Greenland: Something to think about

Denmark's having trouble with its annual half-a-billion-dollar support for the 58K people living in Greenland, so DJT moots the idea of us buying the world's largest island.

The geostrategic implications are huge (mainly to keep the Chinese and Russians out), but so would be the likelihood of mineral discoveries and geothermal heat.  We'd be permanently in a strategic location to service the trans-Atlantic Cable and keep an eye on the Russians and Chinese in the Arctic and the Russians in the Baltic.  And with Greenland aboard, we would be well positioned if Iceland goes on the block.

Beyond all that, imagine the fun of such an investment.  Major League Baseball and soccer teams.  The Ice Bowl.  The Arctic Burger.  The Iditarod Cup.  Ice fishing.  Glacier ice cubes like what John Wayne used, denser than ordinary ice so that a cube lasts all evening in a mixed drink.  The possibilities proliferate.

In all seriousness, this has a chance to be another Seward's Folly, where in 1867 the U.S. secretary of state acquired Alaska.  Pundits at the time howled with derision, but Seward's vision has borne unimaginable fruit today.  Alaska adds immensely to our defense capabilities, not to mention being a great vacation spot, a vast wildlife refuge, and a petroleum and mineral storehouse.

The Left will pull hair, scream, swear, call Trump names, throw tantrums, and march in the streets.  Leftists will do that anyway.  If we position our cameras ahead of time, we might catch some entertaining if NSFW dialogue and some really nasty people doing some really childish things.  Hey, it makes for good YouTube if you're into that sort of thing.

It's doubtful that the Danes will sell Greenland.  Greenland's foreign ministry tweets that the country is "open for business, not for sale."  But if ever that changes, we need to be right there, first in line, check in hand.  Something to think about.

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