How the Democrats fail

Throughout the Dems’ impeachment inquisition, Republicans have reminded us what their elected representatives could be doing:  USMCA, prescription drug pricing, the National Defense Authorization Act, gun safety, transportation, infrastructure, and, oh yes, funding the government.  Instead, the Democratic-controlled House has issued more subpoenas than bills.  It is not idle hands that do the devil’s work, but idle minds, and the Dems, like reflexive zombies without conscious experience, are a  mindless throng of the undead.

Beholden to their Trump- and America-hating base, they contravene the better angels of our nature.  Their lack of self-awareness, empathy, and compassion allows devilish thoughts to riddle and pervert their vacuous heads.  The few holdouts who are capable of self-reflection dare not acknowledge the empirical evidence that America is thriving.   More than the best house on a bad block, we represent a shining city upon a hill, with Trump Tower conspicuous.

In The Better Angels of Our Nature, Steven Pinker demonstrates how violence (despite the constant bombardment of “if it bleeds it leads” news) has actually declined in much of the world.  Increased literacy, commerce, and greater rational problem-solving have all contributed. 

Regimes wrought by ogres in dank, decrepit Deep State crypts invariably unleash their malevolent minions upon nonconformists and those deemed deplorable.  The cliché “power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely” captures their soul-destroying orthodoxy.  Indeed, as Charles Krauthammer reminded us in his book, Things that Matter, it’s impossible to have a regime both of liberty and of “patriotic” state power.   Fortunately, by focusing on individual liberty rather than state aggrandizement, and by decentralizing corruptible institutions, our Founders crafted an enlightened social contract that protects us. 

For the first time in history, “the pursuit of happiness” became an inalienable right.  When much of the world was encompassed by destitution and destruction, and the human predicament seemed desperate, our Founders created the last great hope of earth. Inalienable rights are human ideals, not solely American, though we’re better at it than most.  

Marc Thiessen, speechwriter for former President George W. Bush,  relates these improvements in the human condition to the decline of socialism, a soul-destroying system that hampers human progress.  Of all the facts Thiessen unveils in his “Evils of socialism must be taught to young people” article, this is perhaps the most gobsmacking, from none other than the effete “intellectuals” at the Brookings Institute:  “for the first time since agriculture-based civilization began 10,000 years ago, the majority of humankind… some 3.9 billion people, live in households with enough discretionary expenditure to be considered ‘middle class’ or ‘rich’”  Yet, the Dem base would undo an election, effectively overturning our republic, in order to institute an obsolete system that dictates to the proletariat while not even providing bread and circuses -- crumbs is all you get.  A system bereft of innovation and ideas, which belongs on the scrapheap of history.

It reminds me of the insightful Ronald Reagan Soviet joke:  “A man stands in the line to buy a car. He plunks down the money for his new car. The person in charge says, ‘Come back in ten years to pick up your car.’ The buyer says, ‘Morning or afternoon?’ ‘Does it really matter?’ says the person in charge. ‘Yes — the plumber’s scheduled to come in the morning.’”  Disconcertingly, the Democrat-controlled House is equally unproductive. It is a House of inquisition and torment where idle minds conjure the devil’s work, as often happens in socialist regimes.  The Democrats are proving to be losers. 

Our magnificent republic has long endured thanks in part to the inalienable rights that encourage the better angels of our nature to flourish. Our American spirits soar on pervasive currents of freedom sweeping across our spacious skies; conversely, those ravaged by anti-Trump fever are twisted into emotional basketcases by the simple proposition of “America First.”  Upon spotting a nice MAGA hat they convulse, becoming so apoplectic that calmness apps are merely palliative against their dark spirits.

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