Anti-Semitic Linda Sarsour is out campaigning for 'Jewish' Bernie Sanders

Noted anti-Semite Linda Sarsour, whose pink-pussyhatted "women's march" got disavowed by the Democratic National Committee over its anti-Semitic associations with the likes of Jew-haters such as Louis Farrakhan, is now trying to pass herself off as a philo-Semite through her associations with Bernie Sanders. 

According to the Daily Caller:

Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders enlisted the services of far-left activist Linda Sarsour to campaign for him this week as he seeks the Democratic presidential nomination.

Sanders tweeted Sarsour’s remarks in a video that went viral Friday night and Saturday morning. Sarsour has come under fire for her harsh criticism of Israel, defense of Sharia Law, and refusal to condemn Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. She has also been accused by Jewish organizations of holding anti-Semitic views.



So Sanders is a Jewish person Sarsour can tolerate - because he's all in with the same kinds of things she is. According to this January piece from the Daily Caller:

 Sarsour has spoken in approval of Sharia Law; is an avid supporter of the movement to “Boycott, Divest and Sanction” (BDS) the Jewish state of Israel; and has maintained personal and family ties to the Hamas terrorist group, which calls for the genocide of all Jewish people in their charter.

Which speaks pretty badly for Sanders. And by the way, up until Sanders retweeted Sarsour's tweet, he hadn't been advertising his Jewish heritage much, either, in the main, because his real religion is socialism, and he's an old-style atheist.

What's obvious here isn't that Sarsour has had a change of heart, but that she's trying to extricate herself from the credible view that she's anti-Semitic by touting Bernie. That's why, instead of bringing up that Sanders is socialist as her reason for supporting him, she brings up that he's Jewish. Everyone is reduced to an "identity" with the identity-politics left these days and Sanders is happy to be her vehicle because he doesn't care about Israel or Jewish people, either. He'd rather have the Farrakhan vote.

It turns out the pair of them go way back as well, as this tweet indicates.

One hand washes the other. Bernie attracts the Jew-hating extremists on the left side based on Sarsour's campaigning. Sarsour gets a ticket to virtue-signal as a non-anti-Semite because she's campaigning for Bernie who by heritage is Jewish. 

It's all a shameless charade with Sarsour getting to pretend she's not anti-Semitic and Sanders getting to pretend that by padding his vote total with the anti-Semitic vote, he might just win the Democratic nomination.

What a disgusting exchange this is.


Image credit: Twitter screen shot

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