The M Word

The word “media” no longer communicates anything useful. We need a new term for our foes.

During his Tuesday, April 14th show, Russ Limbaugh discussed his discomfort with the term “Media.” In a time when the vast majority of the so-called mainstream media no longer even maintain a façade of objectivity and honest reporting of the facts, he hesitated to apply the term media to such a biased, dishonest source of unapologetic distortion and propaganda.

This problem does not only apply to newsrooms (perhaps “viewsrooms” would be a more accurate nomenclature) but seemingly extends to everything from late-night “comedians” (sorry, but it is really is hard to write about this hypocrisy without using a lot of parenthesis and quotations marks) to movies and television dramas as well. (Two leading contrary examples are the quickly stifled Rosanne character and Tim Allen’s brilliant but largely-overlooked comedy, “Last Man Standing.”)

And in movies and shows, when Big Corporations are portrayed, it is almost always as inhumane and uncaring paragons of evil and greed whose only value is the bottom line. Similarly, the military is generally (pun intended) portrayed as immoral and unscrupulous war mongers, only held in check by a virtuous liberal president.

So, like Mr. Limbaugh, I have often struggled with referring to this soulless conglomeration of so-called reporters, talking heads, grossly overpaid actors and would-be comedians as “The Media.”

For many years, I was content to simply refer to them as “The Mediopoly,” reflecting their near stranglehold on public discourse. Since then, thankfully, such newcomers as Fox News, talk radio, and a multitude of excellent websites reflecting reasoned conservative thought have impinged upon the left’s historic monopoly on mass communication.

The problem remains, however, of how to refer to these declining -- yet still adamant -- adherents to the ideals and perceived virtues of the old guard Mediopoly.

While the term “drive-by media” has become a common way to refer to the shallow, substance-less but politically-correct drivel that passes for journalism these days, I would like to humbly suggest my own alternative.

The Mediocrats.

First of all, it encompasses that fact that this segment of our society has become the voice of – if not the driver of – the modern Democrat Party and its policies.

More important, however, it also embodies connotations of two very distinct words that relate closely to this group.

It is reminiscent of the term aristocrat, which seems to be a proper designation for the self-important elitists who comprise the pampered celebrities that inhabit everything from network news to what passes as entertainment. After all, why else would the likes of Jim Carey or Kathy Griffin or Joy Behar think their opinions are worth enough that we should be humbled that they deem to share them with us?

Finally, it begins the same as the word mediocre, which is an apt description of the level to which modern journalism and entertainment has sunk.

The Mediocrats.

I like it.

Bill Markin is a retired businessman and certified curmudgeon.

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