Bernie Sanders seizes opportunity to pretend he’s still Jewish

Please forgive my cynicism, but Bernie Sanders’ “response” to the recent stabbing attack at a rabbi’s home in New York strikes me as political opportunism rather than sincere expression of a genuine emotion, considering his track record. According to the Washington Post (in 2016) Sanders was hoping to become “one of the few modern presidents to present himself as non-religious,” which seems more believable than Sanders donning a kippah and using a blowtorch to light the final candle on a public menorah commemorating the final day of Hanukkah.

During his candle-lighting speech Bernie allegedly told the crowd, “If there is ever a time in American history to say no to religious bigotry, this is the time. If there was ever a time we say no to divisiveness, this is that moment.” Now I’m not Jewish personally (well, about as much of a Jew as Bernie), but there is a Yiddish word that I believe describes this despicable behavior: chutzpah.

He’s appropriating a tragedy and heinous crime for his own personal political advantage. It is extremely difficult to believe Sanders suddenly cares about religious freedom, isn’t it? Or has everyone conveniently forgotten about Russell Vought’s extraordinarily contentious confirmation hearing in which Sanders seemed to be applying a religious litmus test to disqualify Vought as director of the Office of Management and Budget?

Bernie Sanders is right about one thing: it is horribly wrong for Jewish people to be targeted because of their religion. Not only is it wrong, it is evil. It’s a pity that Bernie also couldn’t join me in the condemnation of the shooting at the church in Fort Worth. In my cynicism I’m having trouble deciding whether Bernie’s silence is due to the fact the intended victims were Christians, or more likely because they had guns and were able to slay the gunman after one man in the congregation deliberately stood and moved to draw his concealed weapon in order to attract the gunman’s attention and fire, becoming the first victim in the process.

In doing so, that hero embodied these words from the Christ found in John 15:13--Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

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