Why should we keep our guns?
In the last century, scores of millions of defenseless civilians were slaughtered by totalitarian regimes that first disarmed them. Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, communist China, the Ottoman Turks, and several dozen other despotic regimes committed mass murder of millions upon millions. Historically, genocide follows confiscation of arms as surely as day follows night.
In order to foster the deterrence of tyranny in American government, the Founders ratified the Second Amendment, acknowledging the unalienable right of the people to bear arms. The published statements of the Founders clarify their points of view with regard to their purpose for acknowledging that right. They clearly meant for the people not to be impeded from owning weapons similar to the ones used by government forces, so that any future despots might be deposed by an armed populace.
The right to bear arms shall not be infringed, according to the Second Amendment. All winning candidates, as well as all appointees to office, must affirm under oath that they will support and defend the Constitution.
Nevertheless, many officials have demonstrated their disdain for that oath, for aspects of the Constitution, for unalienable rights, and for the lawful limits of their delegated power. They have reneged on their solemn promise to support the Constitution. They have betrayed the people, deceiving them upon taking the oath with no intention of fulfilling it, or else have decided to violate the oath after having taken it. In either case, the failure to keep the oath renders them ineligible to hold office.
The tendency to fail to keep the oath of office is so commonplace, with virtually no consequences occurring as a result of that crime, that some candidates for public office now campaign for office on the basis of promises to violate the oath of office.
For example, several candidates for the presidency have said that they would take steps to further infringe the right to bear arms, a step clearly prohibited by the Constitution. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris have both indicated that they would sign executive orders to further infringe the right to bear arms. And Joe Biden has stated that the Second Amendment does not acknowledge a right of individuals to bear arms.
Some fear that if a Democrat occupied the White House, all kinds of anti-constitutional and destructive policies would be enacted, including suppression of the right to bear arms. Their fears are well founded, based on the shameless promises of presidential candidates and others in government to violate the law of the land.
If Americans cede their right to bear arms, it will not result in peace. It will not reduce crime. It will not increase public safety. It will only render them defenseless against tyranny in government, of which there is clearly no lack. And it will open the door to potential genocide.