Schadenfreude: CNN's Fredo Cuomo loses half his viewers

CNN's obnoxious Chris 'Fredo' Cuomo, who hates his job at CNN and actually told a radio host that, has now lost half his viewers in wake of the coronavirus crisis.

According to the Daily Mail, it followed a series of Fredo-grade stunts.

CNN host Chris Cuomo's ratings have plunged 49 percent in the two months since he announced he'd contracted coronavirus, data from Nielsen Media Research shows.

Since the week of March 30, Cuomo has dropped from first in his 9pm time slot among cable news hosts to bottom of the barrel, last week averaging just 440,000 daily viewers in the age demographic prized by advertisers.

Cuomo's stunning ratings nosedive came after interviews with his brother, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, in lighthearted segments that were widely panned as ratings stunts amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Though all cable news saw something of a drop-off in viewership in May, as viewers seemingly grew weary of the pandemic coverage, Chris Cuomo's decline was sharper than his time slot competitors, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and Fox News' Sean Hannity.

The less-talented brother of New York's Gov. Andrew Cuomo reportedly turned off readers with a Q-Tip stunt made on television, joking about his brother's big nose, according to the Daily Mail - which has pictures, as well as a stunning graph showing Fredo's decline. The Q-tip stunt was stupid but I'm going to disagree that it was truly problematic - the pair, after all, are brothers. It could be related to the fact that Andrew Cuomo, based on his decision to seed nursing homes with COVID-19 patients, killing thousands, is becoming a pariah. But there were plenty of other issues elsewhere.

Fredo's real problem is his behavior in general.

First, he says he hates is job, which isn't the brightest way to attract a network audience. Seriously, would you want to watch a guy who hates his gold-plated job and quite probably you? Audiences pick up on these things and get the heck over to some rival program.

Second, he got into public altercations with strangers, probably the stupidest thing anyone with a high profile job in New York City can do, given the ubiquity of cell phone cameras. Sure enough, when some provocateur called Cuomo a 'Fredo' he got into a public altercation captured on video and afterwards said he wished he could get into such dust-ups with strangers more freely. Incidents this stupid can only raise questions as to why he got his job at all at CNN. Seems there really is a 'Fredo' factor, suggesting that he was only hired because he was a powerful politician's relative.

As if that wouldn't be enough to drive viewership away, he caught the coronavirus. But instead of isolating and recovering with dignity, he once again managed to pull off the opposite. He refused to wear his mask as the law dictated, which was example enough of an immature soul. Then, when a stranger on a bike asked him to put on his mask, per regulations, he got into yet another public altercation with a stranger.

This guy isn't stable. And he's not ready for prime time. No wonder his audience is fleeing.


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