Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

The propensity of the left to throw out the good with what it believes is bad could not be more pervasive.  Whether it is dismantling law enforcement or ridding the planet of fossil fuels, the left's ideology and blind rage, fomented by decades of grievance-mongering, drives its willingness to face failure and uncertainty for a mere instant of smug satisfaction.

The left's efforts to dismantle law enforcement agencies for perceived corruption and racism are now center stage.  This notion, fueled in part by the mainstream media, is resulting in repercussions that are creating havoc in much of the country.  Just a few days ago, a gunman in New York City attempted to assassinate police in two separate attacks, resulting in serious injuries.  This and similar incidents are a result of increasingly dangerous rhetoric.  The left believes that the police are beyond redemption and want to disassemble local and federal law enforcement agencies in toto.  That anarchy and lawlessness would reign if their plan ever came to fruition does not faze that side of the political divide.  Their irrational plans and radical designs are a product of anger and resentment towards normalcy and the conventional adherence to societal rules and norms.

The left has a propensity to discard the good for reasons that are a direct result of flawed and deficient beliefs.  Leftists' complete and total captivation and preoccupation with the concept of climate catastrophe is enough to call for the end of energy independence and the banning of fossil fuels.  They do not wish to be exposed to any evidence or facts contrary to their narrow beliefs but are willing to chance economic collapse and destruction of all standards of living.

The left wants to change direction on a number of policies and institutions without regard for the ramifications.  Leftists do not deliberate or concern themselves with what comes next — it's expediency in transformation that counts.  Border control, capitalism, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are all in their crosshairs.  Regrettably, they're ready and willing to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

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