How worried are progressive Jewish voters about Bernie’s anti-Semitism?

Whenever Bernie is asked about his feelings towards Israel, he’ll start spouting off about his being Jewish and having spent three months in Israel. It’s true that Bernie is genetically Jewish but he doesn’t have a smidgen of affection for either Judaism or the Jewish state. This is beginning to frighten progressive Jews.

The Bernie con about Judaism and Israel starts with his stay in Israel. The kibbutz on which he lived in 1963 was no ordinary kibbutz. Instead, it was a hardcore Stalinist kibbutz that supported Soviet foreign policy against both America and Israel. Kibbutzniks were early adopters of the two-state solution that would have spelled the end of Israel as a Jewish state.

Bernie’s hatred for Netanyahu is also a giveaway to his attitudes about the world’s only Jewish state. He claims that he supports Israel, yet he demonizes its Prime Minister as a “racist.” Because Israel has repeatedly elected Netanyahu, that means he’s calling Israel, the only open, pluralist democracy in the whole Middle East, a racist nation.

More Israel hatred leaked from Bernie when he not only skipped the annual conference held by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a bipartisan PAC supporting Israel, but did so with a gross insult:

When it comes to “bigotry,” look no further than Bernie’s surrogates:

There’s also Linda Sarsour who urged people to stop humanzing Jews (an idea that Hitler would have wholeheartedly supported).

Other campaign surrogates are Rashida Tlaib, who usually seems more concerned about representing Palestinians than Americans; and Ilhan Omar, who routinely spouts anti-Semitic tropes.

All of this has progressive Jews very nervous. On Democrat Jewish Facebook groups, people are likening him to England’s Jeremy Corbyn, only they're saying that he’s more dangerous because his Jewish ancestry gives him cover for his open anti-Semitism.

Another theory that's making the rounds works of the fact that Bernie supporters ridicule Jewish concerns about anti-Semitism. Jews are worried that, if Bernie does not win either the primary or the general election, Bernie supporters will scapegoat the Jews by claiming that Bernie's loss resulted because paranoid Jews abandoned Bernie because of unfounded fears about anti-Semitism. 

More and more Democrat-voting Jews on social media are linking to articles about Bernie's anti-Semitism that are being published in conservative Jewish outlets such as Commentary Magazine, Israelly Cool, or AlgemeinerThe comments always begin, “I know this is from a right wing magazine, but….” They’re worried. Very worried. 

Currently, progressives Jews are pinning their hopes on Michael Bloomberg. While they wish he were more of an economic Leftist, they like his stands on abortion (unlimited), guns (seized), Trump (hatred), and Israel (support -- although Bloomberg, the coward, let Bernie get away unchallenged with his Netanyahu insult). Still, they are uncomfortable with the idea of someone buying an election and they doubt that Bloomberg can succeed anyway. His personality is uninspiring, to say the least

So it is that Daniel Greenfield reports on polling showing that, in New York State,

A startling 61% of Jews have an unfavorable view of Sanders.

Only 6% of Jews would vote for Bernie on Super Tuesday. 


And then we come to the real kicker. A majority of Jews and Catholics would pick Trump over Sanders in a general election.

It’s true that New York state has more Orthodox Jews than, say, California, but the increased nervousness amongst all Jews, from Reform to Orthodox, hints that many of them, even if they cannot make themselves vote for Trump (despite his being the most pro-Israel president ever), will not have the stomach to vote for Bernie either.

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