Muslim extremists announce support for Sanders and Castro

In 2019, Muslim Brotherhood affiliates participate openly in America's political process, in the country they wish to destroy. Emgage Foundation's CEO Wa'el Alzayat has published an announcement of the  to take place in Houston, Texas on August 31, with the following enthusiastic invitation:

"On behalf of Emgage, Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) are THRILLED to announce that Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro will be participating at the ISNA Presidential Forum on August 31, in Houston, Texas. Their attendance will mark the first and long awaited appearance of a presidential candidate in recent memory before an all Muslim crowd."

They are thrilled. How nice for them. They are thrilled to support far-left candidates who espouse a degraded ideology that is responsible for imposing poverty, murder, and tyranny.

The invitation continues:

"There are 4-5 million Muslims in the United States, with at least 100 American Muslims who ran for public office during the midterm elections. We believe that engaging Muslim American voters IS the future of American politics, which is why the attendance of these candidates at ISNA is a momentous occasion. We are proud to welcome them for a dialogue about inclusion, equity, and how to counter dangerous rhetoric against our minority communities. Please Join us!"

Inclusion, they say. Interesting. Is that why they advertise the event as one where candidates will appear before an "all Muslim crowd"?

Equity, they say. Curiously, their actual ideology, based on Sharia, denies rights to non-Muslims, who are considered inferior to Muslims, worthy of being subjugated, persecuted, raped, mutilated, and murdered. Even Muslim women are deprived of rights and considered inferior to Muslim men. (Mohammad said that most of the inhabitants of Hell are women.)

"Dangerous rhetoric against minority communities," they say. "Truthful expressions that reveal the horrific reality of that which Sharia authorizes and requires," is what they should say. "Factual revelations about the barbarity, perversion, and genocidal intent of Islam," is what they should say.

Alzayat wraps up the invitation thus: 

"Our community is paying attention to how politicians engage with us, and is differentiating between those who say that they stand for religious freedom, and those who back it up with actions. Attending this event and speaking directly to our community in these critical times is a perfect example of the latter.”

Religious freedom is an American principle abused by Sharia-adherent jihadis for the purpose of worming their way into government, law enforcement, public education, and other spheres of American society, in service to the Muslim Brotherhood agenda of destruction of all institutions, rights, freedoms, and society at large. There is no religious freedom in Islam, where anyone who criticizes, contradicts, or mocks Mohammad or the Qur'an is subject to the death penalty.

Religious freedom is not designed to give license to religious maniacs to commit any of the many perverse, violent, or fascistic acts called for by Sharia. In fact, practice or promotion of Sharia is unlawful in America, according to American federal and state law.

For example, Article VI of the Constitution stipulates that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, while Sharia is diametrically opposed to it in practically every aspect.

Another example would be Article I, Section 3 of Florida's Constitution, which states:

"Religious freedom shall not justify practices inconsistent with public morals, peace, or safety."

The great majority of Sharia's tenets call for practices inconsistent with public morals, peace, and safety, as they call for mass murder, rape, slavery, and fascistic oppression of non-Muslims. The teaching of those tenets is unlawful, under Chapter 876 of Florida Statutes, which outlaws practice or promotion of Fascism. It is also unlawful to incite violent acts, to promote subversion, or to contribute to the degradation of the morals of minors.

Why then do Muslim Brotherhood affiliates wish to promote the candidacy of Bernie Sanders and Julian Castro? They see in them men who as president would serve the agenda of self-defined enemies of America, who would aid and abet them in carrying out America's destruction.

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