Israelis accused of 'agricultural terror' against Palestinians

Israeli attacks on Palestinian crops are real; Palestinian attacks on Israeli citizens — people — are "purported."  That's the tenor of The Washington Post — how much clearer can the bias be?

In "In West Bank, rising 'agricultural terror'" (11/15/19), while Palestinians are notorious for throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails and murdering Israelis, the Post quotes a Palestinian who says, "They scream at us" and "run at us with rocks" — not that the Israelis throw any.  What is next for the Post: an article on "feelings terrorism"?

Nowhere to be found in the article is the actual "agricultural terrorism," far more expansive, by the Palestinians in the other territory: Gaza.  For years now, the Palestinians have been sending incendiary kites and balloons to destroy the forests of Israel.  Israel has recorded a total loss of at least 2,600 acres of JNF forests in Israel, according to the JNF, dated May of 2019.  Wikipedia, as of July of 2018, states that 678 fires have been set, "destroying 2,260 acres of woodland and 1,500 acres of agricultural fields as well as causing additional damage to open fields."

Yes, there are bad apples on the Israeli side, but why does the Post whitewash the much greater bad apples on the Palestinian side?  Deep in the article, the Post reports that "in the last two weeks of October," the record of violence against Israelis "included three physical attacks, 18 firebombs, two arson attacks and dozens [of actual] rock throwing incidents."  And all of this was given the designation "purported," while the Palestinian complaints were given credence with no qualifiers.

In the article, Israeli David Ha' Ivri, a member of the regional settlement council, said, "Day-to-day relations between settlers and Palestinians are calm and occasionally warm."  Well, that's counter to everything we typically read in The Washington Post about the two groups.  Why not take that a step farther — how about an article on the peaceful co-existence between Palestinians and Israelis, how they work quite well together and share friendships a vast majority of time?  Maybe it won't sell newspapers, but it will sell the truth.

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