A huge, angry, Greta Thunberg, looming big over San Francisco...

Seems it wasn't enough for the left to compare young Greta Thunberg, a 16 year old Swedish global warming activist to Joan of Arc or even "Christ's successor."

The looney left of San Francisco is now putting up a gargantuan mural of her face, uglier, angrier, doughier and shadowier than it really is, as if to scold San Franciscans from above as she did in her theatrically overwrought United Nations tantrum for the cameras.

Now she's there permanently, or at least as long as the building owner wants her up there, looming and looming with an angry stare below to all us pudknockers who won't stop global warming for her sake. We owe her. Bills to pay, and all that. The angry stare is there to scold us forever.

Which certainly is child-exploitation for her, as some have noted on Twitter. After all, what parent would want their kid up on such walls like that, only to see such a mural eventually get graffitied or else just scraped off and painted over? It's like an ad and in every ad, someone's making money. We sure hope she's getting royalties for the use of her image...

Some have noted that the spray paint to put up the job released a lot of carbon compounds into the atmosphere, too, showing off the hypocrisy of the global warming lobby elites with lots of cash to buy murals. To paraphrase Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit: We'll treat the so-called climate change like a crisis when they do.

James Delingpole, at Pajamas Media, thought it looked like a cult-god thing, same as is seen in dictatorships, "those spooky eyes follow you everywhere."

Stalin, Mao, Kim Il-Sung, Saddam Hussein, Greta Thunberg…just a few of the cult leaders to have been immortalised by gigantic images designed to cow subject peoples into the correct mood of submission and terrified awe.


Its harsh, banal, giant and creepy, just as dictatorships do it.

It's also a sign of big money in play. Whoever's doing this has got some big hunk of the establishment behind them and as mentioned earlier, is making money. That being the case, it reminds me more of this, an old 2007 Obama ad run in the primaries against Hillary Clinton, parodying Clinton's elitist truisms.

The Greta thing seems to be the same thing. Ugh. Who, again, would want to expose their kid to that?


Image credit: Instagram screen shot

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