Democrats beclown themselves with cows after Nunes gets done with them

House ranking Intelligence Committee member Devin Nunes blew Democrats' impeachment case out of the water yesterday.

Democrats had nothing in response to the substance of his takedown.  Nothing.  The less stupid ones made the phony claim that Nunes was repeating Fox News conspiracy theories, a bizarre claim, given that Fox News, with Paul Ryan on its board, has generally slipped into the NeverTrump camp.

The more average of Democrats dealt with it in their own particular way: by attacking Nunes personally, through his background as a dairy farmer, a perfect emblem for their rabid hatred for rural America.

The far-left Soros-linked Democratic astroturf moneybags site, ActBlue, decided to raise money to pay for cowbells with which to mock Nunes.  Here's a snippet from their site:

Oh, how classy.  Just picture it: hundreds of Democrats in their clown-show best, no doubt with some wearing cow suits, marching to beat cowbells in unison at the perfectly dignified Rep. Nunes. 

This is unintentionally ironic, indeed, given that the Sorosians are convinced they're on an intellectually higher level than the rest of us.  Ummmm...

It's such a stupid and embarrassing phenomenon for them that it basically amounts to an open invitation for Republicans to raise money off the spectacle of these boobs beating their cowbells.  It defines them.  It's "who they are," as the lefties like to say.  It's a natural call to the deplorables, and it's going to backfire.

When you have absolutely no case to make, no response to the powerful take-down delivered by Nunes yesterday, all you are left with are ad hominem attacks, and boy, are they beclowning themselves big-time.

Here's more of their clown show on Twitter:

You can see how exciting this all is for these clowns beclowning themselves with cows.  Apparently, it's all they understand.

As an unintentional lagniappe, the whole embarrassing spectacle serves as a reminder to the voters that Democrats detest farmers and all working people who have outdoor jobs — farmers, fishermen, loggers, oilfield roughnecks — the same people they have been persecuting for years.  Republicans can raise money off that, too.  Thanks for the reminder, bozos.

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