International corruption and transparency

It is an accepted truism that the most efficient way to weed out corruption is to follow the money.  It is hard enough trying to follow the money in national corporate and individual transactions, but how in the world do you follow the money internationally without financial transparency?

International sweetheart deals for family members and friends of prominent politicians are extremely hard to trace without the cooperation of foreign nations.  How do you prosecute international corruption without the cooperation of corrupt or adversarial foreign governments?

How do you get international financial transparency?  The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a joke and seldom if ever gets involved in international corporate bribery scandals.  Investigative reporting is also dying with the corporate domination of the establishment media, which are not very eager to investigate powerful national and international corporations.  How is future international corruption of politicians and corporate leaders going to be investigated and ultimately prosecuted?

The most recent example of international corruption is the Hunter Biden scandal.  Thanks mostly to the political influence of Joe Biden, his son Hunter, of credentials, was able to get nicely paid by the corrupt Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma.  BHR Partners, a Chinese private equity firm with 80% of its shares controlled by the Chinese communist government, put Hunter Biden on the board of directors and then moved more than $2.5 billion into various automotive, technology, energy, and mining endeavors in the United States.

International corruption, thriving behind a veil of secrecy, is here to stay on into the foreseeable future.  In an age of global economics, the world desperately needs international financial transparency.  But how to get it?

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