
So much has been written about truth.  In the King James Bible, one reads: "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free."

George Orwell warned:  "The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it."

Winston Chuchill: "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."

Friedrich Nietzsche opined: "All things are subject to interpretation.  Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth."

And my favorite is "In vino veritas"...in Chardonnay, there is truth.

Lies are now defined by people as inner or personal truths.  Even though they are so often wrong, leftists are never in doubt.  Outright prevarication is "settled fact" and will brook no skepticism, let alone challenge.

Examples of lies that are now "settled" truth for the "woke" generation.

1. Single-payer system will improve health care and access to early diagnosis and treatment.

2. President Donald Trump is a racist.

3. The present good economy and energy independence were actually jump-started by Barack Obama.

4. The Arab-Israel conflict started in 1967, when the Jewish state grabbed ancient Palestinian lands and has exercised a brutal and racist occupation of local Arab citizens.

5. No guns, no crime.

6. The planet is headed for destruction by man-made ravages of the environment and failure to implement green policies.  #BelieveGretaThunberg.

7. Socialism is an inherently humanitarian and egalitarian policy and form of government.

8. Native Americans were benign eco-friendly farmers who abjured violence.

9. The end of colonialism brought independence and freedom to Africa.

10. Women never lie about their near rape and sexual harassment by prominent men.

11. Meritocracy is a back-to-the-plantation strategy of racists.

12. Only whites have privilege.

13. Antifa and Black Lives Matter always demonstrate peacefully for good causes.

14. The late David Koch merits no gratitude or respect.

15. The not yet late George Soros merits gratitude and respect.

16. Hate crimes and anti-Semitism are almost always from the conservative right.

17. A liberal education guarantees a good job and enlightenment.

18. All illegal aliens are seeking asylum from war and terror.

19. There are millions of inhibited transgender people of both sexes in America.

20. Gay people are a persecuted minority.

21. Minorities are underrepresented in entertainment and culture.

22. Women are even better than men in just about everything, including combat and sports.

23. Jihad is misinterpreted by Islamophobia.  It is a spiritual struggle within oneself.  Seriously!

24. Capital punishment is evil, but late-term abortion is a right.

25. Gender pronouns are offensive and biased.

26. In fact, there are more than ninety genders.

27. In the New York Times, even the ifs, ands, buts, commas, and semicolons are true. 

And here is the unvarnished truth.  All the above are lies, but they are believed with a religious fervor usually reserved for Commandments and prayer.  As Orwell warned: "The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world.  Lies will pass into history."

Graphic credit: Pixabay.

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