Nancy Pelosi thinks media coverage is helping Trump

In the face of 90 to 95% negative coverage of President Trump by the mainstream media, one would think Nancy Pelosi would be grateful for all the help they provide to her as the top elected leader of the Democrats.  But give her credit for a little more insight than that.  Without acknowledging it directly, she seems to understand that President Trump has mastered media jujitsu and turns negative coverage into positive.  Madeline Fry reports for the Examiner:

In an interview with Richard Jewell actress Olivia Wilde published this week, the California Democrat slammed the press for empowering Trump, saying, "All they do is enable him, and that is really a sad thing."

She continued: "I've said to many of my friends in the press, 'You're accomplices, whether you want to be or not,' [and they say,] 'If he's saying it, then it's news.' I don't think it's news, but it monopolizes the airwaves. So there is a lot of responsibility to go around in terms of the creation of whatever that is in the White House." (snip)

"But he has a tactic," Pelosi said, "one that is used by autocrats, which is, 'Just as long as they're talking about me, no matter if it's bad, then you're not talking about my opponent.'"

Actually, it's a lot more artful on the president's part than merely basking in any publicity, positive or negative.  He has managed to sensitize enough members of the public to the media's blinding hatred of him (and them) that their negativity only strengthens, almost like the way Godzilla gained powers from the high-tension electric power lines that helpless 1950s movie Japanese authorities hoped would kill him.


What the speaker fails to realize is that actual clinical derangement is at work; Trump Derangement Syndrome brings a compulsion to attack the 45th president, even when those attacks end up helping him.  Pelosi can't admit that the media are crazy; in fact, she can't even notice the delusion — because she shares it.

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