The deadliest disease

Schools and pro sports and other sites where people gather in large crowds are on a mandated two-week hiatus to give the coronavirus a chance to die out.  Among other things, this has cost me March Madness, for which I wait with bated breath the rest of the year.

And I just don't follow the logic.  There will always be people in whom the disease develops more slowly, and there will be ways it spreads other than just direct contact.  Once these two weeks are up, then what?  We all go back to whatever crowded things we do, and some of these infected peeps will also go, just in time to give everyone else the  coronavirus.

Two more weeks off, then?  Why?  We don't do this for the common flu, which kills a quarter-million every year.  CV is no more, and probably rather less, dangerous than the usual cough-spread viruses and bacteria we deal with regularly. I see no reason to get all worked up over it. Victor Davis Hansen notes, "Most of the data suggest that about 99 of every 100 infected under 65 will recover, the great majority without complications from the infection."

President Trump has no recourse since the Idiot Left press is out to make everything he does look bad, so he has to go along with the scare and act as if the sky were falling.  After it all dies down, they'll sneer at how he "panicked" and declared a state of emergency that wasn't necessary.  One gets the impression that they secretly cheer the virus on, hoping millions of us die so Trump will take a hit.

More than one deadly disease is at large in America, and the deadliest of them all has nothing to do with physical aliment.

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