Pete Buttigieg livin’ large on the campaign trail

So much for the urgency of the Green New Deal that Peter Buttigieg is backing. Let other people take the bus, Peter is chartering private jets like no other Democrat running for president. Bryan Slodysko reports for AP:

 Pete Buttigieg has spent roughly $300,000 on private jet travel this year, more than any other Democrat running for the White House, according to an analysis of campaign finance data.

The expenditures have enabled the South Bend, Indiana, mayor to keep up an aggressive schedule, shuttling from his campaign headquarters in his hometown to fundraisers and political events across the country. But his reliance on charter flights contrasts sharply with his image as a Rust Belt mayor who embodies frugality and Midwestern modesty.

Peter’s hardly the first candidate to push a bogus image. But it’s more than just that; the claimed urgency of global warming means that he is killing the planet for political gain – if you buy the warmist fraud. The GND tells us that we have to sacrifice our comfort, our transportation and our livelihoods because the disaster is so imminent. Anyone who really believes that would never charter a jet.

But private jets aren’t the only way Peter is livin’ large:

His campaign spent about $110,000 at a Hilton hotel in downtown Miami during the first round of Democratic debates last month . Buttigieg’s campaign says the expenditures covered a large block of conference rooms and rooms for campaign staff, though records show it’s drastically more than any other top contender paid for lodging that week.

He also spent about $20,000 at other Hilton hotels, $14,000 on car and limousine services and $4,100 at the Avalon in Beverly Hills, which bills itself as a hotel that “sets the tone for hip repose.”

The campaign can afford all of this, of course because:

He led the field of Democratic candidates in fundraising during the second quarter, raking in $24.8 million .

One thing that you almost never hear or read in the MSM is that the reason Buttigieg’s fundraising is so robust that lots of homosexuals see his candidacy as a turning point.  As the first openly gay Democrat* presidential contender, Buttigieg is breaking down a barrier to acceptance. Vanity Fair is one of the few publications to acknowledge this, perhaps because it believes its readership is sympathetic to the cause.

But voters in unfashionable neighborhoods without closets full of designer duds might not be as happy with the notion that gay money is pushing a homosexual candidate.

Private jets are fun! (Photo credit: Gage Skidmore)

Especially one that throws around money on luxuries.

* I am informed that Fred Karger ran as an openly gay GOP candidate in 2012.

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