As Israel-haters go, who's WHO?

Who says that WHO (World Health Organization) is merely inefficient, irrelevant and mainly preoccupied with promoting China’s agenda?

WHO has other interests as well and it pursues them with a remarkable consistency.

For example, WHO never misses an opportunity to single out Israel for condemnation and demonization.

Here is an excerpt from a petition sent to WHO, circulated by Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies:

[I]t is ironic to single out Israel as a violator of health rights, some of the reasons being:

  • Israel is routinely among the first countries to deploy aid and emergency medical response teams to disaster sites around the world such as cyclone-battered Mozambique and earthquake-stricken Haiti
  • Thousands of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank receive world-class health care in Israeli hospitals every year, including Palestinian leader Jibril Rajoub who was recently admitted to Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv notwithstanding his open support for terror attacks against Israelis
  • Thousands of victims of the Syrian civil war have received lifesaving health care in Israel while Syrian hospitals have been bombed out by Russian and Syrian jets

According to the Jerusalem Post, which covered WHO’s 72nd Assembly in 2019, the Assembly had 21 items on its agenda, yet only one item focused on a specific country. That country was Israel. The Assembly voted 97-11 for an anti-Israel resolution. The 11 countries opposing the resolution were the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Germany, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary and Israel.

Many WHO-provided documents lament the lack of resources in Gaza hospitals, yet they conveniently omit the link between the poor state of health care in Gaza and Hamas priorities. Why can Hamas find resources for thousands of rockets to fire at Israeli civilians, and resources to acquire equipment to dig underground tunnels to smuggle terrorists into Israel, but can’t find resources for medications?

The standards that WHO applies to Israel, the only predominantly Jewish state in the world, are vastly different from the standards it applies to all other countries. If that is not anti-Semitism, what is? Finally, the following may explain why improving health care in Gaza is not the highest priority for Hamas.

In 2014, Reuters ran a story that was carried by several news outlets all around the world. Here are two excerpts from it:

  • Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh's daughter was “admitted to an Israeli hospital for emergency medical treatment this month after she suffered complications from a routine procedure”;
  • “Israeli media has reported that one of Haniyeh's granddaughters was treated in an Israeli hospital last November, while his mother-in-law sought treatment in a Jerusalem hospital in June.”

“Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.” That is a quotation usually attributed to Golda Meir. Apparently, the Hamas leader loves his children and grandchildren enough to send them to the “Zionist entity”, fully expecting that Jewish doctors will provide the best treatment to all their patients. Now Hamas has a chance to reallocate their resources in a way that will benefit all Gaza children by providing their resources to the Gaza hospitals, rather than tools of death to kill Jews.

As for WHO, it can either be conducive to achieving this goal; or it can continue the pain, the demonization of Israel and promoting the narrative of Palestinian victimhood.

Image credit: Pixabay public domain

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