Democrats' wine-cave politics fizzles with new hypocrisies

So here we have it, Chapter 798 of Elizabeth Warren Hypocrisy, a book in multiple parts.

Warren, you recall, was berating Pete Buttigieg at that last, low-viewership Democratic debate, where they all tried to cook up reasons to hate each another. She said that Buttigieg held a big-dollar fundraiser in a California 'wine cave,' which had a $900 bottle of wine on the menu, figuring that the hardhats out there wouldn't care for that. One of the attendees has since argued that it wasn't that fancy. But here's the kicker:

Turns out she had some pricey wine of her own. According to the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — On a Saturday evening in June 2018, with temperatures in the 70s and the Red Sox playing at Fenway Park, supporters of Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren gathered at the City Winery Boston for a fundraiser.

They were treated to songs by the Grammy-winning artist Melissa Etheridge and heard remarks from Warren, who was months away from announcing her campaign for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination. For the top donors, those who could contribute or raise $5,400 per couple or $2,700 a person, there was a VIP photo reception and premium seating.

For them and others who gave at least $1,000, there was also a gift: a souvenir wine bottle.

So Pete's wine cost $900 a bottle, Liz's wine cost $1,000 a bottle. And Liz would have you think that she doesn't even do big-dollar fundraisers. But her big-dollar to-dos are even pricier than Pete's.

The Associated Press report is extensive and damning to Warren, pointing out the old house-flipper's history with bundlers, go-arounds, and huge lists of fatcat supporters. Warren herself says she used to do all this stuff but now she wants to do better, which is nonsense. What she means is she used to do this stuff, she made her pile, and now she means to pull up the drawbridge behind her to keep her competition away. 

In any case it was comical stuff. California's smarmy governor, Gavin Newsom, was up in arms about the wine-cave crack yelling that he owned one:

“It’s a point of pride. It’s one of America’s great exports,” the Democratic governor said. “I don’t know that it’s helpful to have those kinds of debates.”

..which was ridiculous, given that he was exactly what she was complaining about, a guy whose connections to the Getty billions are exactly what enabled him to buy the wine cave in the first place.

They're all pretty unsympathetic here, because they're all hypocrites. They want the advantages of wealth for themselves, but expect the rest of us to get into line and mouth the nonsense that wealth is bad.

No wonder they're all going to go down like the Hindenburg, come November 2020.





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