Is that you, Bill Clinton? New book says Epstein blackmailed politicians

Jeffrey Epstein was a bizarre creep.  Not only was he a pedophile, but he seemed to be drawn to pulling in famous people to his pedophilery, in the interests of blackmail.

A new book lays out how strange it was, stating that Epstein got his entire spy operation from the media empire of the late Robert Maxwell, a sleazy tabloid-media character who was Epstein girlfriend Ghislane Maxwell's father, and who died under mysterious circumstances himself on his yacht, years ago.  Apparently, he was useful to the Mossad for blackmailing politicians, so they all had some kind of relationship, and Epstein, a pedophile, was brought in.  Here's an interesting review with excerpts from Medium:

According to the former spy, the ultimate order to embrace Epstein and involve him in the ongoing arms deals came from "the bosses" at Israeli intelligence headquarters.

"They were agents of the Israeli Intelligence Services," he told James Robertson.

"Later on [Ghislaine] got involved with Israeli intelligence together with him. But not in this arms deal with Iran business," Ben-Menashe also told Zev Shalev, former CBS News executive producer and investigative journalist for the website Narativ.

"These guys were seen as agents. They weren't really competent to do very much. And so they found a niche for themselves — blackmailing American and other political figures."

He told Robertson, "Mr. Epstein was the simple idiot who was going around providing girls to all kinds of politicians in the United States. See, f------ around is not a crime. It could be embarrassing, but it's not a crime. But f------ a fourteen-year-old girl is a crime. And he was taking photos of politicians f------ fourteen-year-old girls — if you want to get it straight. They would just blackmail people, they would just blackmail people like that."

This, if true, tells us two things: that Epstein was able to get away from the long arm of the law due to politics, but he also may have had some nefarious sway over a lot of politicians, what with his tabloid spy ties via House Maxwell and, apparently, the Israeli spy apparat, too.

So imagine a guy like Bubba Clinton strolling into this and indulging his enormous appetites, and not a clue as to the forces circling him.

If even a scintilla of this is what was going on, there may be forces out there with the wherewithal to rub out Epstein in his prison, as well as hold enormous sway over many gullible and immoral Western politicians.

It once again raises questions as to where Bill Clinton was in all this.  He's intersected the Epstein world all too often for something of this nature not to ensnare.  And with a compliant media establishment, he's still getting away with saying nothing was going on.

Image credit: Photo illustration by Monica Showalter from public domain sources.

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