Jim Jordan nails it on the impeachment scam

The combined power of the House Democrats’ high-handed management of hearings and full-throated media support have persuaded many Trump-haters that impeachment is in order for President Trump over his handling of foreign aid to Ukraine. But the case is based on smoke-and-mirrors, using second-, third-, and fourth-hand accounts and dwelling on the feelings of career bureaucrats who didn’t like the policy changes pushed by the new president.

Nobody has followed this farce more closely than Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, and yesterday he devastated the Democrats’ case by citing four facts that never change. Sundance summarizes what he told Fox News’ Dana Perino:

  1. We have the call transcript, there’s no discussion of linking aid to any investigation.
  2. The two principals on the call, President Trump and President Zelenskyy, have both stated there was no linkage of any aid to Ukraine dependent on any investigation.
  3. The Ukraine government had no idea that aid was being held-back pending confirmation of the stable intent -no corruption- within the new Ukraine administration.
  4. President Zelenskyy didn’t announce, didn’t start, and didn’t acknowledge he was going to start any investigation to get the aid released; and it was released without contingencies.

Watch for yourself:

Graphic credit: YouTube screen grab


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