Trying too hard to sound lefty?

We see it every day, from a wealth tax to racism and now the latest from Bernie Sanders: 

Fossil fuel executives should be criminally prosecuted for the destruction they have knowingly caused.   

Am I missing something?  Was that supposed to be a joke or one of those trial balloons that people float here and there?

Let's think about this:

First, how are you going to prosecute business executives for operating a legal business?  What destruction has the fossil fuel industry created?  

Second, do people like Senator Sanders really think that primary voters are that crazy?  Wonder how many work directly or indirectly in a fossil-fuel business, such as a gasoline station or a retail store that sells motor oil or whatever?

Third, don't they understand that they will have to shift to the center at some point in the future?  

Is the Democrat nominee going to say nonsense like this in his convention speech?

I don't know the full answer.  

At the same time, there must be a lot of Democrats wondering about their party.  I recall a similar situation in 1971-72 and it did not end well for them.

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