Is Lisa Page singing to Durham’s prosecutors?

There is a fascinating tidbit that suggests a cooperating witness may be helping build the case against the coup plotters. I have for a long time suspected that Lisa Page could turn state’s evidence when it comes to plea deal time in the investigation of the investigators on the Russia Hoax. The former FBI attorney serving Deputy Director Andrew McCabe saw her adulterous affair with Peter Strzok exposed, and the lovebirds broke up. Page lost her job, compounding the humiliation and sore feelings.

More to the point during the summer of 2018, when questioned behind closed doors by Congress (this was when the GOP ran the House), Page contradicted testimony offered by Strzok.



Some saw her as throwing Strzok “under the bus.”

Lisa Page confirmed to GOP lawmakers that the text messages sent between her and her lover Strzok “meant exactly what they said,” contrary to Strzok’s testimony.

According to The Gateway Pundit, one damning text message in particular sent from Strzok on May 19th, 2017, just two days after Robert Mueller was appointed Special Counsel, intrigued investigators and the public alike.

“There’s no big there there,” Strzok texted.

According to investigative reporter, John Solomon, Lisa Page confirmed that text from Peter Strzok did indeed refer to the Trump-Russia case.

Strzok knew it was a nothing-burger yet he forged ahead.

More than a year later, US Attorney Durham is leading a criminal investigation, and is in a position to get indictments from a grand jury and begin negotiating plea bargains with officials in a position to implicate higher-ups in crimes. I have no idea whether or not Lisa Page has begun testifying or has been offered a deal, but she would be high on my list of people to try to flip if I were on Durham’s team. And it looks like I am not the only person who sees it that way. Check out this tweet that came out of the blue from Benjamin Wittes, co-founder of the Lawfare Group, the think tank that includes many of the legal brains behind the impeachment effort.



Sounds to me like a reminder to Ms. Page about who her friends are. Sundance writes:

My hunch is Ms. Page may have spoken honestly to Horowitz or Durham about her experience as part of the ‘small group’.  If accurate, and considering McCabe threw Page under the bus to protect himself against an internal investigation about his media leaks, Ms. Page’s current disposition may very well be adverse to the interests of the coup plotters.   [Additionally, Ms. Page had no involvement with the FBI FISA construct.]

Michael Bromwich is Andrew McCabe’s attorney.  Bromwich is a Lawfare member.

Perhaps the former Deputy Director is being positioned as the ‘fall guy’.

If so, Page, his FBI lawyer, might know where a lot of bodies are buried.

Photo credit: Twitter

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