Michael Avenatti gets an impressive Twitter smackdown

You'd think that Michael Avenatti, who's facing disbarment and 100 years in the can for putting the 'criminal' into the phrase 'criminal lawyer,' might have better things to do than harass a woman who wrote a book about a political matter.

But sure enough, the creepy porn lawyer was out there on Twitter, trying to troll, his peculiar notion of priorities going into overdrive.



You'd think he'd have better things to do. After all, he's under indictment for embezzlement of a handicapped client's legal payout, a loan fraud scheme against a bank in Mississippi, and a $25 million extortion scam against Nike. The creepy porn lawyer's got lots of things to focus on these days now that the long arm of the law has caught up to him. 

I guess you could argue that Mollie Hemingway, the object of his idiotic attack has better things to do, too. But she's witty and it probably didn't take much work, so Miss Hemingway gave the clod the smackdown he needed:




Image credit: Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with Twitter screen shot and public domain source.

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