So Bloomberg knew all along that Obamacare was a disaster...

Michael Bloomberg, whose ubiquitous television ads in California feature old recordings of President Obama praising him, would have you believe that President Obama endorses him for president.

This isn't true, but it's interesting that Obama hasn't protested.  Over in San Diego, the local Democratic Party had a fit when moneybags-lefty candidate Sara Jacobs slyly attempted to suggest she had their endorsement, but she didn't.  Endorsements are jealously guarded on the left.

No complaints from Obama.

And with Bloomberg after that coveted Obama endorsement, that means at a minimum a quick about-face on Obamacare, Obama's signature "achievement," which he also touts in his ads.  He decries high health care costs and then sounds the alarm about President Trump trying to get rid of the root of it, which is Obamacare:

Turns out he knew the truth about Obamacare all along.  A new tape has surfaced of him blasting it in 2010, the year it passed — for most of the right reasons.

"A disgrace."  "Do nothing to fix the big health care problems in this country."  "Just created another program that is going to cost a lot of money."  Every last part of those statements is true, and well known to people cursed to have to pay rent-sized checks for the one-size-fits-all-program.

So he knew all along how bad it was.

Now he's changed his tune, cynically advocating for it, presumably in the name of winning that coveted Obama endorsement.  He knows how bad it is, yet like a snake oil salesman, he is now trying to bottle it and sell it to Americans as something good in exchange for their votes, all to have Obama onboard for the endorsement. 

Maybe he already has it, given that he's getting no pushback for his use of Obama-praise in ads.  Check out Thomas Lifson's post here on how much Bloomberg has relied on disguised bribery to leftist foundations to buy off potential critics.  Could the Obama Foundation have been on the list?  No sign so far based on this donor list, but pass-through donations are often a technique, something to be looked into.

Bottom line: It's not the American people's interests he has in mind as he continues with his leveraged buyout of the Democratic Party.

Image credit: Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of public domain sources.

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