Ukraine takes off the gloves

In a story scarcely noticed by Our Honest Media™, the Ukraine prosecutor's office has announced that it is reviewing closed investigations into Burisma, the company that employed Hunter Biden for his vast expertise in fossil fuels and international trade.

Ukraine is reviewing all the cases involving Mykola Zlochevskyi, Burisma's owner.  There are no fewer than 15 cases involving Zlochevskyi, which might make the disinterested observer wonder why there's any question at all concerning his connection with the Bidens.

In a statement that might have raised eyebrows if anyone had been paying attention, Ukrainian general prosecutor Ruslan Riaboshapka told the press that he was reviewing cases that "have been closed in violation of the law or other procedural violations." 

[I]n those cases where there were illegal decisions [to close cases] to further review them. We have already reviewed, and made determinations on, dozens of such cases.

According to Riaboshapka, the review should be completed by November 20.  At that point, the questionable cases will be turned over to the proper offices for action.

There is no way that Joe and Hunter Biden cannot be worried about this, particularly since Joe is in no position these days to put a hold on any billion-dollar checks.  

It's more than likely that the Bidens' anxiety will drift in the direction of the House of Representatives, very likely settling on the speaker's dais and the center chair of the intelligence committee.

Needless to say, the few media outlets that bothered to report this development are trying to blame it on Orange Man:

Riaboshapka said the decision to review high-profile closed cases came after he took office in August, meaning it was taken after a July 25 phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

Well, whaddaya expect?

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