Not in my liberal, elitist, exclusive backyard! In yours!

You might think the know-it-all wealthy liberals who so smugly advocate green, greener, greenest energy would be the first to proudly host an energy windmill in their backyard or other parts of their property, flaunting their wokeness at pioneering the proper method of generating clean, green energy so as to instruct the deplorables who are deplorable.   You would think that.  But of course, you would think wrong.

The New York Times (yeahyeah, I know) had an accidentally comic report quoting wealthy liberals spouting all their pathetically amusing justifications for why they don't want a wind farm in my backyard because, well, it belongs in your deplorable backyard. 

As the New York Times' tweet (yeah, again, I know) pithily expressed it:

When word came that a transmission cable for an offshore wind farm in the Hamptons would go though one of the most exclusive parts of the already exclusive area, the push protect the planet was out and the imperative to protect a golden plot of sand was in[.]

Oh.  What.  A.  Surprise!  NOT!

As the article explained:

This affluent enclave on the East End of Long Island is steeped in eco-conscious pride, with strict water quality and land preservation rules and an abundance of electric cars on the roads.

So at first, many happily embraced a plan for an offshore wind farm that would help lead the way as New York State sets some of the most ambitious green energy goals in the country.

But then came word that the project's transmission cable was going to land in Wainscott, one of the most exclusive slices of the already exclusive Hamptons, where homeowners include the likes of the cosmetics billionaire Ronald Lauder and Marci Klein, a former longtime producer of "Saturday Night Live" and the daughter of Calvin Klein.

Soon a push to protect the planet was out and the imperative to protect a golden plot of sand was in. Homeowners organized and hired an army of lawyers, lobbyists, public relations experts and engineers to argue their case.

"Some in our community, most in our community maybe, are understandably enamored with wind power," John Finley, a Wainscott resident and the chief legal counsel for the Blackstone Group, the financial firm, said at a public hearing this summer before state regulators. "And it is part of the solution.''

Still, he added, "their zeal for wind power need not be exclusive with picking the best available landing site. Some view the landing site as a detail in the big picture of addressing climate control. But it is not a detail where the landing site is. My home is not a detail."

But you, you deplorable, the year-round resident, unlike elitist us who have multiple homes including this one — your home is a detail.  So the windmill belongs in your backyard.

In Montauk, resentment is building among some residents over the idea that they may be forced to accept the cable landing because of a campaign mounted by the deep-pocketed in Wainscott.

"That's always the irony in these things: 'It's a great idea and we want it, but don't do it here,''' said Paul Monte, the president of the Montauk Chamber of Commerce. "If it disrupts things for the lesser folks that's O.K., but just don't do it to our road."

Some environmentalists were shocked, shocked by the opposition.

We were blindsided by the opposition, and we were very surprised that it started to catch fire," said Jessica James, who designed her own green home in Montauk — with solar power, geothermal heating and cooling, and using locally sourced and recycled materials. ... If this project were to fail because they could not pass muster with all the agencies involved, so be it. But if this winds up not getting done just because someone has enough money to keep it in court indefinitely, it's going to be a very sad day for the future of green energy.

"The future of green energy" is a romantic, unsustainable, unrealistic, unscientific ideal that will be so unworkably expensive that only the woke liberal rich can afford it.  The deplorables will be in the red supporting it.  

So don't.  Resist, as liberals like to say, and locate the green infrastructure in their yards — back front side, above and below — of those oh, so green, woke liberals.  And deplorables, enjoy your windmill-free backyards in comfort.



Photo credit: Twitter.

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