Nancy and Willie warning Democrats

A few days after witnessing "Democrats minus two" vote for some version of an "impeach but not impeach" resolution, we get these two warnings from the West Coast.

First, Willie Brown, retired Democrat, warned Democrats about impeachment.  He was brutally honest:

If the goal was to damage President Trump by formalizing the impeachment inquiry, it's Mission Unaccomplished for House Democrats.

If anything, the vote solidified Trump's hold on power. There were zero GOP defections, meaning we have zero drama heading into the public phase of impeachment. Everyone is pretty much in the same lanes they've been in since the Russian-collusion investigation, the obstruction of justice investigation and every other investigation.

Unfortunately for the Democrats, that gives people little reason to be glued to their screens when House committees take public testimony. The basic story — Trump pressured Ukraine to announce investigations into Democrats that would help Trump — is out there already. People know how they feel about it, and if you believe the polls, they're pretty evenly split on whether the president deserves to be thrown out of office.

Again, that was Willie Brown, not Rush Limbaugh.

Then there was Speaker Pelosi warning the 2020 candidates.  This is incredible in so many ways:

"What works in San Francisco does not necessarily work in Michigan," Pelosi said in an interview with Bloomberg News published Saturday. 

"What works in Michigan works in San Francisco — talking about workers' rights and sharing prosperity."

"Remember November," she added. "You must win the Electoral College."

While the California Democrat declined to endorse any candidate in the primary race, she unloaded on progressive policies, saying they fail to make inroads with swing voters who backed President Trump in 2016. 

Well, it's nice to hear that Speaker Pelosi finally accepts that swing voters, not Russia, elected Mr. Trump.

Furthermore, what "progressive policies" is she worried about?  Late-term abortion?  Men who pretend to be girls playing on girls' teams?  The $15 minimum wage killing jobs?  Pushing a phony impeachment vote that does not really start any impeachment?

Well, at least Pelosi and Brown are warning Democrats about their failed ways.

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