American Thinker Blog
September 30, 2019
This stinks: A biased press is mauling Trump's TV defendersSeptember 30, 2019
Impeachment? Bring it on. Trump can put the Dems on trial in the SenateSeptember 30, 2019
The long knives come out for The Hill's John SolomonSeptember 30, 2019
Squad breaks from leash, prepares to devour Nancy PelosiSeptember 30, 2019
Democrats plan to march in lockstep to create their impeach-Trump 'narrative'September 30, 2019
In face of hostile MSM interviewers, Trump advocates take control and interrupt their narrativeSeptember 30, 2019
Just how bad was Hunter Biden's 'booty from the coup' appointment to Ukrainian gas company?September 30, 2019
Janus-faced Tulsi Gabbard is all in for impeachmentSeptember 30, 2019
Biden campaign 'demands' TV nets silence Rudy GiulianiSeptember 30, 2019
Saudi Arabia implements a huge shift in its public dress codeSeptember 30, 2019
Baltimore cleanup 2.0: Not a 'deplorable' face in sightSeptember 30, 2019
Palestinians, terror, and civiliansSeptember 30, 2019
Making life difficult for the Castro regimeSeptember 30, 2019
Jacques Chirac: Charming French conservativeSeptember 29, 2019
AG Barr’s trip to Italy on ‘official business’ may be a key to unmasking deep state entrapment of George Papadopoulos by CIA asset Joseph MifsudSeptember 29, 2019
At least 130 State Dept. officials notified of possible ‘culpability’ in ‘security incidents’ related to Hillary’s private email serverSeptember 29, 2019
So Moody's missed the housing bubble but can predict the effects of climate change on the economy?September 29, 2019
Boris Johnson’s aides investigating ‘collusion’ of anti-Brexit ‘Remainers’ with French and EU officialsSeptember 29, 2019
Glossy fashion mags: Getting woke, going broke, and watching the teenagers run off with the profitsSeptember 29, 2019
Ignorance show: Omar's plan to end all student debtSeptember 29, 2019
After Gillette, next male-market sports company caves to transgender madnessSeptember 29, 2019
The demise of the Democratic PartySeptember 29, 2019
It's not Republicans Democrats are afraid of; it's other Democrats!September 29, 2019
Fig leaf NancySeptember 29, 2019
Welcome back to the fray, Mitch McConnellSeptember 29, 2019
Americans have reason to smileSeptember 29, 2019
Want mass extinctions? Enact Greta Thunberg's visionSeptember 29, 2019
On the Jewish New Year: Reflections on resilience and survivalSeptember 28, 2019
Greta Thunberg's speech to UN strangely resembles a 1992 UN speech by 12-year-old Severn Cullis-SuzukiSeptember 28, 2019
'Snitches and rats and backstabbers' — Geraldo Rivera, of all people, sympathizes with TrumpSeptember 28, 2019
The 800-pound gorilla in the impeachment roomSeptember 28, 2019
Looks as if Deep State planned that 'whistleblower' stink bomb all alongSeptember 28, 2019
12 deaths from vaping, 6,300 deaths from transgender puberty-blocker drug?September 28, 2019
Dem governor of Illinois fires truth-seeking museum director as hat-gate scandal growsSeptember 28, 2019
Mini AOC is back with 'climate apocalypse in 12 years' parody videoSeptember 28, 2019
Fox News's on-air war cools off — for nowSeptember 28, 2019
Even the illegals are fleeing California — and half the state's voters want out, tooSeptember 28, 2019
Greta wants an oompa loompa nowSeptember 28, 2019
Donald Trump at High NoonSeptember 28, 2019
Will this go down as 'the mother of all traps'?September 28, 2019
A legitimate oppositionSeptember 28, 2019
Will Democrats' Trump-hatred push us into a new civil war?September 28, 2019
Hillary, kindly make like a treeSeptember 27, 2019
De Blasio's NYC bans use of words 'illegal alien' said supposedly in 'hate'September 27, 2019
Dems' impeachment frenzy is the prelude to the coming time bombs about to explode in their facesSeptember 27, 2019
As Biden falters, Hillary attacks Trump and positions herself to enter presidential raceSeptember 27, 2019
Cancel culture comes back to bite the Des Moines Register in the buttSeptember 27, 2019
Will gutless GOP senators sell out Trump the way their predecessors did Nixon?September 27, 2019
Who is responsible for the impeachment circus?September 27, 2019
Adam Schiff, 'artist of evil'September 27, 2019
Is this really all the Democrats have to impeach Trump with?September 27, 2019
Liberal media driving Trump impeachment narrativeSeptember 27, 2019
Greta never had any dreamsSeptember 27, 2019
Dems must go after Trump if they want to protect Joe BidenSeptember 27, 2019
Middle Eastern migrants 'assimilate' into Germany's social welfare programsSeptember 27, 2019
India and the US can strike an energy deal of the centurySeptember 27, 2019
Venezuela: From oil to cocaine?September 26, 2019
Trump impeachment inquiry: Two liars sitting in judgment so far ... and countingSeptember 26, 2019
Mitt Romney adviser sits on Burisma board of directorsSeptember 26, 2019
Smackdown: Rep. Devin Nunes torches vaunted 'whistleblower' reportSeptember 26, 2019
Gavin Newsom calls for impeaching Trump, gets slapped with recall petition from California's localsSeptember 26, 2019
Air war breaks out between Fox News Channel hostsSeptember 26, 2019
According to the AP, it is dumb white Democrat men who think Democrat policies are too far leftSeptember 26, 2019
Climate change and 'neurodiversity'September 26, 2019
Communist newspaper drops a truth bomb about impeaching TrumpSeptember 26, 2019
Elizabeth Warren visibly flustered over question on Biden's sonSeptember 26, 2019
President Trump right on target about Cuba and VenezuelaSeptember 26, 2019
The unbearable cost of a unity governmentSeptember 26, 2019
Trump's UN speeches really beat Obama's, don't they?September 26, 2019
Pelosi's impeachment scheme: Fool's gold for radical DemocratsSeptember 26, 2019
A simple solution for the logjam in IsraelSeptember 26, 2019
Impeachment complaint of the daySeptember 26, 2019
Has NYT NeverTrump Bret Stephens come back from the dark side?September 25, 2019
The speech they're trying to hide: President Trump's stellar UN speechSeptember 25, 2019
The Democrats' Ukraine hoaxSeptember 25, 2019
Rudy Giuliani tells Dems they've walked into a trapSeptember 25, 2019
Pelosi's 'impeach Trump' announcement a bad, bad sign for our republicSeptember 25, 2019
The once-great Democratic Party is kaputSeptember 25, 2019
Transcript of Trump-Zelensky call released, impeachment now likelySeptember 25, 2019
Pelosi's impeachment theater is boob bait for her rabid radicalsSeptember 25, 2019
California legislative madnessSeptember 25, 2019
Virginia governor Northam's Green New DealSeptember 25, 2019
The meaning of 'Howdy, Modi'September 25, 2019
Excellence or equity in education?September 25, 2019
Have we seen this before?September 25, 2019
Between Two Ferns: Not laughing at this claimed comedySeptember 25, 2019
The president as peacemakerSeptember 25, 2019
A qualified defense of nation-buildingSeptember 25, 2019
The Antonio Brown debacleSeptember 24, 2019
Top-level climate modeler goes rogue, criticizes 'nonsense' of 'global warming crisis'September 24, 2019
John Solomon devastates Democrats on UkraineSeptember 24, 2019
Master troll Trump calls Chris Cuomo 'Fredo' at UNSeptember 24, 2019
One problem solving another? Trump's trade war keeping Chinese money out of woke US universitiesSeptember 24, 2019
Inslee, Steyer, now Markey...funny how the greeniest pols are the ones flaming outSeptember 24, 2019
Bernie's new socialist 'solution': 'Billionaires should not exist'September 24, 2019
The real Ukraine scandalSeptember 24, 2019
Lucky Kamala: Willie Brown advises she's not doing it rightSeptember 24, 2019
The Iran crisis and Trump's re-electionSeptember 24, 2019
The clamor and the clangor of the bellsSeptember 24, 2019
Paint him black, and he calls for a middle-class tax cutSeptember 24, 2019
Europe's coming trade stormSeptember 24, 2019
Dollars and no senseSeptember 24, 2019
Hate preachers fundraised for Chicago Islamic charity with dark pastSeptember 24, 2019
Meet Nick Bell: The most baller candidate of 2019September 23, 2019
Trump's personality much better than Elizabeth Warren's to female voters, focus group findsSeptember 23, 2019
Sorry, Greta: Trump skips UN climate summitSeptember 23, 2019
New York Times' lie reveals the extent of Democrats' fear of the Ed Buck scandalSeptember 23, 2019
Elizabeth Warren is coming for your retirement accountSeptember 23, 2019
Mollie Hemingway calls out Mitt RomneySeptember 23, 2019
New York Times 1619 Project editor spews string of racist and Jew-hating tweetsSeptember 23, 2019
Trump scored bigly at amazing 'Howdy, Modi' event in HoustonSeptember 23, 2019
Rudy Giuliani was on fire yesterday about UkraineSeptember 23, 2019
The Ukraine Hoax is replacing the Russia HoaxSeptember 23, 2019
Fatherlessness, not racism, is the root of the problemSeptember 23, 2019
Electrical power in Australia — from success to failureSeptember 23, 2019
Another day, another cover-up for Democrats by the New York TimesSeptember 22, 2019
Joe Biden loses his lead, just in time for IowaSeptember 22, 2019
New Rambo movie tells the brutal truth about MexicoSeptember 22, 2019
In a crazy rant, Joe Biden tells reporters what kinds of questions they can askSeptember 22, 2019
Canada's global warming models threw out actual historical data and substituted models of what the temperature should have beenSeptember 22, 2019
Corruption blinders of the media and other DemocratsSeptember 22, 2019
Iowa Democrats obviously don’t believe the global warming hysteria their presidential candidates are peddlingSeptember 22, 2019
Is Cory Booker out of gas?September 22, 2019
Joe Biden and his son Hunter can’t keep their Ukraine story straightSeptember 22, 2019
The war on truthSeptember 22, 2019
The president prefers PocahontasSeptember 22, 2019
Donald Trump, force of natureSeptember 22, 2019
Maybe the US should let Muslim nations tend to their own affairsSeptember 22, 2019
Democrats may grow to regret the Hunter Biden storySeptember 22, 2019
Russia must be part of the WestSeptember 22, 2019
Democrats as a protection racket? Ed Buck makes it a trifectaSeptember 21, 2019
What's the British royal family going to do about that Epstein problem?September 21, 2019
Trump gives California a big fat 'no' after state calls for more taxpayer cash to perpetrate homelessnessSeptember 21, 2019
The climate strikes backSeptember 21, 2019
Soros and the 'whistleblower' non-scandalSeptember 21, 2019
Washington state's public schools show their disgusting stuffSeptember 21, 2019
College courses illustrate the devolution of Western civilizationSeptember 21, 2019
Media blame Trump, protect Obama — alwaysSeptember 21, 2019
Another trash attack on Dr. Ben Carson, starring Julian CastroSeptember 21, 2019
The climate 'strike' that wasn't oneSeptember 21, 2019
Andrew McCabe's chutzpahSeptember 21, 2019
Scaring the children on climate is cruel, cynical, and dangerousSeptember 21, 2019
Joltin' Joe Biden: Have fists, will travelSeptember 21, 2019
Lopez-Obrador facing a little reality south of the borderSeptember 21, 2019
Sanders's crazy scheme to flip American housing upside-downSeptember 20, 2019
Adam Schiff, the Lady Macbeth of the HouseSeptember 20, 2019
Rep. Matt Gaetz takes on Al Sharpton in committee meetingSeptember 20, 2019
Sorry, Greta, even your fellow Swedes aren't buying the climate change claptrap anymoreSeptember 20, 2019
Aboard Air Force One with President TrumpSeptember 20, 2019
Bill de Blasio quits presidential race, conservatives hardest hitSeptember 20, 2019
EU head hopeful on deal after Boris Johnson stood firm on BrexitSeptember 20, 2019
New theological trend of confessing sins to plants leaves vegetarians with much to answer forSeptember 20, 2019
'Hi tech entrepreneur' Andrew Yang not rich enough to buy a modest home in Silicon ValleySeptember 20, 2019
Deep State deflecting Biden's Ukraine scandal with whistleblower complaintSeptember 20, 2019
#BelieveAllLiesSeptember 20, 2019
Democratic hypocrisy on sex and murderSeptember 20, 2019
Even 12-year-olds want out of VenezuelaSeptember 20, 2019
How much longer will Joe Biden last?September 20, 2019
America is the linchpin of the worldSeptember 19, 2019
The walls finally may be closing in on Ilhan OmarSeptember 19, 2019
An ISIS aircraft mechanic caught trying to disable the same system that brought down two other 737s?September 19, 2019
Mainstream media savaged Nadler's impeachment hearing questioning of Corey Lewandowski (with an assist from Nancy Pelosi)September 19, 2019
Desperate Dems turning to fatally flawed WarrenSeptember 19, 2019
Photos: Trump rocks it at the border wall in San DiegoSeptember 19, 2019
Payback: Trump the fighter takes aim at California's blue cities over homeless crisis of their own makingSeptember 19, 2019
Iran's oil strategy could backfireSeptember 19, 2019
Sanctimonious, politically correct Justin Trudeau is foundering on politically correct sanctimonySeptember 19, 2019
Should we expect a Trump dynasty?September 19, 2019
Where have all the heroes gone?September 19, 2019
When Democrats whip out their pious talk about 'law,' beware...September 19, 2019
Veterans need to be 'force multipliers' against leftist bulliesSeptember 19, 2019
World arsonist: The Islamic Republic of IranSeptember 19, 2019
'Fake news' before we called it 'fake news'September 18, 2019
Did FBI and CIA have an agent provocateur who tried to entrap the Trump Organization in a Russia deal?September 18, 2019
Hillary has a new excuse for why she lost to TrumpSeptember 18, 2019
Trump, Kavanaugh, Lewandowski and our malignant LeftSeptember 18, 2019
So who's the real reporter here, in NYT Kavanaugh flub?September 18, 2019
Bill de Blasio: A candidate not even his wife would vote for?September 18, 2019
Implosion: Kamala Harris now polling below Andrew Yang in her home state of CaliforniaSeptember 18, 2019
Dems seek to censure their own narrowly-elected sitting senator for not opposing Trump enoughSeptember 18, 2019
The assumption about Iran that needs to goSeptember 18, 2019
Why won't the media tell the truth about guns and murders?September 18, 2019
Trump is only now a racist?September 18, 2019
What did you say, Julian?September 18, 2019
New survey: the plight of MillennialsSeptember 18, 2019
Of course UFOs are real...but what are they?September 18, 2019
Women's March gets new roster, still shot through with Jew-hatredSeptember 18, 2019
The Left is hell-bent on abortion-worshipSeptember 17, 2019
Kamala Harris doubles down on new bid to impeach KavanaughSeptember 17, 2019
Just as Iowa veers toward the Democrats, California comes to the rescue — for TrumpSeptember 17, 2019
As Trump calls for resignations, NYT finger-pointing begins on deceptive Kavanaugh hit pieceSeptember 17, 2019
NYT op-ed brazenly calls for packing the Supreme CourtSeptember 17, 2019
Democrats want their border crisis back and are actually plotting to get it –Border Patrol union chiefSeptember 17, 2019
Real Russian attacks against FBI, as FBI was trying to pin something fake on Trump?September 17, 2019
The Trayvon Hoax – a Fraud on AmericaSeptember 17, 2019
Activist groups can't give up on KavanaughSeptember 17, 2019
Not in my liberal, elitist, exclusive backyard! In yours!September 17, 2019
Fact-checkers who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stonesSeptember 17, 2019
The mother of all racial hoaxesSeptember 17, 2019
What I may remember about an incident that may have happenedSeptember 17, 2019
Beto is a four-letter word, part 2September 17, 2019
The scare strategySeptember 17, 2019
Think of the economic disaster if Obama or any Democrats running were president when Saudi oil fields were attackedSeptember 16, 2019
Aide to freshman Virginia congresswoman Abigail Spanberger calls Trump-supporters 'irreedeemable, white trash pieces of s---'September 16, 2019
What have the Houthis wrought?September 16, 2019
Energy security, the unstable Middle East, and the wisdom of electing Donald TrumpSeptember 16, 2019
Omar doubles down, still trying to tell the 9/11 victims who criticized her that she was right all alongSeptember 16, 2019
Another spurious Kavanaugh smear proves the depravity of the LeftSeptember 16, 2019
Caught peddling bogus story about Trump causing CIA spy in Russia to be exfiltrated, CNN plays defense...badlySeptember 16, 2019
Back when Bernie Sanders was praising Hugo Chavez, Chavez was plotting to flood the US with drugs?September 16, 2019
Mexicans are starting to turn on their cartels...September 16, 2019
NYT quietly corrects its outrageous smear of Justice KavanaughSeptember 16, 2019
Another global warming prediction of doom goes bust, looks ridiculousSeptember 16, 2019
Republicans must stem the tide of illegal immigration or be obliteratedSeptember 16, 2019
Yes, Justice Kavanaugh should sue!September 16, 2019
Bernie's big thoughts way more important than a babySeptember 16, 2019
Can Mike Lee tame the music copyright monopolies?September 15, 2019
Is Dianne Feinstein out to kill off Kamala Harris's presidential bid?September 15, 2019
The house Eric Holder built...September 15, 2019
Green energy policies proliferating a ‘greenhouse gas’ with ‘23,500 times more warming than CO2’September 15, 2019
Attack on Saudi oil infrastructure brings Sunni-Shia conflict to a new levelSeptember 15, 2019
Another Smollett-style fake hate crime blaming MAGA bustedSeptember 15, 2019
About that misfire on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and socialism...September 15, 2019
Ever had a shocking experience from a liberal 'friend' on Facebook?September 15, 2019
How to destroy our great country in a very short time? Start with ignorance of fossil fuelsSeptember 15, 2019
Should black athletes leave white colleges?September 15, 2019
Can mainstream conservatism survive in the 21st century?September 15, 2019
Sahar: The 'Blue Girl' of Iran, struck downSeptember 15, 2019
Is Beto selling t-shirts now?September 15, 2019
Klay Thompson, fundraising underachieverSeptember 15, 2019
New York Times blames planes for 9/11 attacksSeptember 15, 2019
Thoughts on 9/11: America at the tipping pointSeptember 14, 2019
The Democrat debate was terrifying. Who are these people?September 14, 2019
Saturday Schadenfreude: Julian Castro's debate act costs him a third of his votersSeptember 14, 2019
Blame academia for the insanity at Thursday's Dem debateSeptember 14, 2019
Spate of illegal alien rapes in sanctuary Montgomery County, Maryland draws large local protestSeptember 14, 2019
In Illinois, dead people not only can vote, but can get free medical careSeptember 14, 2019
Retired senator Orrin Hatch hilariously trolls Joe BidenSeptember 14, 2019
Beto O'Rourke goes from golden boy to problem child for the DemocratsSeptember 14, 2019
Ocasio-Cortez: Miami won't exist 'in a few years'September 14, 2019
Conservatives evil, progressives good?September 14, 2019
America's next oil bonanzaSeptember 14, 2019
The invincible Alexandria Ocasio-CortezSeptember 14, 2019
Why the right treats Marianne betterSeptember 14, 2019
Obvious questions that somehow the Democrat moderators haven't asked during the first five debatesSeptember 14, 2019
A little whiff'll do yaSeptember 14, 2019
CNN Climate Town Hall showed once and for all how crazy climate alarmism isSeptember 13, 2019
Beto's gift to GOP: 'Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47'September 13, 2019
Andrew Yang goes full Publishers Clearinghouse, offering a thousand bucks a month to 10 lucky families out there in TV-landSeptember 13, 2019
Debate: What's with all the sudden 'Obama-love'?September 13, 2019
The stupidest moment of all in last night's Democrat debateSeptember 13, 2019
Debate: For those who couldn't stand to watch, a quick roundup reference guideSeptember 13, 2019
Leaks that Andrew McCabe will face indictment lead to wildly different scenarios for how the case will play outSeptember 13, 2019
Four decades of bad nutrition advice based on 'settled science' was contradicted by rigorous study of the time – but it was largely suppressedSeptember 13, 2019
Debate: So did Bernie Sanders get Democrats to 'answer for their histories'? And speaking of that, why wasn't he held to account for Venezuela?September 13, 2019
China junks limits on import of US soybeans and pork for nowSeptember 13, 2019
Good news: Poll signals Republicans can rebound in Orange County and New MexicoSeptember 13, 2019
Debate: Julian Castro pees down Joe Biden's leg and tells him it's rainingSeptember 13, 2019
Bernie Sanders got some 'splainin' to do on Medicare for AllSeptember 13, 2019
Is California professionalizing college sports?September 13, 2019
Iran: is the game over?September 13, 2019
Chile is non-communist and very prosperousSeptember 12, 2019
Elizabeth Warren's Indian-persecuting ancestors pile up - and she'd like you to pay the reparationsSeptember 12, 2019
SCOTUS delivers big Trump win and implicit rebuke to San Francisco federal judge's 50-state injunction on asylum rules changeSeptember 12, 2019
Illinois Supreme Court selects chief justice married to indicted Chicago Alderman at center of huge federal probe into political corruptionSeptember 12, 2019
Biden upset about those whippersnappers in the press not oozing flattery to himSeptember 12, 2019
Israel and India targeted by phony 'human rights' criticsSeptember 12, 2019
New York Times: Airplane violence caused the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001September 12, 2019
Vermont claims the right to compel health care workers to kill babiesSeptember 12, 2019
For many journalists, predictions have been more important than factsSeptember 12, 2019
Marianne Williamson's hot mic: Still marveling at how lefties are meaner than rightiesSeptember 12, 2019
British 'globalism' challenges its democratic heritageSeptember 12, 2019
What happened to Obamacare in Texas?September 12, 2019
Transgenderism conquers science at Canadian Cancer SocietySeptember 12, 2019
Texas businesswoman visits freedom fighters in Hong KongSeptember 12, 2019
Why won't the right go after the porn industry's leadership?September 12, 2019
Greens know the destruction they're pushing on the rest of usSeptember 11, 2019
The impenetrable, gloomy rage of the Democrat presidential candidatesSeptember 11, 2019
Five things about that double–GOP congressional blowout in North CarolinaSeptember 11, 2019
The Bolton hullabaloo is just sillySeptember 11, 2019
CNN's spy exfiltration story was a Second Russia HoaxSeptember 11, 2019
President Trump should keep tweeting...and yes, John Legend is a 'boring musician'September 11, 2019
California workers unite...or else we'll unite you by forceSeptember 11, 2019
Huge racial disparity in SF homeless must be due to racism, right?September 11, 2019
Trump wins with the votes of people who don't like himSeptember 11, 2019
Individualism: Our eventual demiseSeptember 11, 2019
Discrimination is bad...unless you're wearing a MAGA hatSeptember 11, 2019
Democrats Have Forgotten 9/11September 11, 2019
All aboard Trump Train 2020!September 11, 2019
Liberals live in an anechoic prisonSeptember 11, 2019
The Trump-Lopez-Obrador deal is workingSeptember 11, 2019
Will Swedish cannibals save the planet?September 10, 2019
The best speech on Brexit — from a shocking sourceSeptember 10, 2019
Valerie Plame lies like a rug in her campaign introduction to New Mexico's votersSeptember 10, 2019
Justice coming for Rand Paul, thanks to Sixth Circuit CourtSeptember 10, 2019
Mattis refuses to follow the media's anti-Trump scriptSeptember 10, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard rejects Dems' abortion absolutism. Is she preparing for an independent run or a 2024 run?September 10, 2019
Venezuela tells UN it's not going to 'lose sleep' over complaints about its last 57 death squad killingsSeptember 10, 2019
One America News Network files $10-million defamation lawsuit against Rachel Maddow, MSNBC, and corporate parentsSeptember 10, 2019
So the NYT now thinks...Michael Bloomberg was New York City's greatest mayor?September 10, 2019
Change in population of world religious groups over the last 75 yearsSeptember 10, 2019
The 'moderates' in the Democrat fieldSeptember 10, 2019
'Biological male' is tautological. Let's not use itSeptember 10, 2019
Progressivism's human dog parksSeptember 10, 2019
9-11 heroes still need helpSeptember 10, 2019
Max Boot reaches peak narcissismSeptember 10, 2019
Can green turn blue into red?September 9, 2019
A French soldier's view of US soldiers in AfghanistanSeptember 9, 2019
Press completely opaque to Trump's grip on socialismSeptember 9, 2019
Left-wing principal of DC school fails to protect Trump-supporting studentSeptember 9, 2019
Did Jerry Nadler lie to a federal judge?September 9, 2019
Who is this toilet-mouthed Chrissy Teigen, and why is she associated with housewares at Target?September 9, 2019
So famous lefty feminist lawyer Lisa Bloom offered to plant stories to trash Harvey Weinstein's victims?September 9, 2019
Once again, climate warriors rescued from their ship trapped in polar iceSeptember 9, 2019
An illegals racket so big migrants can now leave Yelp ratings? Check out Michelle Malkin's new bookSeptember 9, 2019
Liberalism and the role of achievementSeptember 9, 2019
Got Google? Scarier than milkSeptember 9, 2019
Surprise! IAEA finds uranium traces in Tehran, where Netanyahu told it to lookSeptember 9, 2019
Trump's tariffs are keeping the US out of a recessionSeptember 9, 2019
LGBT activists go after the SaintSeptember 8, 2019
'Modern day Pharisee': Pete Buttigieg gets some comeuppanceSeptember 8, 2019
Did Jeffrey Epstein have something on the New York Times's big shots?September 8, 2019
So Hillary Clinton is the September 8, 2019
Media bias called out -- and not by a conservativeSeptember 8, 2019
Kamala Harris lies again, this time about being the scrappy prosecutor suing Big OilSeptember 8, 2019
Mainstream media has hidden news of Biden’s bloody eyeballSeptember 8, 2019
The Stepford studentsSeptember 8, 2019
Even New York Times sees that Chinese leadership is divided and waveringSeptember 8, 2019
Anti-Semitic Linda Sarsour is out campaigning for 'Jewish' Bernie SandersSeptember 8, 2019
Trump drops Saturday bombshell: calling-off planned secret Camp David negotiations with Taliban and Afghan presidentSeptember 8, 2019
Anti-Brexit Brit parliamentarians colluded with EU to sabotage PM Johnson’s no-deal BrexitSeptember 8, 2019
How mainstream reporters disgraced themselves during Hurricane DorianSeptember 8, 2019
Has liberalism become a religious cult?September 8, 2019
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America misinterpreting Christ’s teachings yet againSeptember 8, 2019
Good unemployment news is bad politics for some DemocratsSeptember 7, 2019
Hey, lefties! Are you ready for, say, UK Lord High Chancellor Nigel Farage?September 7, 2019
Chick-fil-A opens first international store as eager customers step over bodies of 'die-in' protestersSeptember 7, 2019
The suicide of the House is completeSeptember 7, 2019
No, the US ambassador to Zimbabwe is not a Deep-Stater who adores MugabeSeptember 7, 2019
Lefty ThinkProgress website closes, lays off staffSeptember 7, 2019
What women need to understand to deal with bad menSeptember 7, 2019
Democrats' 2020 game planSeptember 7, 2019
For whom are reparations due?September 7, 2019
Abortion number-one cause of death globally?September 7, 2019
There are solutions, and then there is what we saw on CNNSeptember 7, 2019
IRS fakers using malware to steal financial information from AmericansSeptember 7, 2019
Tyranny by majority vote: Can the people vote out the right to bear arms?September 7, 2019
A quick and logical argument against birthright citizenshipSeptember 6, 2019
Obamas try to muscle little company into handing over its trademark to themSeptember 6, 2019
ICE sweeps out a slew of war criminals and human rights violators shielded by sanctuary cities...September 6, 2019
Bernie Sanders: Kill the babies, save the planetSeptember 6, 2019
The Left's determination to destroy us from withinSeptember 6, 2019
Climate hysterics now push eating human flesh to cope with 'climate change'September 6, 2019
Maryland's Montgomery County Council disgraces itself defending sanctuary policies that allowed 7 illegals to remain and rape local residentsSeptember 6, 2019
Jussie Smollett's chutzpahSeptember 6, 2019
Robert Mugabe, socialist curse of humanity, is goneSeptember 6, 2019
A second look at recent attacks on Jews in New York CitySeptember 6, 2019
The rise of left-wing entropySeptember 6, 2019
A review of the novel Bill Clinton co-wrote with James PattersonSeptember 6, 2019
The real skinnySeptember 6, 2019
European Central Bank to put climate change at its coreSeptember 6, 2019
'It's good to be the king'September 6, 2019
I guess you can say anything against black RepublicansSeptember 5, 2019
Four years after allowing universal ‘concealed carry’ law, Maine rated the safest state in the nation for crimeSeptember 5, 2019
Does Trump have something up his sleeve to help Boris?September 5, 2019
Hilarious lineup of commercials for CNN’s climate hysteria town hallSeptember 5, 2019
Pope Francis effectively admits it: He really, really hates AmericansSeptember 5, 2019
Leif Olson reinstated to his job, leaving Bloomberg Law with egg all over its faceSeptember 5, 2019
Rep. Susan Davis (D-Calif) packs it in -- and the crazed leftist circleSeptember 5, 2019
On CNN’s climate hysteria town hall, Wolf Blitzer claimed ‘We’re seeing firsthand the effects of climate change’ with Hurricane DorianSeptember 5, 2019
Gregory Craig, Democrat lawyer, acquitted by DC jury in case arising from Mueller reportSeptember 5, 2019
Gross! Biden’s left eyeball filled with blood during CNN’s climate change town hallSeptember 5, 2019
The Left treats some SCOTUS opinions as sacred, but others, not so muchSeptember 5, 2019
Bernie Sanders gives crying baby the heckler treatmentSeptember 5, 2019
Kamala Harris laughs about paper straws quickly collapsing, but still wants to ban plastic strawsSeptember 5, 2019
The curious case of Israel's invisible electionSeptember 5, 2019
WaPo inverts victim and aggressorSeptember 5, 2019
Do police have a duty to protect anyone?September 4, 2019
Beijing folds on Hong Kong extradition law, but the genie is out of the bottleSeptember 4, 2019
Meet the 'super pro-cop' gorgeous young Latina running for Congress who calls herself 'the anti-AOC'September 4, 2019
No, Boris Johnson isn't defeatedSeptember 4, 2019
Chicago mayor Lightfoot blames Republicans for gun violence in her citySeptember 4, 2019
Desperate Venezuelans scour family records for any hint of Jewish ancestrySeptember 4, 2019
Texas judge officially admonished for draping courtroom door in black protesting confirmation of Justice KavanaughSeptember 4, 2019
Whoopi Goldberg warns Debra Messing about those 'lists' targeting TrumpersSeptember 4, 2019
Speaking tour by Palestinian youth 'journalist' exposes Chicago-based IslamistsSeptember 4, 2019
Government should get out of the flood insurance businessSeptember 4, 2019
The American Dream beats the Socialist Dream every timeSeptember 4, 2019
The power of the red hatSeptember 4, 2019
As the rule of law dissipates...September 4, 2019
Iran's missiles violate UN Security Council Resolution 2231September 4, 2019
Who knew? It's Indiana's faultSeptember 3, 2019
Anti-Trump crusader dishonestly reports anti-Semitic 'scoop' and runs young Trump appointee out of his jobSeptember 3, 2019
Snowflake crybully wants people to stop wearing red caps because she feels triggered by MAGA hatsSeptember 3, 2019
So much for the lunatic charge that Trump is 'in Putin's pocket'September 3, 2019
Trashing the schools, de Blasio will drive more New Yorkers out of the citySeptember 3, 2019
Speaking of family separations: Chicoms remove Hong Kong protester kids from their parentsSeptember 3, 2019
Thoughts of a hungry but woke white manSeptember 3, 2019
Beto gets naked about it: Grab gunsSeptember 3, 2019
Confused old man Joe Biden wants to ban gun 'magazines that have multiple bullets in them'September 3, 2019
As Boris Johnson amasses strength, strange things start to fall into placeSeptember 3, 2019
Critics find yet another global warming fraud: walruses leaping to their death because of reduced iceSeptember 3, 2019
Why Harris, Booker, and Klobuchar will never be presidentSeptember 3, 2019
Even the powerful are not above the lawSeptember 3, 2019
Colin Kaepernick, still in the newsSeptember 3, 2019
Lies and all, vote Trump in 2020September 3, 2019
Beto is just a 4-letter wordSeptember 2, 2019
Debra Messing's doxx-the-Republicans threats get uglierSeptember 2, 2019
Beto's toilet mouthSeptember 2, 2019
Model agency head wanted for questioning about Jeffrey Epstein’s sex ring has disappeared like a ‘ghost’September 2, 2019
NY Times polling guru cautions Trump-hating readers that his approval numbers may go higherSeptember 2, 2019
Power player: Boris Johnson puts the muscle to U.K.'s Tory wetsSeptember 2, 2019
CNN falsely pushes claims that ‘climate crisis is making hurricanes more dangerous’September 2, 2019
Madeleine, whatever got into you?September 2, 2019
Are American Voters Helpless?September 2, 2019
Tom Steyer’s tax disclosure is transparent as mudSeptember 2, 2019
A good Labor DaySeptember 2, 2019
BDS compromises Christian theologySeptember 2, 2019
More anti-Israel bias at the Washington PostSeptember 2, 2019
Balancing rights and responsibilitiesSeptember 1, 2019
NOAA debunks assertions that global warming has spurred more hurricanesSeptember 1, 2019
Deep thoughts on the Constitution from MSNBC’s Chris HayesSeptember 1, 2019
Bernie Sanders is coming for your meatSeptember 1, 2019
A black writer dissolves the wall of idiocy around 'diversity' heroesSeptember 1, 2019
Huge transgender case will be heard by Supreme Court in OctoberSeptember 1, 2019
A tough week for NBC!September 1, 2019
A gay old time at the first straight pride paradeSeptember 1, 2019
It’s time to repurpose ‘Labor Day’ as 'Taxpayers’ Day’September 1, 2019
Physics is racist and sexist?September 1, 2019
Bernie Sanders’s TVA problem for his Green New DealSeptember 1, 2019
The lesson of World War II: If nations really want peace, they must prepare for warSeptember 1, 2019
Beijing's worst nightmare from Hong Kong is on the horizonSeptember 1, 2019
Gaza’s woes self-inflicted
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- New report: NYPD officer accused of spying for the Chinese…from the same building as the FBI field office
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