Andy Cuomo destroys New York business

Andy Cuomo's corporate cronyistic schemes continue to sabotage the Empire State's economic standing.

A new report released by the Tax Foundation brings to light what struggling businesses in N.Y. have known for quite some time: that confiscatory tax rates, along with Cuomo's penchant for giving great gobs of taxpayer money to favored but dubiously feasible projects, have a deleterious effect on existing businesses ability to remain viable.

The group ranked New York 49th overall in business climate, 48th for individual taxes, 43rd in sales taxes, 13th in corporate taxes, 46th for property taxes, and 38th for unemployment insurance taxes. 

Obviously, business leaders in New York are painfully aware of this situation.

The state's business groups weren't necessarily surprised. 

'New York again ranking near the bottom nationally in terms of its business tax burden is the latest reminder that much work remains to make the Empire State more competitive and affordable for small businesses," said Greg Biryla, NFIB's New York State Director.'

But of course, none of this has deterred "Il Duce" Cuomo from continuing to hand out tax money to unproven entities hand-picked by his "Regional Economic Development Councils."

Meanwhile, Cuomo's A.G. wastes millions more on frivolous (and seemingly endless) lawsuits against the Trump administration.

Anyone else see the irony in Emperor Andy's pet slogan, "New York Is Open for Business"?  Just pray that this joker never, ever makes it to the White House.

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