The unbearable whiteness of the Obamas' new house

Has the white half of Barack Obama gone white supremacist?  Is the lavish house on Martha's Vineyard just purchased by the former first couple one of those racist "dog whistles" that progressives so often are able to hear?

Take a look at the startling sheer whiteness of the interior of the house, as featured in The Earl of Taint:

As the Earl notes, most of the brown to be found is where people step on.

If President Trump purchased a house with so much whiteness, you can bet that the cries of racist symbolism and dog whistles would have been heard throughout the prog internet.

It occurred to me that maybe the Obamas are planning to remodel the place with colors that "look like America."  But then I realized that the Obamas already have been renting the property and obviously like it so much they decided to buy it.

Or maybe they miss the White House so much that they want an nearly all-white house?  But the interior of the D.C. White House isn't anything at all like as white as the Vineyard estate, where you'd be advised to bring your sunglasses inside if you visit.

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