Brexit done — now for Clexit

Thanks to Boris Johnson, Brexit will now occur.  And thanks to Donald Trump, the U.S. has formally exited  the destructive Paris Climate Agreement.  And the U.N. alarmists made little progress at the big climate-fest in Madrid.

It's now time for Clexit (Climate Exit) — the great climate escape from all U.N./IPCC alarmism and entanglements.  Australia should join this rush for the exits.

Australia is a huge island continent whose prosperity was built on mining, farming, grazing, transport, hydrocarbons, and cheap reliable electricity.  Australians have much to lose from the U.N./Paris shackles, carbon taxes, and the globalist agenda.

The war on coal, oil, gas, diesel, cattle, and mining has harmed Australia's backbone industries, resulting in reduced prosperity, lower tax collections, and more Aussies on welfare.  The Kyoto forest lockups have sterilized useful private land, and the promotion of unreliable wind and solar energy is destroying industry, jobs, and electricity reliability.

Sensible Australians will choose to revolt, and, like Jeremy Corbyn, the Turnbull/ALP/Green/ABC climate alarm choir will find they are singing the wrong tune.

Like Brexit, Clexit is now inevitable.  The burden of climate alarm costs and energy disruption ensure that Western democracies will dump it.  The sooner it is scrapped, the lower the cost.


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