Even Saturday Night Live is starting to find the Democrats ridiculous

There's all kinds of material Saturday Night live might pick for its cold open, so it says something that they've had about enough of the phony Democrats in their extremely embarassing town halls to find them rich, rich material.

They featured this week in the cold-open skit, which began with a reenactment of the LGBTQ town hall the Democrats conducted with Anderson Cooper as host, finding plenty of things to make fun of.

They began with the last scrum of Democrats remaining in the race (reinforcing that Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders have descended into a nothingburger, though maybe they wanted to protect Bernie), with Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, Julian Castro and Joe Biden the clowns and phonies obviously pandering for the gay vote, which of course is what they did earlier this week.

Booker is portrayed as the suck-up that he is, trying to make hay with gays on the tiniest of details. "My girlfriend was in 'Rent' so I get it," he claimed. The actor portraying Booker did a good job with sight gags, emphasizing Booker's wild eye gestures as he slavered for votes.

Buttigieg is portrayed as stiff and contrived, wondering why he's not making points in the polls, and hypocritically throwing a shot at Ellen deGeneres for hanging out with former President George Bush. He was believable.

Warren is portrayed very well in costume and wild gestures by an actress who looked just like her, claiming to know it all, and throwing gratuitous shots at the right, as Warren actually did this week in her incident addressing hypothetically an old fashioned Christian who asked about marriage between one man and one woman. The writers actually struggled to improve on Warren's insults against the right as their actress reenacted that one -- which shows the extent to which Warren is already such a rich parody the writers had trouble topping her.

 The Castro rolled on pandering with speaking Spanish, apologizing for not being gay and promising to "do better in the future" in the typical apology tours of the Democrats. The actor portraying Castro cites his demographics as his argument to vote for him -- for vice president, given that he isn't going to get anything better, showing just how shallow the man is.

Lastly, the actor portraying Biden came on, and made up for his lack of resemblance to Biden, with an expert character study of the Democrat - his cranky uncle persona, his malapropisms, his age, his pandering, his handsiness, his pretending to be gay to win the gay vote -- as Biden actually did, and his Walter Mitty stories. The portrait he painted of Biden was hideous.

If Saturday Night Live is finding Democrats their best bet for getting laughs these days, then that is starting to say something. Democrats should recognize that they're rich material for this sort of material because people can recognize their phoniness. With that the case,they can either buck up or go down in flames in 2020. The comedians have delivered for them a verdict and they look like clowns.

Image credit: SNL / YouTube screen shot



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