Spartacus to the rescue, coming to the defense of Joe Biden

As Democrats amass to impeach President Trump, the man at the center of the actual scandal, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, is on the ropes.  He's disappeared from the campaign trail, he's losing it with reporters, and now his donors are in a crisis huddle.

But never fear!  Spartacus is here.

Sen. Cory Booker, a Democratic candidate who's slipped so far in the polls that his support can be counted on one hand, and was last seen saying he might drop out of the race, is there to make a stand for...Joe Biden.

According to Breitbart, which has a transcript of one of his CNN appearances, emphasis mine:

I've said time and time again that this is unacceptable that if you come after Joe Biden, you're going to have to deal with me in this case. There is no, as you said, these are baseless, unfounded, scurrilous lies plain and simple. Trying to undermine the character of one of the statesmen of our country, not our party, but our country and so yes, you've got a problem with me. I can't speak for this in a political context. This is just me as an American to see these kind of attacks, and whether it's the lies this president tells about Joe Biden or lies he tells about — about other American citizens to demean and degrade them. Hell, I found what he wrote about Mitt — Mitt Romney to be absolutely unacceptable, assaulting another statesperson in our nation. And so this is a president that is demeaning and degrading. He is lying and deceiving, and there's got to be some accountability and the fatigue of this country. There's got to come a point that people just say enough is enough.

You know, we are a nation of virtue. We're a nation where character matters and — and this president is — is engaging in a level of moral vandalism that has got to offend the sensibilities of all Americans. And so, yes, I'm sorry. I — I was taught by my parents stand up for yourself but even more noble than that you should stand up for others who are being wrongfully attacked. And I don't care if it's one of his fellow Republicans Mitt Romney or the character of Vice-President Joe Biden, it's unacceptable, and he'll have a problem with me and I will always speak out against those kind of scurrilous attacks especially from a coward who is showing the greatest type of weakness there is which is lies, deceptions and cowardness.

Seems poor old Joe can't defend himself without the Brave Sir Booker, or Spartacus or whatever the New Jersey senator styles himself to be, standing at his side.

If we go after Biden, we are going to have to "deal with" Booker?  Oh, shivers.  Not even Biden scares us, and now we're supposed to fear the wrath of Booker?  And Biden's a "statesman"?  Or "statesperson," as he later corrected himself to bring up the matter of Mitt Romney, who got himself called "a pompous ass," in a richly earned descriptor by His Cowardness, President Trump.

When you're on the ropes, you normally want a bigger player to stand up in your defense.  Biden has...Booker, maybe bringing along T-Bone for good measure.  It's enough to make anyone cringe.  Big strong Booker, there to prop up flagging Joe Biden...

This is pretty pathetic, given that the two are nominally presidential competitors.  In theory, Booker should be laughing up his sleeve at Biden's corruption troubles that are supposed to be sticking to Trump.

Instead, he rushes to his defense, in what has the looks of a last stand.  For...a corrupt, swampy, zero-virtue hack named Joe Biden.

What this suggests is that maybe Booker was banking on a vice presidential slot from Biden, given his own miserable performance in the race and lack of other options.

What a suck-up. And what a pathetic excuse for a defender.

Image credit: Freedom 25/Vimeo screen shot.

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