Some people take tranquilizers for anxiety, but not Bill Clinton

Many of us vividly remember 1998, when Bill Clinton shook his finger at Americans while earnestly declaiming, “I didn’t have sexual relations with that woman” (commonly remembered as, “I did not have sex with that woman”). That statement was a lie. Although stopping short of actual sexual intercourse, Bill Clinton had all sorts of sexual relations with the much-younger Monica Lewinsky. It was inexcusably sordid and, worse, Clinton used the Oval Office for these escapades.

Twenty-two years later, Bill is finally explaining what drove him to defile the Oval Office in this way, and his explanation is a doozy: He was stressed.

Bill Clinton claims that his affair with Monica Lewinsky was one of the ‘things I did to manage my anxieties’. 

The former President suggests, in an explosive documentary seen by DailyMailTV,  that he had the fling with the ex-White House intern while he was in office because it helped with his own issues.

Bill reveals that at the time he met Lewinsky the pressure of the job made him feel like a boxer who had done 30 rounds and he looked at Lewinsky as ‘something that will take your mind off it for a while’.


‘Because there, whatever life - not just me. Everybody’s life has pressures and disappointments, terrors, fears of whatever.

‘Things I did to manage my anxieties for years. I’m a different, totally different person than I was, a lot of that stuff 20 years ago,’ he said. 

Bill did not explain exactly what he was referring to, but Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Lucinda Franks has claimed that in 1999 Hillary told her Bill confessed that his mother abused him as a boy and caused him to become a sex addict.

That last paragraph is way too much information. Also, talk about a dehumanizing way to refer to a young woman whose life he destroyed. Lewinsky was “something that will take [his] mind off” of work for a while. While Lewinsky thought she had a relationship, Clinton thought he had a compliant human substitute for a Valium.

Bill and Hillary also talk in the documentary about the way he lied to Hillary and then finally told her the truth, and the difficult task of telling eighteen-year-old Chelsea what had happened. The bit about telling Chelsea rings true.

It’s all so terribly sordid. One can only be grateful that Bill Clinton didn’t get another chance, in 2016, to live in the White House.

Meanwhile, the other women Bill used and abused were not buying his excuses:

Paula Jones agreed wholeheartedly with the points Broaddrick made:

Next time you hear a woman attack Donald Trump because he made the factually correct statement that, when you’re a billionaire, women let you get away with sexually aggressive behavior, remind them of a time when they willingly gave Bill Clinton a pass for rape, sexual harassment, and wildly inappropriate workplace conduct. Double standards, anyone?

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