2020 will be a test of America's integrity

Bernie Sanders is the frontrunner for the Democrat nomination for president.  Although there's still a long way to go before the party picks a nominee at the convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin the week of July 13, it appears to be a race between Sanders, the dyed-in-the-wool socialist, and Michael Bloomberg, the quintessential capitalist.  The battle is going to be of epic proportions and more than a bit puzzling.  It's one thing for a political party to call itself "a large tent" that welcomes people of all stripes, but how can it have two polar opposites vying for the same brass ring?

That raises the question: what does the Democrat Party actually stand for?  Given the individual issues such as gun confiscation, hysteria over the environment, open borders, higher taxes, and free health care for illegal aliens, it's clearly evident that it stands for ever larger government control over our lives.  Sanders has been indoctrinating the economic illiterates of the electorate with offers of freebies on a scale that makes his supporters naïve at best and mathematically challenged at worst.  Moreover, it doesn't seem to matter that every estimation of his offerings concludes with data indicating that such largesse is impossible, even in the richest country on Earth.

When he's asked how our country could afford the $60-trillion price tag for universal health care (which, in his imaginary world, includes everyone on the planet who invades our country), he mutters something about billionaires paying their fair share.  When it's pointed out to him that if you took all the money from all the wealthiest people in the country, it wouldn't amount to a fraction of what's needed for his delusional giveaways, he merely snorts and walks toward reporters who will toss softballs at him.  Meanwhile, like the legendary Pied Piper of Hamlin, the mountebank from Vermont is playing a mesmerizing tune that has many gullible youngsters following him toward a watery grave.

Sadly, even in a country that offers more opportunity for success than anywhere in the world, there will always be some losers who are willing to vote for the person who promises the most free stuff.  If you're one of those lazy bums who refuses to get a steady job, pay taxes, and prepare for a secure and prosperous future, no problem.  Bernie will rob the workers of their earnings and give them to you.  If you're a college student who has racked up thousands of dollars in debt, which you knew would have to be paid back, don't let it trouble you — Bolshevik Bernie will free you of all adult responsibilities while making you subservient to the state.

As for Bloomberg, the media mogul with the charisma of a dried prune, he says he wants the nomination in order to beat Trump in November.  In order to do so, he's prepared to spend $2 billion on attack ads that will saturate the airwaves in a mind-blowing display of propaganda that would make Joseph Goebbels envious.  However, his first task is to destroy the guy he referred to as a communist during a recent debate.  Sanders, ever the outraged curmudgeon, looked toward his detractor and, with a complexion turning from bright red to deep purple, grumbled that it was a "cheap shot."  Yet there was nothing cheap about the amount of cash spent by mini-Mike to get on that stage with the other wannabe chief executives.

The notorious "Big Gulp" prohibitionist from New York City spent north of $400 million to boost himself up and peer over the lectern.  Incidentally, you have to wonder how smart he is if he didn't use some of those Benjamins (or should I say Clevelands) to get better prepared for the ignominious nationwide spanking he took.  I guess it proves that no amount of shekels can buy you a personality.  Ultimately, Democrats have a muddled choice for their nominee.  Do they want a guy who buys voters with promises of cradle to grave freebies or a guy who buys voters with a deluge of mind-numbing distortions and obfuscations designed to confound an already addled electorate?

In a country with so many blessings, making it the envy of the world, why would our people hand it over to anyone willing to rob us of our hard-earned rewards by switching gears during an era of prosperity?  All the aforementioned tells me President Trump will be re-elected by a wider margin than in 2016.  Any other choice would be an astonishing indication of the lack of integrity, if not intelligence, in the American people.

Image: Phil Roeder via Flickr.

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