Activist groups can't give up on Kavanaugh

It looks as though the campaign to intimidate Justice Kavanaugh and affect his future Supreme Court votes isn't being called off simply because the story slurring him as a sexual predator as an undergraduate at Yale fell apart almost immediately upon publication in the New York Times Sunday.  That's only because Mollie Hemingway had read a preview version of the book written by the op-ed writers, upon which the pieces were based, and knew they had left out the critical exculpatory evidence, and took to Twitter and The Federalist to point out the deception.

Just because the purported victim says she can't remember any such incident, and doesn't want anything to do with the people pushing impeachment of Justice Kavanaugh, is no reason to stop the pressure to impeach Kavanaugh.  They don't expect to actually throw a justice off the Court, but they do want to delegitimize any vote he might cast on abortion and any other leftist issue.

Check out this letter that went out late yesterday to activists on the list of a group called The Indivisible Team:


Content warning: this email contains references to sexual assault. 


Hey, it's Meagan. The team asked me to write something about Kavanaugh after I tweeted this because frankly -- I'm pissed. 

Over the weekend, new reporting corroborated some of the worst sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh -- allegations that the FBI chose not to investigate before he was hustled through the U.S. Senate in one of the most corrupt, demeaning, and infuriating confirmation processes in history. The whole thing was abhorrent and completely unacceptable -- and still is.  

As we process this emerging news, one thing remains clear: Brett Kavanaugh is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. Full stop.  

Though Kavanaugh was confirmed last October, there is a process for impeachment of Supreme Court justices -- and this new evidence is a moment to show that we believe survivors and we’re all-in to build a better Supreme Court. It’s not too late to take action against Kavanaugh. Here’s a few things you can do to channel your rage: 

If your social media feed is anything like mine, the last few days have been an outpouring of grief and anger. I’ve had moments when I’ve wanted to cover my ears and shut it all out. I hope that if you need it, you’ll take a minute for yourself, and then join us again in the fight.  

- Meagan
Director of Democracy Policy
Indivisible Project 




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