Has liberalism become a religious cult?
Since the election of President Donald J. Trump, we are experiencing some of the fiercest resistance to a president in my lifetime. We have seen the rise of the violent leftist group Antifa along with a plethora of videos that clearly show members of the group physically attacking innocent people (mostly Trump supporters). With all of the evidence available, one would think the tolerant Democrat party would be the first to condemn the violence committed by Antifa. However, instead of condemning Antifa, the Democrats and their cohorts in the media highlight an alleged increase in hate crimes and white supremacist groups since President Trump’s election. The House Judiciary Committee even held a hearing on “Hate Crimes.”
Liberals’ failure to condemn Antifa signals that they feel that the violence against Trump supporters is justified because they deem them as racist Nazis. However, after an alleged hate crime is reported, the media fails to do follow-up reports that show that the majority of them turn out to be hoaxes that are perpetrated by the individuals that reported them. There is even a website that compiles a comprehensive database of the false reports of "hate crimes”
When observing the weird seemingly uncontrollable behavior and outburst of the young Antifa members, I seriously wonder if they have mental issues. Have they been indoctrinated to actually believe that anyone that does not believe the same as they do is a Nazi? They even call police officers “Nazis.”
It is not just young Antifa members that constantly spew the Nazi nonsense. Many liberal college students believe the same. Where did they get these unfounded beliefs? How did these young people become so intolerant of different opinions? Have these young people been brainwashed by liberalism?
We are also witnessing extreme intolerance of differing opinions from seasoned liberal journalists. It is as though liberalism is a religion to liberals. How else do you explain liberal journalists putting their professional reputation on the line to knowingly report fake news about President Trump or members of his administration in order to support their false narrative that they end up having to later retract? In addition, liberals are very hateful and abusive to anyone that leaves the Democrat party. Their treatment of individuals that leave the party is similar to how cult members treat defectors. The following is an email that I received from one of my YouTube subscribers:
I have been watching your videos on YouTube back to back for four days solid. Just letting you know, I walked away from the Democratic/Liberal party just under a year ago. I feel broken, I feel deeply depressed, I feel isolated and alone.
Six months ago I felt very suicidal from most of my family and all of my friends, who are Democrats/Liberals, turning their backs on me -blocking me on FB - and literally deleting me out of their lives forever. My two remaining Democratic/Liberal family members that hasn't blocked me on FB, they are stand offish and don't comment on my posts like they once did, I'm losing them, too. It's just a matter of time. And, I never once tried to make them feel bad for remaining Democrats/Liberals...just respectfully told them I wasn't one any longer.
As I said, I walked away. I was one for 30 plus years and was a Social Justice Warrior - who marched on the streets protesting for Liberal causes...especially, I marched at every single event for Black Lives Matter for the Seattle chapter ever since it began. THAT alone has me still messed up in my head. Cause, while they were beating my Whiteness up and making me feel sickening guilty for being White...I was feeling utterly ashamed to be White and I remained faithful to them, until I walked away from it all...and, I feel like I betrayed them but not. That does not mean I am nowhere ready to jump in and support and vote for any politician right now, tho.
My god, I feel so spent, so tired and confused as hell about so much still...still go through bouts of anger and crying sometimes....and, I'm still healing from the vile hatred from the Left and for the part I willingly and stupidly played in it all. Right now, I have knee jerk reactions of panic and anger if I am told what I MUST DO or what I SHOULD DO...as far as me getting back involved with politics. I had years of it with the damn Democrats/Liberals and I just can't take it from anyone else at the moment. Yet, I am confused still about some things and feel lost. [emphases added]
The Merriam Dictionary defines a cult as great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work. The indoctrination and treatment that this individual described in her email has caused me to seriously consider that liberalism might have developed into a religious cult.
Image credit: Blue Diamond Gallery
Contact the author at patdickson@earthlink.net. Follow me on twitter@Patrici15767099 & YouTube