Finding meaning in Brexit
As of this past night, mid-night, Belgian time, the U.K. will again be free.
Not free of the problems common to all of mankind, but free from spirit-crushing European Union–style false democratic style of conformity.
To celebrate the above, one of the great voices for "Brexit" — for the freeing of the U.K. and its peoples — Nigel Farage — spoke some final words to the EU's politicians.
Have you seen it? Do! (And be ready to stand and cheer.)
Viewing the above will be a great revelation, even to ourselves, demonstrating how real or fake our love of real democracy, and even more, our dedication to individual human sovereignty.
One either believes in that — in the rights of individual people — or (as in the E.U. and, sadly, much of D.C.) one prefers to merely spew platitudes.
The "Brits" have had their say. They now, too, have their "Independence Day."
Yes, just as we had ours, and are fighting even now to keep it alive.
Yes, to "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
Does not that really, in the end, say it all?
Image credit: Pixabay, public domain.