’s travails show that BLM is now the White Leftist MovementJune 27, 2020
Joe Biden gets a softball question on statue-smashing, and missesJune 27, 2020
Strzok's notes implicate ObamaJune 27, 2020
Is China’s military problem what happens when you abort 9.6 million girls?June 27, 2020
The Democrats built thatJune 27, 2020
‘Journalists’ promote unfounded conclusions to advance racial narrativesJune 27, 2020
AG Barr is under attack by most of the media and other Democrats because they believe Obama admin criminals are above the law.June 27, 2020
Defund the police?June 27, 2020
Carly Fiorina Betrays AmericaJune 27, 2020
Missing the point on the Jones ActJune 27, 2020
Schools Kids in Masks? A Boatload of ProblemsJune 27, 2020
In patriotism, we're much stronger than we think we areJune 26, 2020
Schadenfreude: Rabid leftists of CHOP refuse to quit their Seattle squats, leaving lefty mayor up a crik without a paddleJune 26, 2020
What good do the masks do, really?June 26, 2020
Tucker Carlson misreads Trump’s pre-election strategyJune 26, 2020
The DNC panic is palpableJune 26, 2020
MSNBC poised to give the weekday PM time slot of Chris Matthews to hateful Joy ReidJune 26, 2020
So the rabid-left mob wants to tear down the statue of Lincoln paid for by freed slaves?June 26, 2020
Phony outrage over the Roger Stone sentencing non-issue - and some real Obama scandalsJune 26, 2020
California Dems slate voter referendum on repeal of prop 209 ban on official racial discriminationJune 26, 2020
Is it time to change America’s national anthem?June 26, 2020
Native American activists are attacking an Olympic landmark in the SierrasJune 26, 2020
Iranian authorities are as afraid of artists as they are of the political oppositionJune 26, 2020
In the maddened leftist world, it’s women who are taking the leadJune 26, 2020
First lessons in silenceJune 26, 2020
Yes, sue the leftist incompetent mayor of SeattleJune 25, 2020
Leftist Minstrel Show: Self-abasing protestors mostly white, and blacks are starting to laughJune 25, 2020
Mob mayhem without clear leadershipJune 25, 2020
Obama and Biden were up to their necks in the Flynn persecutionJune 25, 2020
This is not the French Revolution; it is the acting out of spoiled, ignorant and ungrateful thugsJune 25, 2020
A user-friendly analysis explaining why Flynn's case got dismissedJune 25, 2020
Erasing the Thin Blue LineJune 25, 2020
The bizarre Democrat fetish with racial characterizationsJune 25, 2020
First, Confederate statues. Now, statues of founders. Next, Jesus. Their real target: AmericaJune 25, 2020
White guilt, white hypocrisyJune 25, 2020
Leftist violence is closing the American mindJune 25, 2020
No more watching classic baseball games this summerJune 25, 2020
Biden backed brutal bankruptcy bill in 2005June 25, 2020
Bubba Wallace, snowflake of colorJune 25, 2020
A focused coalition is primed to uproot Iran's despotsJune 25, 2020
Space travel from New Mexico? Don't hold your breathJune 25, 2020
What is the opposite of Beethoven?June 24, 2020
Rising star from South Dakota: Kristi Noem shows how it's doneJune 24, 2020
Was Bubba Wallace just looking for corporate sponsors?June 24, 2020
Blatant official racial discrimination: County orders white people to wear masks in public, exempts 'persons of color'June 24, 2020
A chilling warning about where the statue-toppling leads...June 24, 2020
The treasonous head of John Kerry rears againJune 24, 2020
What the public won't see from the journalists campaigning for BidenJune 24, 2020
Tucker Carlson warns us that the monument attacks aren't just leftist theaterJune 24, 2020
Coronavirus Derangement SyndromeJune 24, 2020
The leftist war on America's police is intended to oust TrumpJune 24, 2020
Another weekend of black lives that don't matterJune 24, 2020
Will Americans choose the USA, or will they choose the NFL?June 24, 2020
The Supreme Court versus Common SenseJune 24, 2020
Remarkable documentary shows trials of black conservatives in a liberal worldJune 24, 2020
Will robots take over our jobs?June 24, 2020
Annexation of Judea and Samaria: A vision whose time has comeJune 24, 2020
Ugly in Iran: Judge's death reveals war within gangs of the regime for the succession of KhameneiJune 23, 2020
Lefty Seattle mayor moves to shut down CHOP, blames everyone but herselfJune 23, 2020
Timing is everything in handling the insurrectionJune 23, 2020
Democrats and fellow leftists are snatching defeat from the jaws of victoryJune 23, 2020
A retired physician's take on epidemiologistsJune 23, 2020
Democrats create a workaround to advance voter fraudJune 23, 2020
Black Lives Matter grifter Shaun King declares war on Christian imageryJune 23, 2020
Twilight Zone: 'Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace.'June 23, 2020
Stop pandering to the left's systemic racism 'big lie'June 23, 2020
Appetite for Destruction: Lincoln, Grant, Churchill statues coming down, Lenin going upJune 23, 2020
Democrats' fear-based strategy to win in NovemberJune 23, 2020
Maybe they didn't tear down enough statues in ChicagoJune 23, 2020
Let's welcome Equity Prime Mortgage LLC of Atlanta Georgia to the Karma Café (updated)June 23, 2020
Dancing with BeethovenJune 23, 2020
How the Supreme Court failedJune 22, 2020
Claims of punking to the contrary, the Tulsa rally is a net benefit for TrumpJune 22, 2020
The Supreme Court is out of controlJune 22, 2020
So much for Seattle's 'summer of love'June 22, 2020
When the fattest pig in the sty wants you to pay for its extra helpings...June 22, 2020
Smartypants HBO comedian John Oliver owes President Trump a deep apology for mocking his prophecy that just came trueJune 22, 2020
Debating the woke crowdJune 22, 2020
Petraeus pathetically pandersJune 22, 2020
The virus and protests have accelerated the corporate push for American fascismJune 22, 2020
Chris Doyle yet another victim of PC cancel culture — and the Chris Doyle I knewJune 22, 2020
Should Trump worry?June 22, 2020
Did white liberals check with blacks about removing Aunt Jemima?June 22, 2020
How did Russia get into a proxy war with Turkey in Libya?June 22, 2020
Ruptured Republic: US declaring independence from Founders, principles?June 22, 2020
Being an octogenarian in a coronaviral world is no picnicJune 21, 2020
A Hispanic vendor in Tulsa uses Alinsky tactics against a BLM supporterJune 21, 2020
Was Trump Tulsa turnout punked by alliance of AOC and Trump-hating RINOs?June 21, 2020
Rayshard Brooks was a menace to societyJune 21, 2020
First, they came for the Confederates...June 21, 2020
UN ‘experts’ tweet out Antifa flag and expresses ‘profound concern’ over US designation as ‘domestic terrorists’ – and then hide tweetJune 21, 2020
The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York forgets Trump is his bossJune 21, 2020
For white leftists, Black Lives Matter is the new ‘white man’s burden’June 21, 2020
The truth about slaveryJune 21, 2020
The real point of John Bolton's unapproved tell-all bookJune 21, 2020
Conformity is the new god in leftist-run AmericaJune 21, 2020
On capitalizing 'Black' but not 'white'June 21, 2020
All fathers matter: Happy Father's DayJune 21, 2020
The New Woke Bible?June 21, 2020
The answer to police violence is not 'defund,' it's reformJune 21, 2020
In the moment with George MartinJune 20, 2020
Callous contempt: The crisis of blue-state one-party Democrat goveranceJune 20, 2020
There's an ugly cynicism lurking behind the Black Lives Matter movementJune 20, 2020
President Trump predicted that the woke mob would turn on America's FoundersJune 20, 2020
The morons of the pandemicJune 20, 2020
An appetite for PaulJune 20, 2020
California Legislature facing $54.3-billion deficit chooses to increase spendingJune 20, 2020
Lessons from man's best friendJune 20, 2020
Political violence then and nowJune 20, 2020
Fact vs. opinion — where does it lead?June 20, 2020
Ten reasons why John Bolton is not to be trustedJune 20, 2020
Hair-splitting Roberts needs to open a barber shopJune 20, 2020
Democrats picking the scab of racismJune 20, 2020
How about we keep Juneteenth and lose Kwanzaa?June 20, 2020
Thank God for copsJune 19, 2020
Kamala #HeelsUpHarris ascends to the top of the Biden VP list: What could go wrong?June 19, 2020
In a world of sheep-like conformity, Hillsdale College takes a standJune 19, 2020
Fauci falls, fumbles forbidding footballJune 19, 2020
It's tough trying to keep track of the crazy emanating from DemocratsJune 19, 2020
Are we watching the collapse of the blue city?June 19, 2020
Supremes legislate from the bench on DACA. What now?June 19, 2020
Cutting off donations to my alma materJune 19, 2020
Black Lives: A global perspectiveJune 19, 2020
There, I've said it. Somebody had to.June 19, 2020
The media suddenly love the far-right, neo-con, war-mongering, dangerous John BoltonJune 19, 2020
There is no longer any doubt: The left cares nothing about characterJune 19, 2020
Virginia Democrats dishonor Juneteenth anniversaryJune 19, 2020
How far we have comeJune 19, 2020
China: The nature of the beastJune 19, 2020
Let them secedeJune 18, 2020
Where are all the guns and ammo purchased under Obama?June 18, 2020
Are we about to see the second Burning of Atlanta?June 18, 2020
Tucker triumphantJune 18, 2020
Secrets and Lies: Bolton's book 'revelations' ring phony to conservatives and enrage the leftiesJune 18, 2020
Spot the racist: Dick Durbin caught in a 'tell'June 18, 2020
Boycott and 'cancel' Black Lives MatterJune 18, 2020
A new name for CHAZ to honor Washington's benighted politiciansJune 18, 2020
President Trump to headline Deep State and fake news protest in Tulsa SaturdayJune 18, 2020
John Bolton's book looks like a fairy-tale for Trump-hatersJune 18, 2020
Racial annulmentJune 18, 2020
Did NBC and Google engage in antitrust collusion against two conservative sites?June 18, 2020
The Democrats and anarchyJune 18, 2020
Guess I'll never be a StarrJune 18, 2020
Democrats go back to their roots and dress up like slave ownersJune 18, 2020
Keep the global arms embargo on mullah IranJune 17, 2020
CHAZ devolves into a Fyre festival, a really bad band camp that didn't quite get the Porta-Potties upJune 17, 2020
Obama holdouts finally dislodged at Voice of AmericaJune 17, 2020
Schadenfreude overload: Progressive, BLM-supporting mayor of Olympia, WA calls riots 'domestic terrorism' after her home is vandalizedJune 17, 2020
As American politicians cower before BLM, they get a lesson in courage from...FranceJune 17, 2020
A vast left-wing conspiracy suppressing conservative voices includes Google, NBC, and a shadowy foreign groupJune 17, 2020
Drum roll, please: The big anti-Trump GOP PAC roll-out features...Anthony Scaramucci?June 17, 2020
All right, let's talk about George HarrisonJune 17, 2020
The Bolton publishing fracas is a swamp game that needs to endJune 17, 2020
How the ancient Romans dealt with statue problemsJune 17, 2020
You’ll never guess what a British woman said about Winston ChurchillJune 17, 2020
Bill de Blasio ups the anti-Semitism quotientJune 17, 2020
Popular Mechanics magazine has practical advice for vandalsJune 17, 2020
Is old-fashioned Marxist class warfare at work in America's media?June 17, 2020
About my 'racism' and 'privilege'June 17, 2020
Making the VOA AmericanJune 16, 2020
A video catches a brave woman telling leftists the truth about the DemocratsJune 16, 2020
Another day, another bogus report from CDC seeking to entice the public to continue wearing masksJune 16, 2020
They're already joking about guillotines in CHAZ/CHOPJune 16, 2020
New York's contact tracers curiously incurious about whether COVID-19 patients attended protests and lootingsJune 16, 2020
A viral video reveals the black lives that Black Lives Matter destroyedJune 16, 2020
COVID has laid the groundwork for revolutionJune 16, 2020
Where is the Republican pushback?June 16, 2020
Whom are you going to call?June 16, 2020
Woke leftists seek to oust economist for opposing defunding policeJune 16, 2020
Jews fight back against de Blasio's continued persecutionJune 16, 2020
The Supreme Court confuses mental illness with sexJune 16, 2020
A new era for homeschoolingJune 16, 2020
Immune systems matterJune 16, 2020
Renewable power fails in GermanyJune 16, 2020
The Beatles again and againJune 15, 2020
Trump's planned Tulsa rally has leftists in a panicJune 15, 2020
CNN's Brian Stelter goes on the attack, only to have his prey turn on himJune 15, 2020
After big protest and loot-fest in New York, Andrew Cuomo wonders why no one's listening to his lockdown orders anymoreJune 15, 2020
Florida police chief takes a knee, loses his SWAT teamJune 15, 2020
What to make of national pride falling to a record low in the latest Gallup poll?June 15, 2020
Business departs the inner citiesJune 15, 2020
Seattle's cowardly capitulation contrasts with 4 other cities putting down attempts to establish 'autonomous zones'June 15, 2020
Anti-police madness metastasizes as SF mayor plans to send in social workers in their placeJune 15, 2020
Baseball needs to get its act togetherJune 15, 2020
A Trump October surprise vaccine?June 15, 2020
We're not buying Joe Biden's 'tough on China' ActJune 15, 2020
The Atlanta police department is in the left's crosshairsJune 15, 2020
Atlanta DA considering murder charges against police officer who shot Rayshard BrooksJune 15, 2020
PC doesn't suit New OrleansJune 15, 2020
Black Lives Matter protesters shut down a major artery in the SF Bay AreaJune 14, 2020
Hillary Clinton lost her appeal, order stands to testify on private server and Benghazi emailsJune 14, 2020
Atlanta riot shows the left's downhill in slide in racializing police incidentsJune 14, 2020
CHAZ offers useful insights into the practical realities of revolutionary communesJune 14, 2020
Trump admin rolls back Obama’s rule that sex is determined by ‘identity’ not biologyJune 14, 2020
Truckers refuse to deliver to Democrat chaos citiesJune 14, 2020
About that Social Security trust fund running out...June 14, 2020
A Rolling Stone editor slams journalism’s insane ‘intellectual revolution’June 14, 2020
Dr. Amy Acton, architect of Ohio's shutdown, resignsJune 14, 2020
'Gone With The Wind' fans don't give a damnJune 14, 2020
No bailout for riot-enablersJune 14, 2020
Cherry-picking statistics will get you a good leftist race narrativeJune 14, 2020
The plight of blacks who believe in America’s promiseJune 14, 2020
Veterans need to lead support for America's police and sheriffsJune 14, 2020
Serial kneeling of AmericaJune 14, 2020
What's the future for Iran’s economy, post-pandemic?June 13, 2020
So who tried to trick his way into George Papadopoulos's home?June 13, 2020
Scott Adams has had a brilliant insight about the demand for reparationsJune 13, 2020
Democrats are savaging Trump’s upcoming campaign rally in TulsaJune 13, 2020
Democrats are still squatting in the White House. Time to escort them outJune 13, 2020
Judge rules against Jussie Smollett’s attempt evade prosecution for his faked hate crimeJune 13, 2020
Back in the day when FDR praised Robert E. Lee as he dedicated a statue of the Confederate generalJune 13, 2020
It's not just policing that Black Lives Matter wants to changeJune 13, 2020
The futility of reparationsJune 13, 2020
Lefties say the Original Sin of whites is racismJune 13, 2020
It's a bit odd that the mob wants a lefty mayor to resignJune 13, 2020
The morality of calling in the National Guard to stop mayhemJune 13, 2020
The irony of kneeling during the National AnthemJune 13, 2020
What Antifa and MAGA have in commonJune 13, 2020
The sacred cow of socialized medicineJune 13, 2020
Defund the police: Wrong target, right ideaJune 13, 2020
Richmond rekindles the flames last seen when the Civil War endedJune 12, 2020
Democrat family values? Nancy Pelosi curiously silent about the Confederate statues her dad put upJune 12, 2020
Biden's keepers must regret letting him out of his basement as he drifts off into incoherence and commits multiple gaffes in one public appearanceJune 12, 2020
Has America ever had a more crazed mayor than Seattle's Jenny Durkan?June 12, 2020
The coming schismJune 12, 2020
Mogadishu on the Mississippi suggests dismantling the police department — call their bluffJune 12, 2020
Stocks are reacting badly to a leftist takeover of a major city, not a few new COVID-19 casesJune 12, 2020
JK Rowling has been mugged by gender realityJune 12, 2020
School choice should be the status quoJune 12, 2020
A teachable moment for the 2nd AmendmentJune 12, 2020
Oprah is a leftist Trojan horseJune 12, 2020
Do Black Lives Matter?June 12, 2020
BLM's agendaJune 12, 2020
Defund the police, and it's nasty, brutish, and shortJune 12, 2020
The left really does want America to burnJune 12, 2020
The Progressive State brought civil war to the familyJune 12, 2020
Iran: The supreme leader's regional girdle is tearing apartJune 11, 2020
California legislators pit blacks against Asians in brainless move to bring back affirmative actionJune 11, 2020
Let Seattle stew in its own excrementJune 11, 2020
Rioters in Virginia would have their cops and abolish them, tooJune 11, 2020
Where are the gutless Republicans?June 11, 2020
Media try to hide Trump's success in Georgia's primaryJune 11, 2020
Rioters have given Trump a landslide re-election victoryJune 11, 2020
Where is the FBI?June 11, 2020
Whose black lives matter?June 11, 2020
Media and the leftist codeJune 11, 2020
Democrats and police unionsJune 11, 2020
Where are you, Marc Chagall?June 11, 2020
Trump is no racistJune 11, 2020
Protests as panderingJune 11, 2020
Some advice from victims of voter fraud who won the dayJune 11, 2020
The job of a cop is extremely toughJune 10, 2020
Watching in real time as Seattle descends into anarchyJune 10, 2020
'Defund the police' creating deep rift between two key Dem constituencies, Hispanics and blacksJune 10, 2020
Goodbye to 'Mill City'June 10, 2020
'Rev.' Al Sharpton attempts to shake down NFL at George Floyd funeralJune 10, 2020
Kamala Harris, calling for $150-million LAPD defunding, also used LAPD as her private security detailJune 10, 2020
'Build bridges not walls' mayor of Portland, OR changes his mind and builds wall around City HallJune 10, 2020
Liberal generals beclowning the militaryJune 10, 2020
A word about public-sector unionsJune 10, 2020
Mandatory Groupthink: Dare to deviate from leftist orthodoxy and be damnedJune 10, 2020
As mob power grows, speak now or forever (be forced to) hold your peaceJune 10, 2020
When did they change the definition of the word 'recession'?June 10, 2020
The angry left and states' rightsJune 10, 2020
In New York, someone stands up loud and proud for all the good police out thereJune 10, 2020
The rule of lawJune 10, 2020
Open the schools without politicsJune 9, 2020
Voting with their feet: Burned out Minneapolis manufacturer pulls up stakes and vows to rebuild elsewhereJune 9, 2020
Is being a Biden adviser a racist term? If you say so, Alexandria Ocasio-CortezJune 9, 2020
Epic video rant by black woman unable to loot cell phone store because it's guarded by 'Ayrabs'June 9, 2020
Pelosi and the Democrats have fallen, and they can't get upJune 9, 2020
Twin Cities: A few words of adviceJune 9, 2020
Blacks not the only victims of rogue copsJune 9, 2020
Bad news for Trump not so bad after allJune 9, 2020
There's a cancer amongst the pensioners of the PentagonJune 9, 2020
The American left does not recognize America's governmentJune 9, 2020
Under the new rules, Elmer Fudd is a dudJune 9, 2020
Undercover cops posing as Orthodox Jews? An exercise in skepticismJune 9, 2020
The dark night risesJune 9, 2020
Special conference call today will feature Fox News personalities Deroy Murdock and David WebbJune 9, 2020
The 'basement candidate' needs to speak upJune 9, 2020
Tea Party bus tour needed more than everJune 8, 2020
Trump saved DC from the mobJune 8, 2020
Chutzpah Cities: Bailouts, beggings, and food deserts, starting with MinneapolisJune 8, 2020
Just when you thought white virtue-signalers could not abase themselves moreJune 8, 2020
Mayhem made in Venezuela?: Take a look at the photos of BLM leaders whooping it up with Nicolas Maduro in Harlem and CaracasJune 8, 2020
Dress rehearsal for revolutionJune 8, 2020
Watching the lunacy at the New York Times, my schadenfreude meter has hit 10June 8, 2020
Minneapolis embraces anarchy and vigilantismJune 8, 2020
Progressives’ post-riot program: No cops/more cowbellJune 8, 2020
Don't let them pull off the revolution!June 8, 2020
On the Wuhan virus, should you even listen to a leftist epidemiologist?June 8, 2020
BLM: Another nuclear freeze movement?June 8, 2020
US to remove 9,500 troops from GermanyJune 8, 2020
America is too good for DemocratsJune 8, 2020
Trump was so right to abandon the WHOJune 8, 2020
Lies and Sacraments: The story of the Democratic PartyJune 7, 2020
Did an aged activist set up the Buffalo police?June 7, 2020
The building cold anger throughout AmericaJune 7, 2020
Trump gets a boost from an unexpected Catholic church allyJune 7, 2020
Why we are being besieged by emails from businesses and organizations bragging about their support for Black Lives Matter/AntifaJune 7, 2020
Dirty prosecutor Kamala Harris rages with fake righteousness at Trump for bringing up George FloydJune 7, 2020
'Defund the police'? The method to the Left’s madnessJune 7, 2020
Black support for Trump as riots rage? What's going on?June 7, 2020
Minneapolis’s socialist mayor still not woke enough for the mobJune 7, 2020
Vermont's Gov. Phil Scott: Republican or revolutionary?June 7, 2020
A first look at 'Erasing America'June 7, 2020
Academic malfeasance: Khaled Abou El Fadl on Judeo-Christian valuesJune 7, 2020
Where does General James Mattis get off?June 7, 2020
Democrats, their abettors, and their unreal dystopiaJune 7, 2020
The issue isn't racismJune 7, 2020
Mao’s Cultural Revolution has landed in AmericaJune 7, 2020
Liberals leave two options: Law and order, or revolutionJune 6, 2020
One retired Marine isn't putting up with Mattis's nonsenseJune 6, 2020
Joe Biden's mental decline sadly evident twice yesterdayJune 6, 2020
Krugman goes bonkers again, with conspiracy theories about Trump's record on jobsJune 6, 2020
Black Lives Matter, the riots, and the new faith's looming failureJune 6, 2020
Black Lives Matter: Nothing but domestic terroristsJune 6, 2020
The good news on the stock market and the parable of the oxJune 6, 2020
Black murder realityJune 6, 2020
Where does Mother go to buy milk in Chicago?June 6, 2020
Media will do absolutely anything to keep Trump from being re-electedJune 6, 2020
The stock market and the economy are up, up and awayJune 6, 2020
Veterans are America's modern martyrsJune 6, 2020
Can the Constitution survive civil war?June 6, 2020
Recognizing the left for what it isJune 6, 2020
'No justice, no peace'?June 6, 2020
How much water will be wasted through COVID-obsessed hand-washing?June 5, 2020
Stunning explosion of cheers from Iran and China dissidents over booting of Obama holdovers at Voice of AmericaJune 5, 2020
Conservative black icon Candace Owens's uncompromising video critique of George Floyd creates a firestormJune 5, 2020
Project Veritas begins its Antifa exposéJune 5, 2020
Everything is bad and we are beyond redemption: The left reeks of 'downerism'June 5, 2020
Trump's church walk was a strong moveJune 5, 2020
The party that bore false witness against Trump to destroy him should not pretend they care what the Bible saysJune 5, 2020
Iran's mullahs look to exploit George Floyd's deathJune 5, 2020
Donald Trump and George Floyd have something in commonJune 5, 2020
Disciples of the gospel of Democrats and fake news mediaJune 5, 2020
The politics of murderJune 5, 2020
Democrats on displayJune 5, 2020
The embarrassing nonsense of General MattisJune 5, 2020
So George Will wants Joe Biden to pick the next Supreme Court justice?June 5, 2020
George Clooney's moral confusionJune 5, 2020
Will we ever have a eulogy for racism?June 5, 2020
The media's VP dramaJune 5, 2020
The racism rhetoric out there could use a reality checkJune 5, 2020
Preventing Another Viral 9/11June 4, 2020
'Abolish the police!'? What happened when a major American city tried that a century agoJune 4, 2020
Obama plays president again, not about to let this crisis go to wasteJune 4, 2020
Americans are bowing down before the mob because of the Big LieJune 4, 2020
Rod Rosenstein copies Hillary's defensive technique in the SenateJune 4, 2020
The systemic racism scamJune 4, 2020
Leftist rioters coming for youJune 4, 2020
The epidemic of virtue-signaling: worse than COVID-19June 4, 2020
The leftist mob of inadequatesJune 4, 2020
Our civil unrestJune 4, 2020
Midway: Victory and scandalJune 4, 2020
'Orange Man drops Agent Orange' or something like thatJune 4, 2020
What a difference a day makesJune 4, 2020
George Floyd's death reveals the domestic enemies among usJune 4, 2020
Why hasn't Antifa been infiltrated yet?June 4, 2020
Prosecute actions, not thoughtcrimesJune 3, 2020
Americans are being subjected to an orgy of disinformationJune 3, 2020
Gretchen Whitmer has her ‘let them eat cake’ momentJune 3, 2020
And the winner is…June 3, 2020
Bumfight: As New York burns, Cuomo blasts de Blasio, de Blasio blasts CuomoJune 3, 2020
If Biden threw himself on the floor, he’d miss!June 3, 2020
It takes an African black to understand what Black Lives Matter really isJune 3, 2020
Watch for it: Strange new respect for George Bush as Bush minions form PAC to boost Joe BidenJune 3, 2020
Trump with his bible: Fighting for the soul of AmericaJune 3, 2020
The Savages Among UsJune 3, 2020
Coronavirus, gun sales – and a new gun controlJune 3, 2020
'You are surrounded': China encircles the U.S. through cultureJune 3, 2020
No money to send homeJune 3, 2020
America’s emergency responders are under siegeJune 3, 2020
Bob Johnson’s dreadful $14.7T proposalJune 3, 2020
Up, up and away from it all: A SpaceX successJune 2, 2020
Judge Sullivan ripped the judicial mask off, and what's behind it is uglyJune 2, 2020
Harry and Meghan feeling a little concerned about drones in LAJune 2, 2020
These black lives don't matter, as far as the national media are concernedJune 2, 2020
Joe Biden advocates shooting suspects in the legsJune 2, 2020
Conflicting autopsies complicate the trial of Derek Chauvin for death of George FloydJune 2, 2020
Bill de Blasio vies with Jacob Frey for title of America's worst mayorJune 2, 2020
After watching Democrat governors flail, President Trump steps in to quell the riotsJune 2, 2020
The DOJ supports its petition for writ of mandate with an explosive briefJune 2, 2020
Rioting must not be allowed to define a new AmericaJune 2, 2020
Rioting thugs rebuked by George Floyd's brotherJune 2, 2020
If pushed, we know what to doJune 2, 2020
Red vs blue: The differenceJune 2, 2020
Time to unmask AmericaJune 2, 2020
We need less hand sanitizer and more street sanitizerJune 2, 2020
'Institutional racism' is the new blood libelJune 1, 2020
Trump declared Antifa a terrorist organization, and Democrats are worriedJune 1, 2020
It's time for Trump to come out and take commandJune 1, 2020
It's an insurrection, no longer just protestsJune 1, 2020
ESPN writer Chris Palmer wins the NIMBY of the year awardJune 1, 2020
How do we explain the many thousands of Americans who believe they are entitled to steal?June 1, 2020
On George Floyd: There is NOTHING to protestJune 1, 2020
Leftists more at war with regular Americans than with looters and arsonistsJune 1, 2020
Everything with the left is politicalJune 1, 2020
Big-city mayors don't want to end the chaosJune 1, 2020
Democrat-run media outlet spins a terrible attack in DallasJune 1, 2020
Iran: Who is Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, spokesman for the mullahs' 11th parliament?June 1, 2020
Here is your permission slip to go about your businessJune 1, 2020
Negligent cops and thuggish protestersJune 1, 2020
Forget gun control
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