The Democrats’ ugly responses to news of Wuhan Virus at CPAC

On Saturday, news broke that an attendee at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) tested positive for COVID-19, AKA coronavirus or Wuhan Virus.  For the next two days, Democrats celebrated this news because they still believe the media lie that President Trump called the virus a hoax.  Then, when Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) announced that he was self-quarantining after having had contact with the CPAC attendee who had "Wuhan Virus," Democrats escalated the madness, accusing Gosar of racism.

The logic behind Democrats' celebration was media reports that President Trump called the coronavirus a "hoax."  They believed that Trump would now have to face the fact that this "hoax" was decimating members of his party.

The real hoax was that the media had lied.  What Trump had said during his campaign rally in South Carolina was that the Democrats were spreading misinformation about the coronavirus to politicize it.  This misinformation, like the "Russia, Russia, Russia" claims that preceded it, was a hoax meant to undermine his presidency.

Ignorance about the facts has never stopped Democrats.  Many of them, including presumably reputable people identified with blue checks, took to Twitter with glee, celebrating the fact that a potentially dangerous virus had a foothold at a well attended conference:

The level of crazy animosity and wokeness escalated Sunday night, when Rep. Gosar, DDS posted a tweet thread in which he announced that he and three of his senior staff would be self-quarantining after they had "sustained contact at CPAC with a person who has since been hospitalized with the Wuhan Virus."  The woke Twitterati, as well as one of Rep. Gosar's fellow representatives, went completely crazy, accusing Gosar of racism for having used the term "Wuhan Virus."

It all started with these tweets from Rep. Gosar:

(Later on Sunday, Ted Cruz also announced that he is self-quarantining.)

In normal times, the media would have reported that "Rep. Gosar and three of his senior staff have self-quarantined after coming into contact with someone who later proved to be sick with [COVID-19 or coronavirus or Wuhan Virus]."  Then, also in normal times, people would have said, "I hope the person who was diagnosed gets well soon and that no one who was in contact with him gets sick.  And good for Rep. Gosar and his staff to self-quarantine to ensure that they do not become disease vectors."

These are not normal times.  Instead, the woke Twitterati, again led by those with blue checks and lots of followers, accused Rep. Gosar of racism for referring to the virus by its original location.  The fact that this is a conventional way of referring to illnesses — e.g., Spanish flu, Ebola virus, Hong Kong flu, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome — was irrelevant.

One of the leaders of the baying pack of wokesters was someone affiliated with MSNBC, NBC, Bloomberg, and NPR, just so you know who's disseminating dis-information in America:

The invariably insulted and historically ignorant Rep. Ted Lieu chimed in with a non sequitur about Milan, a city in which the virus did not originate:

MSNBC talking dweeb Chris Hayes had a large presence in the debate:

Hayes was quickly called to account for his own past reference to the Spanish flu:

Others pointed out that Hayes was giving the Chinese government a pass:

Too many powerful people in America lack general knowledge and any reasoning abilities.  They function on hatred.  Their mindset is the worst virus of all.

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