The Palestinians and the Trump #Resistance

Revealed in Amil Imani's excellent review of Robert Spencer's new book The Palestinian Delusion may be the key to understanding another political conflict that has been vexing conservative pundits for explanation since the presidential election of 2016 — one that may become for the United States, its own domestic Palestinian Issue: "The #Resistance."

Much of what is commonly called "Trump Derangement Syndrome" appears to originate in a progressive delusion that Trump somehow, by duly winning the presidential election, as Spencer suggests, "illegally occupies" the White House — "stolen land" rightly belonging to the Progressives by "indigenous" claim and to Hillary as presumptive heir.

The parallels between the Progressive and Palestinian conflicts appear remarkable when considered side by side using Spencer's observations as recounted by Imani.

Like the Palestinian Arabs' response to the Israelis that Imani refers to when he states that they "refuse to compromise ... [e]ven after Israelis gave them Gaza ... this did not bring peace to the region."  Progressives refuse to compromise with the president, even after Trump conceded political ground to them and one failed Russian collusion hoax coup attempt left them looking foolish and petty.

And just as "Hamas terrorists never stopped launching rockets and mortar attacks against Israel from Gaza," the Left continues to resist.  Incredibly, Democrats continue to launch bogus rockets of impeachment at the president and persist in meting out instantaneous mortar barrages of baseless litigation and biased injunctions against the administration's every policy initiative.

Imani reaches the following conclusion about the current political climate in the Middle East: "The situation in the Middle East is intense and dangerous."  The same can be said for the present situation in the United States, especially in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, when it is sure to become even more intense.

Should President Trump win re-election, thereby denying the Democrats sovereign re-entry into what they consider their Progressive promised land just beyond the border fence at 1600 Pennsylvania, four more years of resistance is all but guaranteed.

Should Republicans likewise retake the House, Imani's dire assessment of the Middle East may also be true for the United States, when "[t]he conditions for an all-out war ... are greater than at any time in recent history."

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